Once again, Pc Building advice?


Gold Member
Username: Kpa2727

Old Bridge, NJ USA !

Post Number: 1506
Registered: May-07
Ok i'm fed up i have a hp pavillion 810n that aged nicely but it's getting to it's final rope before it hangs me. i need to upgrade, i think. it hasn't been over clocked cause it can't. i have 2 gig's of OCZ platinum ram. Vision tek ati radeon 256mb x1550 graphics card. 2 dvd burners, 200 gig seagate drive with 150 gig external and a 500 gig external plus a 150 gig external. when i bought the pc in 05 maybe 04 it came with and still has a Amd Athlon 64 processor 3300+ 2.41 ghz. the computer was meant for basic dvd burning, photoshoping, net surfing, some video work even though it puushes the limits of my setup when it was running 1 gig of ram. i don't do much gaming , just some roller coaster tycoon running at full tilt. all my other gaming is strictly on console. i do use a 32 inch samsung high def tv as my moniter to though. so heres why i want a upgrade. i installed vista ultimate and my ati card s causeing hell with vista. the card kept conflicting with it's drivers and causeing windows toclose and open slowly, lag a tn acctually until i uninstalled the ati driver, after i uninstalled them the card ran with graphic glitches but ran. so i'm fustrated, rater then dump another 120 on a graphics card i rather put it to a new mnachine. i know my stuff and built pc's before but i'm out of touch since 02 - 03 with building.

i need a setup for online surfing, big file transfers at fast speeds. some video editing, the ability to run roller coaster tycoon 3 with no slowdown, and some horsepower if i want to run a more advance game like bioshock or something near that even though i might never do it the flexibility is what i want.

my budget is like 300

i have the 2 dvd burners , software and plan on using the 200 gig drive, so 300 for a case main board and processor and power supply, ram idk factor that in if it won't hinder what processor i get.

heres what i looked into and i'm considering.


http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=39115 21&sku=A406-1101

power supply

http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=32765 73&sku=ULT-LSP650


http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=41403 83&sku=CP1-AM2-6000%20C

mother board

http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=37976 65&sku=S458-1308

i haven't considered cooling cause that case looks like a beast but idk need some advice on that vs the chips stock cooling.

i also been looking into the amd phenom processor, this one cause my budgets thin.

http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=38678 65&CatId=3681

any guidence apperciated

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

I compensate...

Post Number: 8900
Registered: Jul-06
The best advice I can give is for you to save your money and get better products. The case and processor are DECENT and the rest is trash.

Gold Member
Username: Kpa2727

Old Bridge, NJ USA !

Post Number: 1509
Registered: May-07
i picked up the case today at work on discount, can u give some advice on a mobo and power supply, ram i figure , pny or ocz?

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

I compensate...

Post Number: 8905
Registered: Jul-06
Stay away from ECS mobos because they suck. I have one so I should know haha. I've seen them fail in every rig that has an ECS board locally BUT I've been lucky. Go with something from MSI, ASUS or lastly Gigabyte. For PSUs in that price range google "power supply tier list" and try to find something within your budget but Kingwin makes some of the best you can buy as well as Silverstone but it's not going to be easy on that budget my friend. For ram go with OCZ over PNY any and everyday. ULTRA and Corsair make good value ram as well though. I like PNY the least out of the above mentioned.

Gold Member
Username: Kpa2727

Old Bridge, NJ USA !

Post Number: 1510
Registered: May-07
i made a mistake i actually bought this case by antec http://www.antec.com/usa/productDetails.php?lan=us&id=15900#

it looked so simular i didn't realize it till i got home but heard it was better. i can stretch my budget but i just can't go over 500. 400 i'd be set back paying bills a while but i could do it. i signed up in a pc forum, here is where i listed all the new stuff i decided to go with. i'm looking at antec or corsair and OCZ power supplies, 2 asus motheboards, one has a nvidia onboard card the other a ati hd300 or so card i know the card but what i wrote might not be the exact model. i figure that way i can run on the onboard for a while cause i haven't done pc gaming in a few months so i can get by wit onboard for a while before i add to it. i just want hdmi so i can hook it up to my samsung 32 inch tv. tv only does 720p but it's enough for me. my post with the new hardware http://forum.pcmech.com/showthread.php?t=202892

Gold Member
Username: The_image_dynamic

San Diego, California

Post Number: 4754
Registered: Dec-06
What Rob said was pretty much spot on. Some other quality RAM providers are Patriot, G.Skill and Crucial. Out of the three power supplies you mentioned, two are made by Seasonic who make world class internals. A couple more mobo companies I would add are EVGA and XFX.

And by the way, that Antec case is much better than the one you had planned on getting.

Gold Member
Username: Kpa2727

Old Bridge, NJ USA !

Post Number: 1512
Registered: May-07
alright thanks brad , i did buy this psu tonight. a 850 watt black widow edition thermaltake psu. i got it for half price so i figured it would work great.


Gold Member
Username: Rideredder

Cornell, IL USA

Post Number: 1504
Registered: Sep-05
I have that same exact antec case. Only problem I have had with it is that the front two fans on mine have never worked, unless they are on a thermal trigger or something?

Gold Member
Username: Kpa2727

Old Bridge, NJ USA !

Post Number: 1516
Registered: May-07
idk haven't used it yet, i heard the tops are brittle and break. BUT they have fan replacements at thier website so check ur power plugs and if no dice. go order some, my understanding there is no thermal trigger.


Gold Member
Username: Andrew571

Stillwater/Edmond, Oklahoma USA

Post Number: 2115
Registered: Oct-05
I rock the daddy of that case, Antec 1200.

Its amazing. The dust filters don't allow a single spec of dust in, and the airflow is great. All while being pretty quiet.

I only have to clean the fiilters once a month, and its like a 10 minute job.


Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

I compensate...

Post Number: 8914
Registered: Jul-06
"The dust filters don't allow a single spec of dust in"

LOL. Right. No noise? Bullsh1t. You must have the fan controls turned down. I built a rig with that exact same case and you could definitely hear those 3 fans up front when running full tilt.

Gold Member
Username: Kpa2727

Old Bridge, NJ USA !

Post Number: 1525
Registered: May-07
i use dust filters but not sure i'll use it on this case, how the hell do u get one for the top fan? i could put that fan in the window on a hot day it's so damn big.

Gold Member
Username: Andrew571

Stillwater/Edmond, Oklahoma USA

Post Number: 2119
Registered: Oct-05
Rob unless all the fans are running high speed, its not loud Not sure why yours was so 'loud'?

Keith, the top fan is an exhaust fan, it blows out. All the intake fans have filters.

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

I compensate...

Post Number: 8920
Registered: Jul-06
"Rob unless all the fans are running high speed, its not loud Not sure why yours was so 'loud'? "

Ha, what 120mm fans come stock in the 1200 that aren't loud? None. They're cheap budget fans that aren't designed for low DB ratings my friend. It's not MINE by the way, I built it for a friend. On low they aren't LOUD but when on high they can easily be heard and when gaming you want your sh1t cranked!

Gold Member
Username: Kpa2727

Old Bridge, NJ USA !

Post Number: 1527
Registered: May-07
i get my cpu in today (friday) then i have all the part's and i'll put up some pic's of the complete build.

Gold Member
Username: Redliner

Wilmington, Ma

Post Number: 4689
Registered: Jun-05
mine isnt to loud at all rob i got a coolermaster cosmos 1000 i mean u can hear it but not loud by any means i love it nice and cool

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119138&nm_mc=OTC-Froogl e&cm_mmc=OTC-Froogle-_-Cases+(Computer+Cases+-+ATX+Form)-_-Cooler+Master-_-11119138

Gold Member
Username: Kpa2727

Old Bridge, NJ USA !

Post Number: 1528
Registered: May-07
my cpu got held up in transit i won't see it till monday, it's unbelieveable. it took 1 day from canada to kentucky and 1 day from kentucky to jersey my state. it's stuck like top of jersey and i'm in the middle till monday. damn ups
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