Get off the car


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Username: Lol

Post Number: 1029
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Username: Wingmanalive

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Post Number: 18861
Registered: Jun-06
I have to laugh. I'm an azzhole for laughing but I just HAVE to laugh.


Gold Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 4430
Registered: Mar-06

Bronze Member
Username: Wickedbass

Nashville, Tn

Post Number: 81
Registered: Jan-08
That first one is funny as hell!!!

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

COD4 Addict

Post Number: 2722
Registered: Jan-06
i like cats but that was fuckng hilarious. great aim haha

Gold Member
Username: Southernrebel

Monroe, Louisiana Team Audible...

Post Number: 7033
Registered: Mar-04


lil fvkr.


Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 18866
Registered: Jun-06
I have cats. From the marriage. I like them, to a degree.

Tonight our cat was snuggled up close to our kerosene heater we use down in the gameroom. It's running full blast so the cage is HOT. The cat is rubbing up on it. Cats by nature LOVE heat. Both my son and I are cheering him on trying to get him to jump up on the top of it like he wants too lololol.

Ooooo would that have been a youtube moment.

Gold Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 4433
Registered: Mar-06
I came across this "cat" today. Thing was in a dumpster, so I threw a board in it so he could climb out, but he jast sat and stared... Stupid


Gold Member
Username: Southernrebel

Monroe, Louisiana Team Audible...

Post Number: 7034
Registered: Mar-04
Saw a cat get into my grandpa's electric fence around his garden awhile back.

NOW THAT was a youtube moment :-)

Gold Member
Username: Southernrebel

Monroe, Louisiana Team Audible...

Post Number: 7035
Registered: Mar-04
Lol...that reminds me.
Back when I lived w/ my mom at her house out on the lake, my lil sister saw a "cat". It was like 2am and my little sister (3 at the time) walked to my mom's room because she was scared. I heard her crying and it woke me i went to get a glass of water.

My sister was in the hall and said, "I saw a kitty cat, ah UGLY kitty cat".

I walked to the back door...and there was a possum eating the cats food. It had ran the cats off.

I later killed said possum w/ a brick.
Yea, i'm that badass.

brick > possum

Gold Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 4434
Registered: Mar-06
phhst, I put a whole family of possums into a trash barrel filled with water, and drowned them one by one with a shovel.

And girl can throw a brick.

Acually, I believe it was the very first post in the new OT section iirc.

Bronze Member
Username: Wickedbass

Nashville, Tn

Post Number: 84
Registered: Jan-08
"brick > possum"


Quote of the day!!!

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 18870
Registered: Jun-06
Beat this:


Gold Member
Username: Southernrebel

Monroe, Louisiana Team Audible...

Post Number: 7036
Registered: Mar-04
*looks around for a brick*

here, kitty, kitty, kitty

Gold Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 4435
Registered: Mar-06
lol paul, that is the best youve had in a while. Good job. rolf, Not very friendly...lolz

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 18873
Registered: Jun-06
Here's my cat "loving" the heater. Like I said Tweety was about to jump on top with a helluva surprise lol.


Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 18874
Registered: Jun-06
Cats are cool, but stoooopid lol.

I boil water on top of that heater to balance out the humidity in the house. Why a cat loves that much heat is beyond me.

Well I know why a cat loves it but still.....

Gold Member
Username: Bonhamd

Post Number: 1427
Registered: Nov-07
i live with my cousins and they have a couple of cats - when i first moved in almost 2 years ago they were indoor cats

Cee Cee is a female that was a ignorant biitch who whould hiss and swat at you if you even looked at her

Sam is a male that used to act like a dog. drooled like a dog, rolled around like a dog, etc

one day they decided to chew and claw through the screen door and get out - ever since that day these cats have never been the same

sam turns into to the big crack addict and just meows loud as fucck to get in and out, when hes inside he pisses / male sprays on everything

cee cee turned into the coolest cat on the planet

i want to throw sam into traffic

Gold Member
Username: Bonhamd

Post Number: 1428
Registered: Nov-07
funny vids btw
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