Annual Turkey Giveaway


Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

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Post Number: 18831
Registered: Jun-06
So some of you know about my annual turkey giveaway. Those who don't, here's a quick rundown.

Three years ago my employer gave out free turkeys at Thanksgiving. I previously already had one so I decided to post it on Craigslist as "Free turkey". Hundreds of emails later I decided on giving it away to Jamie Matishen, a mother of a special needs son who was struggling like so many others. When I dropped it off I was shocked at how some ppl have to live. It was a huge success in my mind.

So last year, to out do myself, I upped it to two free turkeys. Another huge hit.

This year is three. Next year will be four and so on and so on....

Along with the turkeys I am also going to include the trimmings this year. vegetables, stuffing mix, potatoes, gravy mix, cranberry sauce, rolls, the works. Some of which donated by Craigslist readers and family members looking to help. I even had ppl offer to donate more turkeys to me since I already have the list of countless families in need. I have yet to receive these extra turkeys so I won't count on them. It's got so big this year I'm getting emails from other charitable institutions, churches, food shelters, ect... who saw my ad asking for help. Sorry, I hand deliver this message. It's how I "roll".

So where the hell am I going with this? Today I'm at the Savalot food store picking up the dry goods for the three meals. It's where I get most of my shopping done at. Bread is $.75, canned goods are $.50, cheese is way cheaper, you get the idea. Three meals with all the trimmings minus the turkeys is $110. W/E. I get to the checkout and here's where the story grabs a meaning for me.

I start unloading my cart and a man with his two kids pulls up behind me. My cart is full and he has maybe 5 things? I offer my spot since he only has a few things. He doesn't say a word to me. He's got a leather Eagles jacket on with brand new Timberline boots, gold all over him from his neck down to his rings on his fingers. His kids had gold on as well. They couldn't be more than 5 or 6 years old and he has them sporting the bling??!! Unbelievable.

His bill comes to something like $35 of which he pays for with food stamps!!!! Do I have to explain further how that made me feel? I had a shopping cart full of items that are to be given to those in need paid for buy yours truly and here we have someone who CLEARLY doesn't need assistance living in hog heaven.

Think we have a problem with our country? Do you think if you continue to give that a man a fish each day he will spontaneously one day teach himself to fish and provide for himself and family??

To me ALL welfare, WIC, government assistance, you name it, recipients should HAVE to undergo drug testing and must be required to seek work. It used to be called unemployment "insurance" but today too many ppl seem to think any kind of freebie is a "right".

Anyway thanks for reading my vent. If you're eating Thanksgiving dinner this year with your family take 15 seconds and realize how blessed you are and if you could help just one family this year in need it would be a wonderful thing.


Bronze Member
Username: Wickedbass

Nashville, Tn

Post Number: 65
Registered: Jan-08
Very well put Paul. I completely agree with the welfare, WIC thing. I seen the same thing at a Savalot (I shop there as well, broke college kid). A lady and her two kids roll up in a (at the time) brand new custom painted escalade on some gaudy twenty-somethings. As I am leaving, I see the same lady paying for her things with food stamps, FOOD STAMPS!!!

To think that my,(and everyone else's) tax dollars are supporting that kinda thing all over the nation, makes me so mad.

Gold Member
Username: Justforhahas

Post Number: 1082
Registered: Jul-08
Of course there are abusers of every system, but ya can't always judge a book by its cover either..

for example, maybe that buyer with the escalade, was actually picking up items for another using their food stamps...I know its common in Florida with many volunteers and organizations such as seniors friendship , FISH, etc, to shop for the shut ins.. I have done this myself weekly for a few, but I don't drive an escalade, which is immaterial anyways..

another for example...I had to beat down some 25 year old kid a few months back in Walmart parking lot, cause he screamed violently and threatening in my face, after I parked using a handicap placard, and walking by my vehicle..calling me "NOT CRIPPLED and FAKE" and wanting to get too close and physical..........he didn't see the elderly woman in my back seat who had respiratory problems and owned the placard (which I am allowed to display and use for parking in handicap spot)....he learned a real quick lesson, THINK before you accuse and make false accusations or pass judgements....and NO I didn't have time to let him attempt to rob me or attempt harm,(which is how retarded and threatening this stupid redneck was) and have a nice chit chat with him...

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 18832
Registered: Jun-06
Seeing a man sport himself and his kids in such clothing and jewelry and have the balls to pay with food stamps is ridiculous. And it's not me judging that book by the cover. That WAS/IS someone abusing the system. What we wear and drive is an extension of who we are. Don't get me wrong, I agree there are many deserving recipients of public assistance. They are also the ones who CAN'T work or drive SUVs. That's what the system is for.

I'll say it every time I see it. I'm not stereotyping anyone. If you can afford a $400 jacket and put gold on your kids then you don't need handouts. These are the same fools who claim that they "take care of their kids" when without the handout they wouldn't be around anyway.

I remember the story about the woman who started feeding the birds in her yard. It made her feel good to provide for them. They were capable of fending for themselves but when there's something for free the flock comes. Soon her yard was overrun with birds and there was bird sh1t all over the place. The birds destroyed her yard. Once she stopped feeding them her problem "flew" away.

When in a time we're in why throw more birdseed????

Gold Member
Username: Justforhahas

Post Number: 1083
Registered: Jul-08
I was simply making a point...NOT saying you were right or wrong...

I dunno the dude with the jacket and gold..or who for and why he was shopping with stamps...if ya felt that strongly, maybe you should have asked politely...then duck!

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 18834
Registered: Jun-06
It burned me a little at the time but not as much as when I got home. I'm spending a lot of my own personal time/money organizing this thing and sometimes even when you're doing the right thing it doesn't feel so.

I also have to play judge and jury as to who gets a turkey dinner or not. There are so many bogus ppl and stories out there it's not funny. I hear them all. I also don't do pick ups. When I deliver the turkeys and I pull up in front of a manicured lawn with two luxury vehicles in the driveway I keep going.

I even had one woman ask for two turkeys because she wanted to give some to her dog! People are just incredible. I also don't believe in Goodwill. Sure you get the tax write off but why feed into any multi million dollar "charitable" institution when I'd rather just post something I have I don't need online and those in need can come get it free. No middle man.

When times are tough is when you see the monster come out in ppl.

Just like the cretins who snagged all the free celebration tickets for inside the stadium they passed out after the Phillies won the series. Asshats were selling them for $100 each and getting it!

Gold Member
Username: Justforhahas

Post Number: 1084
Registered: Jul-08
Hey I work with the Knights of Columbus , and we give away over 5000 Turkey dinners every year on Turkey day..and go get the people (10 busses and vans) and bring em to the hall..and also deliver hundreds of dinners to shut ins at their homes...and we don't care how rich or poor...just as long as they eat and are not alone..

I'm sure finding 3 needy is not hard in these times..or if its perplexing, just give the food to, and/or go help a local organization..

Gold Member
Username: Southernrebel

Monroe, Louisiana Team Audible...

Post Number: 7029
Registered: Mar-04
I vote:

Mandatory drug testing for all recipients of welfare. 2 strike program.

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 18836
Registered: Jun-06
I concur sir.

Bronze Member
Username: Wickedbass

Nashville, Tn

Post Number: 67
Registered: Jan-08
As do I.

Gold Member
Username: Justforhahas

Post Number: 1090
Registered: Jul-08
Big Brother tactics!...maybe Cuba and old style communism is more your style..

then lets drug test every student (grades K - college) in the US too, based on receiving some monies from the taxpayers via taxes and/or grants..its all from the government and backed..

also..lets not forget to drug test everybody else that I listed above too, like all the vets and retirees too!

I can see a lot of rationale went into this thought process, in those ridulous drug testing ideas...LMAO

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 18841
Registered: Jun-06
C'mon. If I have to maintain a drug free lifestyle to remain employed and EARN my paycheck the least I should expect is for those NOT earning one to be drug free also.

After all it's the law correct? Doing drugs is something that costs a lot of money as well. Why should taxpayer money go to ppl who are using it for illegal activities??

Don't tell me you also condone the use and abuse of performance enhancing drugs that so many athletes use also.

When it comes to the use of illegal drugs there shouldn't be any exceptions. Black, white, rich, poor, employed, unemployed, athlete or not. Accountability is the force behind any law and it should be blind.

Gold Member
Username: Justforhahas

Post Number: 1096
Registered: Jul-08
This is NOT about use of illegal drugs...its about the suggestion to mandatory drug test the people receiving government assistance..

you chose to be drug tested when you took employment...welfare is for the sick, poor, and needy, and not a chosen occupation or place of employment!...and if ya argue the government money thing, then again ya better include all vets and retirees too, and most all of the US people....cause most all people receive some form of government assistance in some shape or form...would you like to see your parents receiving social security, drug tested too solely because of their receipt of monies from the government?...lets get real!...people should NOT lose their freedoms involuntarily, just because of their social and financial status...

BTW, in many states, you lose ALL government assistance (housing, food stamps, monies etc) if convicted of drug crimes even misdeameanors ( simple possesion, etc), along with mandatory 1 year loss of drivers license...

Paul....maybe you don't really know any sick and needy, but I do..and suggesting they do mandatory drug testing for $350 a month and $100 food stamps of help, is just ridiculous!...consider yourself lucky that you are healthy and able to work and are employed!

Gold Member
Username: Tatonka

-[Team Audible Insanity]-

Post Number: 2436
Registered: Mar-07


then lets drug test every student (grades K - college) in the US too, based on receiving some monies from the taxpayers via taxes and/or grants..its all from the government and backed..

also..lets not forget to drug test everybody else that I listed above too, like all the vets and retirees too!

Sounds like a good idea to me. Why should vets and old people be excluded? Just because their old doesn't mean they get the ole' pipe out from time to time

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 18845
Registered: Jun-06
Sick, needy, disabled or whatever. Does this mean they can drive faster than the speed limit or shoplift because laws don't pertain to them simply because of their social, financial or medical condition?

Yes I chose to be employed. I don't have a problem being tested for illegal substances because I'm drug free.

Doing illegal drugs is a CHOICE also. IMO if one chooses to break the law then why should the rest of us turn our heads? I suppose those in question should be allowed to cut in lines and double park as well?

My point was that my taxes pay for those who can't provide for themselves. Anyone wearing expensive jewelry and sporting expensive clothes CAN provide but choose not to, at my expense.

"Paul....maybe you don't really know any sick and needy, but I do..and suggesting they do mandatory drug testing for $350 a month and $100 food stamps of help, is just ridiculous!...consider yourself lucky that you are healthy and able to work and are employed!"

Again, what does their social, financial or medical condition have to do with their exemption to the law? Money spent on illegal drugs should be used for food, shelter, clothing ect, ect.....I'm not suggesting we burst into nursing homes and take blood samples from everyone, however if a person in their 20's is receiving unemployment, welfare or any other kind of assistance should have no problem providing proof that they are seeking work and are drug free.

Gold Member
Username: Justforhahas

Post Number: 1098
Registered: Jul-08
"exemption of the law"?..what are you talking about!

Those receiveing welfare are not excempted from any laws...and have much more to lose than you if convicted of drug related charges..

Consider yourself lucky!...and quit worrying if somebody is less fortunate than you and all us Americans help them out...

BTW...most employers do NOT drug test, so just cause you have to, doesn't mean we all should!...and especialy those like your folks and others receiving some government assistance...

BTW, if/when ya went to HS or college did you ever smoke weed or do any drugs?...if ya did then, then I guess America and taxpayers should be pissed for wasting their money on ya, based on your own logic here..maybe ya should look at the flip side of the coin too...I don't want no more BIG Brother in the US dictating more governmental BS regulations and programs such as U suggest of mandatory drug testing that will cost the taxpayers even MORE money, when theres already a system in place for those welfrae people who abuse the system or get caught doing drugs!

Ya should have had the balls to talk to the alleged welfare food stamp violator if ya felt that strong!...or got his plate and notified your local welfare office..

Going home and then posting here does absolutely nothing to prevent the few who abuse any systems!

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 18846
Registered: Jun-06
""exemption of the law"?..what are you talking about!"

I'm simply talking about the ones who receive a check and aren't subjected to the same screenings as a lot of working Americans. Performing my job requires that I be drug free for not only my safety but also for the ones I perform my job for. Imagine if truck drivers were allowed to perform their duties high or your nurse who is about to take blood from you is secretly a crack head. Make a difference now?

"Those receiveing welfare are not excempted from any laws...and have much more to lose than you if convicted of drug related charges.."

Like what? I have a home and children I provide for. If I was as laid back about drug use then I'd lose my job and subsequently my home as well. Maybe then I could go on public assistance so I can pick up a drug habit. Hmmmmmm

"Consider yourself lucky!...and quit worrying if somebody is less fortunate than you and all us Americans help them out... "

Did you not read the title of this thread? I AM helping the less fortunate out, more so than most. I'm not worried about it, I'm doing something about it!

"BTW...most employers do NOT drug test, so just cause you have to, doesn't mean we all should!...and especialy those like your folks and others receiving some government assistance..."

I know why a lot of companies DON'T drug test. I've worked for them in the past and have found out that if they implement such a drug screening program then some of those in upper management would lose their jobs not to mention the heavy burden the company would undertake with the replacing of all the employees who can't pass the test. It's not a moral decision but a financial one.

"BTW, if/when ya went to HS or college did you ever smoke weed or do any drugs?"

Yup. Don't know anyone who hasn't at least once. Made the choice not to anymore because of the strong health implications, desire to attain a career in life, would NEVER want my own kids to follow in that direction, hated the cost, oh, not to mention it's currently against the law.

"Ya should have had the balls to talk to the alleged welfare food stamp violator if ya felt that strong!...or got his plate and notified your local welfare office.."

According to you I should mind my own business and let it be.

"Going home and then posting here does absolutely nothing to prevent the few who abuse any systems!"

"I can see a lot of rationale went into this thought process, in those ridulous drug testing ideas...LMAO"

Your right. Everything is fine with the status quo. Obama is going to fix everything soon anyway right? We all have nothing to worry about.

Gold Member
Username: Justforhahas

Post Number: 1099
Registered: Jul-08
"According to you I should mind my own business and let it be."

Ya should have had the balls to talk to the alleged welfare food stamp violator if ya felt that strongly!...or got his plate and notified your local welfare office..

"Obama is going to fix everything soon anyway right?"

Obama had nothing to do with the incident YOU witnessed...

"Maybe then I could go on public assistance so I can pick up a drug habit. Hmmmmmm"

Thats a real prejudicial statement...all people on assistance are now druggies, ya think..and you don't even know any!

"I know why a lot of companies DON'T drug test. I've worked for them in the past and have found out that if they implement such a drug screening program then some of those in upper management would lose their jobs not to mention the heavy burden the company would undertake with the replacing of all the employees who can't pass the test.

FYI, the FEDERAL GOV doesn't even conduct drug testing on its own I guess all the Cabinet members are crackheads now..

Paul..I can see we will never agree and have completely different experiences and views...thats OK, its OK to disgaree..its AMERICA!

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 18847
Registered: Jun-06
True. And let's hope our values as a country continue to exist to allow that.

Bronze Member
Username: Wickedbass

Nashville, Tn

Post Number: 68
Registered: Jan-08

Either way, your still doin' a great thing Paul.Upload

Gold Member
Username: Justforhahas

Post Number: 1101
Registered: Jul-08
hahahaha...I won!

just joking...LMAO...

stimulated the brain and my 2 fingers...need some Silver Centrum

Jimmy Buffet break...I need rest!...LMAO

I will respect another opinion, but maybe not agree at all, as long its a 2 way street...which knowing you a lil bit here, is already a "given"...

BTW...I'm shooting pigeons and seagulls for Turkey

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 18849
Registered: Jun-06
Yeah I'm ready for it myself.


Gold Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 4426
Registered: Mar-06
food stamp and wic exception 3,
Some Junkies sell them to others for like 20 cents on the dollar. So maybe the ppl in the escalades and stuff can afford that cause the pay 20% of food cost.
I know there are stores that will buy them off you. Mostly corner stores in the city. But it happens.

And Paul. I admire your genorisity.
Maybe even envious....

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