Platinum Member Username: Nyyfan13Yanks Fan USA Post Number: 10497 Registered: Jul-06 | Sup fellas. Here is my predicament. Since I have a fairly decent job and can make some nice money (about as nice as a 19 year old working at a golf course can lol) every 2 weeks, I am thinking about getting a new car. I already have $4k saved up in my bank right now on top of the trade in value of my car (around $11k) puts me just at $15k. Those who know me, know I love 350Zs. I've been researching in my area on Edmunds and have found a couple with about 40k miles for just around $16k to $17k. I've talked with my parents and they said I can do whatever floats my boat as long as it doesn't cost them much. So that $17k price tag really isn't out of reach for me. Obviously, I won't go out and spend every dime to my name but what do you guys think? As an aside, I can also sell all my audio equipment and make a couple hundred dollars, maybe even $1k if I sell everything. I need thoughts, opinions, anything ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Big_edge_headMilwaukee, Wisconsin Post Number: 2867 Registered: Mar-07 | Why would you want to sell your audio stuff? If you buy a new car, then you just blew all your saved money on a car when you already have one. I think you have a nice car already![]() |
Platinum Member Username: Nyyfan13Yanks Fan USA Post Number: 10498 Registered: Jul-06 | Yea I know and I'm grateful I have it. But ever since I almost got my cousins 350Z its kinda been a slap in my face for me. I dunno.... |
Gold Member Username: RedlinerWilmington, Ma Post Number: 4546 Registered: Jun-05 | i would go for it but thats just cause i love those cars lol. watever u think is best for u yanks. |
Platinum Member Username: Nyyfan13Yanks Fan USA Post Number: 10499 Registered: Jul-06 | Thanks Charlie. And yes, I do have a brain and come up with good ideas![]() |
Silver Member Username: Gavbo211Olney, IL US Post Number: 966 Registered: Jan-05 | well do you have any other factors in your life that are causing you to question this investment? not asking you to tell us all your life's financial problems.. lol.. but i think you can see what i'm getting at. and make sure you consider future endeavors.. i'm starting to have to take out loans to pay for school even with my job, my scholarship, and my parents paying a majority.. and i'd kill to have back all the money i've wasted on some dumb things in the past. if you have weighed all the options and can come up with a final decision that you feel is right then don't question yourself. its a big investment, but if you can afford it without putting stress on future financial endeavors i say go for it. |
Platinum Member Username: Nyyfan13Yanks Fan USA Post Number: 10500 Registered: Jul-06 | My man Gavin, how you doing bud? Honestly, I don't really have too many financial endeavors coming up at all lol.My parents are paying for my college and the house I'm moving into in Dec requires no rent on my part because my parents already own the house (we've been renting it to a family for the past 20 years). |
Silver Member Username: Gavbo211Olney, IL US Post Number: 968 Registered: Jan-05 | hows it going man. doing pretty well myself. i've been around.. but between work and school i haven't been on here much. you know, gettin my philosophical schwag on.. haha. Honestly then, i'd say go for it. its a splurge, and though its a pretty big one it sounds like you've been weighing the options for a while now and have already made your decision, you're just looking for some back up to make sure its the right one. we both know that if you don't do it you're going to wonder what if for a long long time. and i'll say this.. if you're any kind of a car enthusiast nothing feels better than stepping in to a car that garners respect and that you're proud of. |
Gold Member Username: Livin_loudCOD4 Addict Post Number: 2682 Registered: Jan-06 | are you prepared to drive a 350z through the winter seasons? |
Gold Member Username: BernymacPhnom PenhCambodia Post Number: 4376 Registered: Sep-04 | All I have to say is, if you do decide to do this. You better get a manual. Getting a automatic would be a slap in my face. I've wanted that car for so long -_-. |
Gold Member Username: ShortysetniesAndrew Capps, NC US Post Number: 2899 Registered: Mar-06 | Nissan FTW! But yeah, I say go for it man. Sounds like you really want it. One thing to think about... Is insurance going to go up? If so, are you gonna have to pay? |
Platinum Member Username: Nyyfan13Yanks Fan USA Post Number: 10503 Registered: Jul-06 | Eric, I'm not too worried about driving in the snow cause it doesn't snow to much in my area anymore. Bern, of course it would be a manual, come on man lol. Capps, I'd imagine insurance would go up but right now, my parents pay for it so it won't affect me. I will be taking over insurance payments sometime over the next year or so I'm sure but by then I should be alright to cover the payments on my own. |
Diamond Member Username: BestmankindPost Number: 22587 Registered: Oct-05 | g35-s |
Gold Member Username: PitbullguyThe Chicago area Post Number: 3541 Registered: Oct-06 | Yankee John, generally speaking it sounds like a very unwise decision to me. The rich didn't get rich, nor do they stay rich, by buying things that they could barely afford. In regards to the future, think about when you're finishing college dude. Things get very expensive very fast when you realize how difficult it can be to get a real job after college. Also where are you going to live after school. $4K (plus w/e you add to it) can go a LONG WAY to helping you move into your own apartment, or that house that you and your buddies wanna rent to live in. Also you've worked so hard for that money, and what kind of safety net do you leave yourself with? You NEVER KNOW what life is going to throw you, better to not let it catch you with your pants down. Furthermore, you'd be losing a bunch of money by making this transaction, cause you got your toyota new, or near new (can't recall which), and haven't kept it long enough to get real value out of what you paid. I can only offer general advice as I don't know your situation that personally, but based on my life experience as a 23yr old, it'd be a goofy thing to do. I mean if your parents are fairly wealthy and are pretty much going to spot you financially for your entire life and help you out when you need a lil' help, then that would certainly change things. I never had that so that isn't where my perspective is coming from. |
Diamond Member Username: BestmankindPost Number: 22589 Registered: Oct-05 | very good advice pit. but i think yanks dad has him covered for his future. yanks save money and buy a house first. its the best investment a person can make. but if you must buy another car, get the g35-s. |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rI compensate... Post Number: 8793 Registered: Jul-06 | "I mean if your parents are fairly wealthy and are pretty much going to spot you financially for your entire life and help you out when you need a lil' help, then that would certainly change things. I never had that so that isn't where my perspective is coming from." You have your own place Pit? How long you been living on your own? Chad, the g35 is much more expensive MOST of the time. |
Platinum Member Username: WingmanaliveA pic is worth 1000 posts!! Post Number: 18644 Registered: Jun-06 | Shoot my first car cost $350. You have a $17K cap? Wow. That's how much I paid for my truck. This scares me when my son begins to drive. |
Gold Member Username: Camaro823British Colu... Canada Post Number: 1048 Registered: Jun-05 | 350Z, quality car....I drive an american car and always will...but the off chance I have to buy an import...350Z was on the top of my list. If your financially backed, say if something goes wrong in life..then why the hell not you only live once right..enjoy your |
Diamond Member Username: BestmankindPost Number: 22590 Registered: Oct-05 | i went down to the infinity dealer with my uncle monday cause i wanted a new car. if he co-signs for me i can get great interest. anyways i was thinking of getting the g37-s. i figured $15,000 down and about $450 a month for 4 years would be good. of course i would trade my car in and put up some cash. then i got to thinking, naw. i can't be blowing money like that right now. in a year i will be ready for my own business and spending the money so i can drive a bad azz car would be a bit stupid of me. i am happy with my car right now. it ain't that bad. the funny thing is, my uncle was pushing me to buy the car lol. the uncle that i work for hahahaha. i am not trying to say anything to you with this story yanks. i just wanted to share the story. in the back of my mind, i am thinking of new car. who knows what will happen around christmas time. lol. |
Platinum Member Username: Nyyfan13Yanks Fan USA Post Number: 10507 Registered: Jul-06 | I don't mean to sound like a douche but if anything were to happen money-wise for me, my parents would be able to cover me. Now of course, I don't wanna be "that guy" living off his parents worth cause that is very poor of someone to do imo. Chad, as for the house, I'll be moving into my own house in December and won't have to pay rent of any sort cause we already own the house. Of course its nothing fancy but it would be a nice little place for me to be able to get my feet wet in the real world so to speak. Pit, you make very valid points and I appreciate the thoughts bud. As for the statement of me "getting the worth out of my car" comment. I have to disagree. I bought the car in May of '05 with about 14,000 miles on it. I have put over 42,000 miles on it in the short two and a half years I have owned it. I bought the car for $14,500 and can sell it for close to $11,000. So looking at it from a monetary point of view I have drove 42,000 miles in my car for $3500 which isn't too bad I don't think. Maybe it is, I dunno. My car has been good to me, I just feel like this is an opportunity that I've been waiting for and all I have to do is pull the trigger now. Paul, basically what it comes down to right now is I can sell my car for $11,000 ($3500 less than what I bought it for), and the rest of the money for my new car is out of my pocket (maybe a little bit of help from my parents). |
Platinum Member Username: WingmanaliveA pic is worth 1000 posts!! Post Number: 18647 Registered: Jun-06 | Parental help is nice isn't it lol? Appreciate it when you can Yanks. It's a blessing. One of which I never had. One also I hope to extend to my own children. Funny. You can love your kids to all end. Bottom line though is you want them to grow up being able to provide and support for their own. After all you won't be there to show them everything. I cherish the lessons my father has showed me in life. However, my own children will benefit more from the ones they learn on their own. That's life. ![]() |
Silver Member Username: JustforhahasPost Number: 670 Registered: Jul-08 | Yanks, ya know I'm from the old school, and believe in ONLY getting what I need, and saving for the future and being self sufficient and NEVER taking money from anybody EVER in my lifetime, especially my parents...but we are different people and you are fortunate compared to most people, regardless of their you are going to do what you already have set in your mind, which I think most here already know what that're going to get this new car.. My position about this...from a common sense and financial point of view ONLY...a car is the WORST investment anybody can do ..and NOBODY ever got ahead by purchasing vehicle they don't need (unless it was a bargain and something old and classic that you could restore and sell at a profit, which is NOT your scenario) The monies spent on a new car could be used for so many other things with much more priority, more practical and sense...if ya want a new toy, get a new Xbox instead..or a new GF.. Good luck and enjoy the new car...its a no brainer that you're gonna buy it...I think you're looking more for "approval" within yourself, than actual help with a decision.. can still see the Yanks lose to the Sox next season, with your old car just as well as the |
Platinum Member Username: Nyyfan13Yanks Fan USA Post Number: 10510 Registered: Jul-06 | Interesting thoughts JFH. Last statement is a low blow lmao. Atleast neither us nor the Sox are playing right now. Paul, I know how lucky I am and believe me, I am very grateful for what I have. |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rI compensate... Post Number: 8799 Registered: Jul-06 | Yanks, if you get the car now you'll end up dumping lots and lots of money into it over the years if it's your dream car and 5 years from now that thing will be sick! Don't let people steer you away from something that you want. Go for it and like you said if something does happen, your parents got your back so GO FOR IT! Mods aren't too cheap for that car BTW. |
Gold Member Username: Tatonka-[Team Audible Insanity]- Post Number: 2384 Registered: Mar-07 | Do it, Yanks. I agree with Rob. If it is your dream car, you can dump alot of money into it without worries and have it sick within a few years. |
Bronze Member Username: HeavensLos Angeles, CA Post Number: 13 Registered: Apr-07 | i say DO IT!!! might as well and its not that much not sure about insurance but yea go for it |
Platinum Member Username: Nyyfan13Yanks Fan USA Post Number: 10512 Registered: Jul-06 | Thats what I'm thinking Rob. If I do buy it, I will be putting quite a bit more money in it for mods. God I want it lol |
Gold Member Username: PitbullguyThe Chicago area Post Number: 3542 Registered: Oct-06 | Rob, I think you misinterpreted my post. I wasn't trying to say I've had any sort of tough upbringing, I consider myself extremely fortunate. I meant in terms of how much his parents can back him if he's in a jam. Like if he comes from a really wealthy family, then he might not have to worry as much about being strapped for $ in the future. When I said that's not my perspective I meant because I come from a small, lower-middle class family. I have only a couple people who would have my back financially, and they would be sacrificing their own financial health/safety to help me if something happened. So I PERSONALLY wouldn't feel comfortable spending most/all the money I have to my name on something I certainly don't need to get by. I just have a different mentality about this I guess. I'm known to delay and over-think almost every purchase I make so I guess it's in my nature. I agree with JFHH too, sounds like you've pretty much made up your mind ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Livin_loudCOD4 Addict Post Number: 2690 Registered: Jan-06 | what color? ![]() i'm personally a big fan of the blue |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rI compensate... Post Number: 8809 Registered: Jul-06 | "I just have a different mentality about this I guess. I'm known to delay and over-think almost every purchase I make so I guess it's in my nature. " Heh, well, I've actually seen all the sides of life. For a long time I was extremely poor, I ate ramen noodles and lived as "the guy on the couch", I made like 100 bucks a week, just enough to pay bills and buy some more sh1tty ramen haha. Living check to check and even though when I think back it seems so crazy to have lived like that I had no other options. Now that I have a bit more money to toss around I'm more cautious just like you are haha, it doesn't even make sense. When I was financially unstable I spent every last dollar and would walk around with no money at all and I didn't have a care in the world about it. They say that you can't buy happiness and maybe they're right but you can buy some pretty sweet stuff that MIGHT make you happy ![]() |
Silver Member Username: JustforhahasPost Number: 687 Registered: Jul-08 | One thing about wealth and monies...OFTEN its here today and gone don't ever expect it to ALWAYS be there.. but show us the pics, cause next year it'll be a new toy that you're going to want and will buy, until the monies are finally all gone..Recession is a killer, regardless of your current wealth. |
Platinum Member Username: Rovin1 15 = 149.5 DBsTrinidad & T... Post Number: 14278 Registered: Jul-05 | hmm i actually read thru most of the posts here seems u r very lucky to have parents safety net under u so u have what alot dont have IMHO u shouldnt spend nearly all ur $ on a car & then spend even more to mod + ur stereo mods ...u should slow things down a bit that way u appreciate it more as u get a bit older 19 thats alot for some1 so young especially with all that power\speed that car has - some ppl die young with such cars , i had to wait about 5yrs after i got my license b4 i could afford it & even had to ask my mom for a small loan which i repayed a yr after so i treat my car well except feeling lazy to wash it often id wait a bit longer til u got a lil older & more driving experience to handle that car unless u plan to drive it slowly for a while which i doubt any normal person would do ... |
Platinum Member Username: WingmanaliveA pic is worth 1000 posts!! Post Number: 18657 Registered: Jun-06 | I used to tell my wife not to worry about money. She was an extremist. It ate at her soul. Money does come and go and if you're worried too much about it then it just robs you of your life. By no means do I say be careless or not responsible. You can make $20,000/year and FIND a way to be happy with your life. Even raise a family. You could also make $200,000/year and be miserable. The stresses of a high profile life can put anyone 6 feet under long before their time. You could say you had all the toys but is that what you want to be remembered for? Yanks, you're fortunate but also appreciative. You're also young so this car isn't the end of the world for you. Just realize your folks won't always be there that's all. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Denali_on_22sI get Bucks like Milwa... Post Number: 6165 Registered: Feb-06 | i wouldn't get a 350z. not very safe and kinda played out now. do yourself a favor and get a car that will be a worthy investment for years to come or keep saving up and get a new ride after college. |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rI compensate... Post Number: 8811 Registered: Jul-06 | Played out? Lol, I didn't know that was even possible with a car. BTW, here in Chicago I don't see THAT money 350Zs, I see lots of Pontiac Grand Ams, Prixs, Scion TCs and Civics, now those are plaed out, a 350Z, not so much. Besides that's Yanks dream car pretty much, I don't think he gives a crap if it's played out or not haha. |
Platinum Member Username: Nyyfan13Yanks Fan USA Post Number: 10518 Registered: Jul-06 | It would be black if I can. Although I am a fan of white. Reece, in m area, its really not too played out at all, especially compared to the car I currently drive lol. Rovin, I have no tickets and no accidents so far. I do tend to drive fast but I never am reckless with it. Paul, I know exactly what you mean man. Rob, you are correct, I don't care if it is played out or not lol. Besides, always fun to mod it to make yours stand out from the rest ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rI compensate... Post Number: 8814 Registered: Jul-06 | Lol, my last post was terrible! That's because I was half asleep and typing on a laptop =/ |
Platinum Member Username: Nyyfan13Yanks Fan USA Post Number: 10523 Registered: Jul-06 | Rob, I was really close to correcting your post all together because you always do that to people but I figured something had to be wrong with you to mess up that many times lol. |
Gold Member Username: Nd4spd18Philadelphia, PA Post Number: 8697 Registered: Jul-06 | Have you considered the on-going maintenance cost of the new car? Nissans are not the cheapest cars to maintain. Not totally outrageous like a VW, audi, etc but not chevy cheap either. |
Platinum Member Username: Nyyfan13Yanks Fan USA Post Number: 10525 Registered: Jul-06 | Honestly MS, I have not looked into that too far. That is a valid point I need to look at. For the record, as much as my TC goes into the shop, it can't be much worse lol. |
Gold Member Username: Nd4spd18Philadelphia, PA Post Number: 8704 Registered: Jul-06 | Scion is toyota and their parts are fairly cheap, so think a little more than than the TC costs you. |
Gold Member Username: Denali_on_22sI get Bucks like Milwa... Post Number: 6167 Registered: Feb-06 | i just wouldn't spend that much more money for a car of, basically, the same quality. of course the nissan is a bit more luxury/sport, but there are a lot of cars that are more luxury /sport than the scion. i would recommend driving your tc for a least a while longer and save up some money to buy a car that you can appreciate for years and years to come. aka a benz, bimmer, porsche, etc... and don't play the "wow all of those cars are way out of my price range!" S-WATCH-FULL-VIDEO_W0QQitemZ180300214758QQddnZCarsQ20Q26Q20TrucksQQddiZ2282QQcmd ZViewItem?hash=item180300214758&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245&_trkparms=72%3A727%7C65%3A 12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1308 -Xenon-Sil-Blk_W0QQitemZ200265082880QQddnZCarsQ20Q26Q20TrucksQQddiZ2282QQcmdZVie wItem?hash=item200265082880&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245&_trkparms=72%3A727%7C65%3A12%7 C39%3A1%7C240%3A1308 of-Power-L-K_W0QQitemZ250312686723QQddnZCarsQ20Q26Q20TrucksQQddiZ2282QQcmdZViewI tem?hash=item250312686723&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245&_trkparms=72%3A727%7C65%3A12%7C3 9%3A1%7C240%3A1318#ht_4907wt_0 LATE_W0QQitemZ310094054823QQddnZCarsQ20Q26Q20TrucksQQddiZ2282QQcmdZViewItem?hash =item310094054823&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245&_trkparms=65%3A-1%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318# ht_23472wt_0 ble-GPS_W0QQitemZ290267576277QQddnZCarsQ20Q26Q20TrucksQQddiZ2282QQcmdZViewItem?h ash=item290267576277&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245&_trkparms=65%3A-1%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A13 18#ht_2325wt_0 or at least get some american muscle... MIUM-AUDIO_W0QQitemZ220291501078QQddnZCarsQ20Q26Q20TrucksQQddiZ2282QQcmdZViewIte m?hash=item220291501078&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245&_trkparms=65%3A-1%7C39%3A1%7C240%3 A1318#ht_500wt_0 just a thought. when it comes down to it only you can make the decision so do what will make you happy. |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rI compensate... Post Number: 8817 Registered: Jul-06 | "Have you considered the on-going maintenance cost of the new car? Nissans are not the cheapest cars to maintain. Not totally outrageous like a VW, audi, etc but not chevy cheap either." Good point to take into consideration but...Nissans don't break down too often either to my knowledge in comparison to American made POS. Anyhow, guys, stop trying to steer him away from the car he really wants into other things. Let the man get what he wants! |
Gold Member Username: Goodie_goopMid town, Texas U.S. Post Number: 1057 Registered: Oct-06 | my girl has an 03 Z (blue) and its bad i love driving it...if i could afford a car like that i would love getting one but i cant bring myself to making payments for something like that but i dont really have financial support like she does i say do it yanks you will be happy and feel like a million bucks every time you walk out to your car to go somewhere...especially once you start putting some work into it and making it your own and rovin a 350z isnt what i would consider something with a lot of power/speed lol...i mean they are quick but compared to the muscle cars a lot of the youth drive (such as my Trans Am) i wouldnt say its too much for a teen |
Gold Member Username: Nd4spd18Philadelphia, PA Post Number: 8719 Registered: Jul-06 | I've got a 15 year old chevy truck with 180k+ miles and theres never been a valve cover off that motor. So whenever people talk sh!t about american made vehicles GM in particular I just laugh in their face. But sorry, /thread jack |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rI compensate... Post Number: 8821 Registered: Jul-06 | "I've got a 15 year old chevy truck with 180k+ miles and theres never been a valve cover off that motor. So whenever people talk sh!t about american made vehicles GM in particular I just laugh in their face. " That's because you drive like an old lady, you never go over 35 mph, don't off-road with it and you change your oil every 10 miles ![]() |
Platinum Member Username: Nyyfan13Yanks Fan USA Post Number: 10531 Registered: Jul-06 | Reece, those are all great cars but I don't think I really wouild want a Mercedes or anything like that because I would feel obligated to leave it completely stock for the most part and I don't think I'm ready to give up on audio/other mods quite yet. Although that M3 is tempting lol. |
Gold Member Username: Denali_on_22sI get Bucks like Milwa... Post Number: 6171 Registered: Feb-06 | i feel ya, man. like i said, you do what makes you happy because that's all that matters. good luck with the choice. |
Gold Member Username: BonhamdPost Number: 1351 Registered: Nov-07 | i like 350z's i love any M car by bmw - theyre straight sick |
Gold Member Username: Nd4spd18Philadelphia, PA Post Number: 8726 Registered: Jul-06 | " That's because you drive like an old lady " No but I do take care of it " don't off-road with it " I take it to the mountains a few times a year " change your oil every 10 miles " Every 3-5k as the maintence schedule specifies. With mobil 1 synthetic. " Even when things are taken care of they still break down, all cars do. " When did I say they don't " My GMC van is a cooler piece of crap! " Vans = teh ghey On another note I know a guy has a M5 and it's a sweet car. |
Gold Member Username: Th3pwn3rI compensate... Post Number: 8831 Registered: Jul-06 | "Vans = teh ghey " Yea, SPL Astro vans are t3h ghey. M.S. also=teh ghey! ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: FlyingleafPost Number: 29 Registered: Mar-08 | I agree with chad, just make your own choice if you are happy with it,good luck. |
Platinum Member Username: Nyyfan13Yanks Fan USA Post Number: 10594 Registered: Jul-06 | Well guys I've been thinking about it over the past couple weeks and I have came to the conclusion that getting the 350Z would probably be a mistake at this point in my life. Today in class I wrote down pros and cons of getting it and I came up with too many cons to pursue this option. As much as I love the car, I can't justify getting it. If I got it, I would want to spend and would spend thousands of dollars on it making it my own which would make my wallet pretty light. It also doesn't have enough room for 2 bags of golf clubs which is pretty important for me. So I have pretty much ruled out the 350Z but am thinking about a WRX but I'm not going to rush into anything. I made a table in class today using a SUV, a 350Z, and a WRX and ranking them 1, 2, and 3 with 1 being the best. It turned out that the SUV got more than 75% of the 1's. Conditions were based on cost of car, gas mileage, insurance rates, money I would spend on the car after I bought it (mods), room in the car for 2 sets of golf clubs, room for a system, how many people can fit in it, and some other factors. So I dunno what I'm doing anymore. |
Gold Member Username: Snowball123West Allis, WI Post Number: 1588 Registered: Oct-07 | just get a GTP. |
Gold Member Username: Nd4spd18Philadelphia, PA Post Number: 8854 Registered: Jul-06 | Pontiac G8 GT. Badass V8 car, fast, and has a huge trunk. |
Bronze Member Username: Yfz_rcr_12NC Post Number: 20 Registered: Aug-08 | A 350z can fit 2 sets of clubs. I've done it plenty of times in mine, it is a tight fit though. Just wanted to clear that up. |
Platinum Member Username: Nyyfan13Yanks Fan USA Post Number: 10597 Registered: Jul-06 | Really Donnie? Cause I asked a buddy of mine who has one and he said he would bet money you couldn't. I'll take your word for it since you obviously have done it before. Thanks Donnie. Snow, I'm not getting that car. Get off its nuts lol. |
Bronze Member Username: Yfz_rcr_12NC Post Number: 21 Registered: Aug-08 | Theres actually a picture in the manual that shows you how to do it. I guess it's a common question. |
Gold Member Username: Snowball123West Allis, WI Post Number: 1591 Registered: Oct-07 | "Snow, I'm not getting that car. Get off its nuts lol." never. |