a couple weeks ago, with that hurricane hitting galveston everyone freaked out and gas went up to 5.39 a gal for reggies here in tallahasee but in the past week and a half its dropped like 5 cents a day. we're at a rediculous 2.99!!!!
The lowering prices are welcome but not enough to compensate for the devastating losses the market and our 401ks took. It will take YEARS to recoup those losses. I personally know ppl who lost $30,000 a day for several days. I lost tons. It's a damn shame for those who are about to retire now. There's no time left to gain it back.
Getting the gas prices back to what they should be isn't ridiculous, and at best it's not even an aspirin.
Up here we just recently dropped to about $4.60/gallon. $1.219/L. It was about $6/gallon earlier. Of course that's CAD and I think our dollar may have been worth a little more at that point.