I got tired of the chrome housings that my headlights were in but I didnt want to spray the lenses black so I decided to take them apart and paint over the actual chrome. I had to throw them in the oven to loosen up the glue that held the plastic cover onto the housing in the back. My mom was pretty pissed when she saw them in her oven. I finally got them apart. I scuffed them up with some 220 grit and painted them with some flat black paint (same stuff I used on my rear badge for those of you who remember) I got them back in and installed and love the way look.
Sorry for the crappy pics, I was using my cell.
What do you guys think? If I could paint the reflector I would but too bad I cant
OK. Im sorry they didnt rotate but Im on my g/fs mac and it took me about 20 mins to get them resized and Im not dealing with it anymore. If you cant turn your head to look, sorry....
I want SO bad to put projectors in them along w/ my fogs and then put HIDs in my fogs too but no one, that I've found does it on the first gen frontiers.
I know I piss people off in a lifted truck w/ 10k HIDs in theirr eyes b/c it pisses me off when I see other vehicles w/ HIDs and no projectors..
I thought about using the toaster oven but it was too small and the write-up I read on this used a conventional oven and he told time and temp and I wanted to make sure it was exact.
1) Is there something I can paint over the white and orange lenses that will be FLAT black but still let the light shine through? I have a few cans of VHT Niteshades but its glossy. Can I make it flat (besides sanding it down It looks horrible when sanded)
2) If there is no flat black way, would the gloss of the VHT look bad with the surround being flat black?
They don't make clear ones for my truck. If they did that would be what Id do... What about my two questions? Any flat black I could use to cover them? If I did a few light layers with actual spray paint would that keep light from shining through? If nothing else, would the glossy VHT look bad w/ the surrround being flat black?
yeah. Im on the cell now but when I get home Ill post them.
I kinda did this as a test. If I don't sand and clear the VHT (I didn't on this truck) it comes out looking flat enough that I don't think there will be a noticeble difference through the headlight housing. I think Im going to do VHT on the reflectors too. That will be this thursday. Ill update then
Its called VHT Niteshades. If you search google you can find a few good write ups for prep work. Key thing is to spray LIGHT LIGHT coats. It took me 20 plus coats to get them like that.