Oscar winner ole blue eyes Paul Newman passes away at 83.


Silver Member
Username: Jblsince1989

Post Number: 147
Registered: Mar-08


This isn't right I kinder grew up watching most of the films that he starred in though the early 1970's to his final break with The Colour of Money, (1986) that was very well played as hustler Eddie Felson. Seeing classics like Cool Hand Luke where he defied the laws of the prison community "what we have here is failure to communicate" line is one of many best film quotes. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid saw him and Robert Redford holding up banks and trains till the final shoot-out, terrific film. he later went on to star in the dramatic high rising The Towering Inferno where one spark turn a glittering galore of guests getting torched, he sided with another lead actor Steve MyQueen and this film thrilled from start to back in (1974).

Newman led respected quite life with racing cars was one of his passions along with his wife Joanne Woodward whose marriage has lasted many golden years, my thoughts and heart goes out tonight for the passing of yet another great film icon.

R.I.P. Paul, ole blue eyes

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 18330
Registered: Jun-06

R.I.P Paul
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