Been looking over it all evening and I can't stand this chit. Its crazy...and this is my second time to take the coarse. Last time, everything the prof. lectured on was nowhere on the test.
Last fall 4 people out of 27 passed. It was ridiculous.
This time around, my notes are totally different. He just throws chit on the test from out of nowhere.
I don't know what the hell to study. Think i'm just gonna grab a beer and take the test blind.
lol, that would be friggin awesome!!!! I have a physics prof that just gives us basic equations and HIS way of solving problems. If you don't solve it his way, points are docked. Did I mention he doesn't teach? This course would be the same if I just sat at home, read the book, then showed up for the test, not including the fact that he checks attendence.