Barack Obama already planning White House team Senator Barack Obama is already planning his transition to the White House, leading to accusations of premature celebration from his opponent Senator John McCain.
By Alex Spillius in Washington Last Updated: 12:19PM BST 25 Jul 2008
The Democratic candidate is putting together a team to prepare him for taking office in January should he win the Nov 4 election. It is headed by John Podesta, Bill Clinton's chief-of-staff when he was in the White House.
A few of the names being mentioned are..Rev Jeremiah Wright as secretary of state. Tony Rezko as a possible Secretary of the treasury. William Ayers is expected to be secretary of defense, with Barney Frank as secretary of health and human services.
A senior adviser travelling with Mr Obama on his global tour told "Barack is well aware of the complexity and the organisational challenge involved in the transition process and he has tasked a small group to begin thinking through the process.
"Barack has made his expectations clear about what he wants from such a process, and the establishment and execution of his timeline is proceeding apace."
The adviser added: "Given the myriad challenges that will face the next president, Barack would encourage Senator McCain to begin to undertake a similar process."
Using an American football reference, Brian Rogers, a spokesman for Mr McCain, replied: "Before they've even crossed the 50-yard line, the Obama campaign is already dancing in the end zone with a new White House transition team. The American people are more concerned with Barack Obama's readiness to lead than his inaugural ball."
Combining a dig at his opponent and self-deprecating humour, Mr McCain visited a German restaurant in the swing state of Ohio as his rival spoke in Berlin.
The Republican nominee told reporters that he would love to give a speech in Germany. "But I'd much prefer to do it as president of the United States rather than as a candidate for president," he said, adding: "We are campaigning across the heartland of America talking about the issues."
At times on Mr Obama's overseas tour, Americans have had to remind themselves that he is still a senator for Illinois and not the leader of the free world.
In Afghanistan, Iraq, Jordan and Israel he was accorded courtesies normally reserved only for US presidents. He was pictured and filmed with heads of state, US generals and at presidential visit locations such as Jerusalem's Western Wall and Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial. His 20-vehicle motorcade glided into the West Bank to meet the Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas.
Yet there are the beginnings of a backlash back home, particularly over yesterday's speech before thousands of Germans, members of a continent that is viewed dimly by many Americans, especially the social conservatives Obama needs win over in the South.
"No doubt, he has accomplished an ability to look presidential," said Chip Felkel, a Republican strategist in South Carolina. "But at some point this begins to look awfully presumptuous and we might already be there.
"There will be people in the south thinking 'these Europeans love him, so why should we?' They might think Obama can do his kumbaya all he wants, but when is he going to do something for us."