Giant bee/wasp


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Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 4134
Registered: Mar-06
phone camera ftl


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Username: Wingmanalive

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Post Number: 17427
Registered: Jun-06
Lol. Reminds me of these mutant hornets that used to live in my folks detached garage. They were the size of humming birds no lie. The lived inside the CMU walls and got in and out through a 2" hole. We used to wait outside with tennis rackets and swing away when they flew out. Some of the smaller ones would get caught in the strings.

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Username: Loudnproud

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jul-08
YEAH, me and some friends saw this hornet one year that was big enough that he was carrying a locust into a hole in the ground. One of my friends took a piece of sheet metal and cut him in 1/2....the front piece kept running around until my friend squished it...and the back end kept stinging the air (the stinger itself musta been an inch long) until..he squished it too.

Gold Member
Username: Touche6784


Post Number: 1293
Registered: Nov-04
They are called cicada killer wasps. They make burrows in loose dirt and find cicadas. They stun them with their stinger which puts the cicada to sleep and they inject their eggs into the cicada. Once the eggs hatch they eat the cicada from the inside out while it is still alive.

Gold Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Northwest PA

Post Number: 7920
Registered: Jul-06
All types of stinging insects creep me out........ seriously I will run like the wind from bees/wasps

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 17440
Registered: Jun-06
I used to be a roofer. Ladders are my friend right lol? Well when you are 30 feet up and a swarm of wasps are mad as hell there's nothing you can do but try and make your way down the ladder as fast as you can. Wasps can sting on contact and don't die afterwards.

I hate bees and wasps lol.

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 3369
Registered: Oct-06
That is some badazz interesting stuff about the cicada wasps. Good post Christopher.

I wish there was a "reputation" system on this forum so I could rep you for such a quality post.

Gold Member
Username: Touche6784


Post Number: 1294
Registered: Nov-04
haha, thanks ehren. The only reason I know about them is because we have had problems with them at my house. My family was really confused as to what they were cause they were enormous and my dogs were trying to catch them, they catch bees and wasps for fun. I have seen them carrying a cicada back to their den.

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 3372
Registered: Oct-06
my dogs catch them too!! should i be worried about them hurting my dogs?

Gold Member
Username: Touche6784


Post Number: 1295
Registered: Nov-04
I don't think so since the sting is for knocking out the cicada and not a poison per say. But they are just freakishly large and aggressive so we got rid of them. I would look for where they are nesting and kill them or find a way to get rid of the loose ground they are using. My father used his shoes quite often to throw at them and killed alot of them this way. Only problem is if he misses he has got to run with one or no shoes.

Gold Member
Username: Jtown


Post Number: 3045
Registered: Mar-07
yeah we had a few of those that came to my old house, he had a pile of dirt in the drive way we were using to level the ground in the back yard. I saw it and freaked, it was as big as a humming bird.

I think to my self, luckily I have this shovel in hand. I smack the wasp with it, it hits the ground and continues to move. I take said shovel, and slam it down on top of the wasp. guess what, it gets up and flies away as I take a last swing and miss at it.

I even sprayed one for five minutes with wasp killer, nothing....

Gold Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 4143
Registered: Mar-06
well, Found out what it was.

Japanese Giant Hornet

Gold Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 4144
Registered: Mar-06
better vid ees/
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