Well, I guess this wasnt an impulse buy per se but have you ever seen things that you dont really need, but you just have to buy it? Well, I was in a gas station around 3am the other night and I saw something I had to give to my girlfriend and her roomate. They always loose the remote, plus I just thought it would be funny to give them that. Ive never seen one so I figured I would put it up here. I think its pretty funny
I think it's way funny. In fact we have this huge calculator that we once got as a gag gift i think. It's slightly smaller than a standard sheet of paper (11x8.5in). I find it hilarious.
I think it's intended for old people who still want to attempt to balance their checkbooks and sh!t (LK probably has one).
lol i was just gonna say that about the calculator. and capps thier actually very vommon in my area, although they always look like noone ever bought one lol.
My hang up is I don't just buy one of most anything. When I see a good deal on something I stock up lol. Sneakers, light bulbs, extension cords, food for obvious reasons, ect.... but when it comes to tools I can't help myself.
I've been known to buy 6 air brad nailers, 4 cordless drills, drill bit sets by the dozen, saw blades (5 at a time), ect.....
Some would say that sounds like a pack rat but actually I have a method to my madness, I guess lol. I can't tell you how many times I've lent tools to friends and family and never got it back. Now I tell them to keep it, I've got 4 more. I also sell extra stuff at the flea mart.
I bought a watch from my buddy on impulse. $50. I found a chip on it after though. We traded back until I can get to his house and have a look at a few of the others. His uncle has a shop in Switzerland so he gets really expensive watches all the time for little to nothing.
I was just curious as to what swiss made watches you could get cheap. That is all.
I have a $300 Seiko that nobody locally can get the back off of to change the battery. A couple of places have tried and all they did was scratch the sh1t out of it.
I was told I had to send it oversees. To change a $%@^! battery???!!!
My aunt used to work at seiko, sales rep, and I could get any watch I wanted from them for free as soon as it was discontinued. She has samples and didnt need them if they didnt sell them anymore. After she quit, she kept them and gave some as presents and sold the rest on ebay. Its nice to have connections
I have that remote, my wife and I bought 2 of them last year, 1 for each of our parents. The sad thing is they are using them now Either they don't get the joke, or they actually like them :S