Frog that Breathes Without Lungs


Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 3066
Registered: Oct-06

Pretty interesting. I've also read about frogs that swallow with their eyes!!! Those crazy amphibians!!

Gold Member
Username: Th3pwn3r

I compensate...

Post Number: 7872
Registered: Jul-06
Pretty neat information.

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

COD4 Addict ... Level 2 pre...

Post Number: 2389
Registered: Jan-06
theres also one that completely freezes itself during the winter and its heart stops beating. it thaws itself out in the spring and keeps on goin though haha crazy little creatures...

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 15864
Registered: Jun-06
Amphibians adapt fairly quickly to their environment. It's probably why alot of Earth's creatures have an amphibian background. Asexual reproduction is a scary adaptation if you ask me. Nothing but the food chain to stop them lol.

Gold Member
Username: Jtown

Team RD, Texas

Post Number: 2737
Registered: Mar-07

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The Chicago area

Post Number: 3067
Registered: Oct-06
"theres also one that completely freezes itself during the winter and its heart stops beating. it thaws itself out in the spring and keeps on goin though haha crazy little creatures..."

Yeah i've read about some insects that do the same thing. It's absolutely mind boggling if you really stop to think about that. That a creature could go so long without eating, breathing, blood flow etc. CRAZZYY!!!

"Amphibians adapt fairly quickly to their environment. It's probably why alot of Earth's creatures have an amphibian background. Asexual reproduction is a scary adaptation if you ask me. Nothing but the food chain to stop them lol."

Good point Paul, there are a lot of evolution experts who think humans won't even be around in the distant future, and that amphibians in fact will evolve to become high intelligence creatures. Lizard Planet!!!!!

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 15683
Registered: Dec-03
^^^Gotta love the amphibians! They will be studying our fossilized remains and try to figure out why we became extinct.

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 15868
Registered: Jun-06
It's funny you sat that Pit. Darwin says we come from apes.

My question is if that's true then why are there apes AND humans today? During the evolution process did a few apes decide not to cross over lol?

Seriously, in nature the organ/muscle used the most will grow and adapt. The cheetah needed fast running skills to survive, those who had/developed it survived and passed on those traits.

Humans are NOT the fastest, strongest, or even the best looking of Earth's animals. The difference is our brain. Ironically it's our brains that will get ourselves extinguished from this planet lol. Greed, hate, lust, addiction, ect....all traits of humans.

Think about it. Our most powerful asset as a species is also our most dangerous one.

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 15685
Registered: Dec-03
Indeed it is.

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

COD4 Addict ... Level 2 pre...

Post Number: 2394
Registered: Jan-06

Gold Member
Username: Cblaze

Rock island, Tenesssee Us

Post Number: 2015
Registered: Sep-07
"Humans are NOT the fastest, strongest, or even the best looking of Earth's animals. The difference is our brain. Ironically it's our brains that will get ourselves extinguished from this planet lol. Greed, hate, lust, addiction, ect....all traits of humans. "

never know what a animal is thankin we can only speak human languages thats all we know.animals may have there own way of talkin to each other

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 15692
Registered: Dec-03
Yup, and probably frustrated at the way we cannot live with each other in peace.
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