the new rule is you have to be 20 years old to get in to the nba. its bad enough they made kids go to college for one year by making it 19, now its 20 years old.
look at the top players in the nba. they all went straight to the nba from high school.
kobe bryant lebron james amare stoudimire kevin garnett dwight howard andrew bynum
I think it's a good rule. Almost all of those guys has had issues along the way. They may be physically ready for the NBA but history has shown that most are not mentally ready for the money and fame.
"I think it's a good rule. Almost all of those guys has had issues along the way. They may be physically ready for the NBA but history has shown that most are not mentally ready for the money and fame."
That's true for just about half of most pro sports players now.
Chad, look at all the kids going top 10 who fail. it greatly exceeds the number of successes. See Kwame Brown, Johnathan Bender, Sebatian Telfair, etc...
I think it's a terrible rule. As much as we'd like to help these kids make the right decisions in life, it is not our place, nor the NBA's place, to dictate the important life decisions they make. They are adults and those decisions should be up to them and their loved ones.
College isn't for everyone, and that's not a horrible thing. If someone wants to learn a family trade or get a blue collar job right out of highschool, more power to them. I see nothing wrong with someone deciding to forego college and work their as$ off as a construction worker or something to make a decent living if that's what makes them happy. And I see the NBA situation as no different.
Most of all it sickens me that they are forced to go to college first where they aren't being payed, and are punished if they do accept payments/benefits etc., despite the fact that rich snobs are making loads of cash off of them.
NBA is a JOB, thats all it is! differnt than any other as far as the player and family doing what they want and is best for the individual..
we all know college is USUALLY best for MOST, but not for ALL!...thats a personal individual decision...and maturity comes in time, NOT in college! definitely doesn't have that course!...but TIME does!...a little (OJT) on the job training, never hurt anybody!
people need to quit coddling these sports players and look at them like responsible adults, if they're 18 and over!..
again if ya can vote for President of the United States of America, and be in the military and die in foreign wars... then ya should be able to play B ball in the NBA!...The GOV thinks you're responsible, why shouldn't the NBA!