Platinum Member Username: The_image_dynamicSan Diego, California Post Number: 3673 Registered: Dec-06 | Her name? Alexa Rodriguez. Her age? 13. Alex Rodriguez' number? 13. They say that the red-tailed hawk has lived at the stadium for at least five years and has never bothered anyone. Thousand of visitors have toured the stadium without incident. All of a sudden it attacks a girl named A-Rod. Coincidence? Look at the hawk staring down Alexa and completely ignoring the other girl. ![]() ![]() |
Platinum Member Username: Th3pwn3rPost Number:... Post Number: 7761 Registered: Jul-06 | HOLY SH1T haha, damn that's crazy. |
Platinum Member Username: Big_edge_headMilwaukee, Wisconsin MY SUBS GET ... Post Number: 1845 Registered: Mar-07 | LMFAO... She must be evil... ![]() |
Diamond Member Username: BestmankindLos Angeles, CA USA Post Number: 20019 Registered: Oct-05 | lol the irony. |
Platinum Member Username: Th3pwn3rPost Number:... Post Number: 7797 Registered: Jul-06 | Yea...hopefully they don't punish that hawk for what he did. The girl probably smelled like hot dogs or something. |
Platinum Member Username: The_image_dynamicSan Diego, California Post Number: 3675 Registered: Dec-06 | State wildlife took her nest (with one egg inside) away hoping that will make her not want to return. The hawk has lived inside Fenway for the past six years during the off-season. A little bit before each season started, stadium workers would shoo her away. And every single year after the season was over, she would come back and set up her home all over again. |
Platinum Member Username: Th3pwn3rPost Number:... Post Number: 7809 Registered: Jul-06 | Those b@stards stole her baby. That's not even right. |
Platinum Member Username: The_image_dynamicSan Diego, California Post Number: 3676 Registered: Dec-06 | That was my thought too. They say that hawks are the most intelligent birds and I bet you anything she is sitting somewhere right now thinking "Wow, I really fücked up". |
Platinum Member Username: Livin_loudCOD4 Addict ... Level 2 pre... Post Number: 2355 Registered: Jan-06 | crazy stuff. i find it ridiculous his salary is more than the Marlins whole team |
Diamond Member Username: BestmankindLos Angeles, CA USA Post Number: 20021 Registered: Oct-05 | lol. |
Platinum Member Username: Th3pwn3rPost Number:... Post Number: 7818 Registered: Jul-06 | "crazy stuff. i find it ridiculous his salary is more than the Marlins whole team" Yea...that's baseball for ya. |
Platinum Member Username: Naledge503Portland, Or Post Number: 3569 Registered: Jun-06 | They took the egg away cause the hawk was nesting and its the reason why the hawk attacked. I read that its usually done nesting by the time the season starts but no this year. The egg was a bad egg they said....still messed up though. ""We are hoping that removing the egg will deter the hawk from nesting again in Fenway Park [map]," said Robert Keough, spokesman for the department. Keough said it's not possible to determine the exact reason for the attack. Keough also said that the egg was taken to Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine in Grafton, where it was found not viable." c=home&position=recent |
Platinum Member Username: Denali_on_22sI get Bucks like Milwa... Post Number: 5179 Registered: Feb-06 | yeah that was on sportscenter last night and today... pretty wild... |
Diamond Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 15139 Registered: Jan-06 | Rumor is that the Fenway hawk was kidnapped and swapped for a Yankee hawk trained to attack Red Sox |
Platinum Member Username: Nyyfan1315 MAG USA Post Number: 9165 Registered: Jul-06 | Lol. That is wild. The Yanks have the left field squirrel, the Red Sox have the Hawk, the Angels have the rally monkey.....whats next? Lol |
Platinum Member Username: PitbullguyThe Chicago area Post Number: 3054 Registered: Oct-06 | "crazy stuff. i find it ridiculous his salary is more than the Marlins whole team" and Hanley Ramierez was like the 2nd or 3rd projected overall fantasy pick!!! Is he getting ripped off or what? |
Platinum Member Username: Denali_on_22sI get Bucks like Milwa... Post Number: 5189 Registered: Feb-06 | rally monkey ftw! |