ok here's the deal. i downloaded trance music. since its a dj mix, its one continuous file. i want to separate the file. i need a program that does that.
i couldnt find anything off hand iv got a headache so i stopped looking. calkwalk pyro 2004 is what i have seach for that or maybe someone else has a link for it.
Use the Wave Editor inside your Nero. Set "markers" where you want them at the end of each song or section. You can also cut and paste pieces to make seperate songs.
Not super easy to do at first but neither is anything by Cakewalk. I am still trying to master Sonar 6 and it's been quite awhile now.
Audicity. Open the file in it, highlight each song, save as mp3 or better yet, an .ogg vorbis or .wav. Then again you will need a hu capable of playing them.