Ok guys, I need to get other peoples opinions on "what a high school student is" or how they would be described. It's a little project for class, so if you could just give a short sentence or even a few words that would be awesome. And if you want to go more in depth, what was your opinion of HS students when you were in HS, If you are still in high school, maybe what you opinion was when you were in 8th grade or just before HS. If you want to include your occupation to that would be cool, but you obviously dont have to. Thanks in advanced for any comments.
A high school student know everything that is wrong with the world and has all the solutions.
With all this knowledge in his or her possession, they are terribly misunderstood and blames the "institution" for not being able to understand them.
They are strong in their belief and passionate about what they know. And because they possess the solution to the world's problems, any and all adult opposition, no matter how firmly based in logic, will be taken as an attempt to hold them back.
They are feeling the first vestiges of independence and freedom of choice. Any adult interference is again viewed as another attempt at being kept from their true potential and calling.
Most of them work hard to prove themselves and most do well. They go into professions that they think will be in line with their beliefs. Unfortunately some get stuck in a rut and in a job they hate.
Before they know it, they are the same exact adult they despised with a high school kid of their own
to become popular and stay there get the hottest girl/boy in school and do something that people will remember and also know everything and anything and never being wrong.
also own the coolest/nicest things... maintain a key persona to be remembered by... pranks... hate school and think theyve learned all they need because they are doing a particular major or what to be a particular something
"know everything and anything and never being wrong"
I know what you mean, I am still in high school and sometime I catch myself acting that way when im talking with people about something I like. I hate high school, but soon I will be out lol.
"I don't believe they are...it just seems that way because you are getting older."
Man, I gotta disagree. I'm in grade 10 now and the new grade 9s are far more immature than we were. We weren't the most mature but we certainly weren't THAT bad.
A highschool student: -Attends a highschool.
Your average highschool student: -Seems to be a complete d!ck. -Overconfident. -Immature. -Disrespectful. -As stated, is always right. -Has opinions that are quite often based on a small amount of information; false or even non-existent. -Refuses to accept that other people have opinions that are different from their own. -Believes they have completed their journey to adulthood and will not strive to improve themselves. -Follows everyone else while claiming to be individual. -Has the farthest from an open mind one could ever possess.
I'm from a small town 20 minutes outside of Pittsburgh. Not much going on. My folks moved to Jersey as I was entering high school. Willingboro. A predominately black school. Sports for me was out. That's not a racist statement, but fact. I can't run, jump, or shoot hoops to save my life against those who are physically gifted for it. I played football, for about a year and a half. Hung up my cleats. I was a tadpole swimming amongst alligators, and I was 6'2" 200lbs.
So I took up vocational courses. Loved it. Carpentry, plumbing, electrical all came easy to me. My first job was as a carpenter's apprentice for my Carpentry teacher on the weekends, full time after I graduated. Learned TONS.
Today I'm still in the field of construction but now I work on a pc designing million dollar homes and wishing I could afford one lol.
To me a high school student can either take what's given/fed to them by counselors and parents or evaluate for themselves what THEY want in life and run with it. You're gonna fall every once in awhile, who doesn't?
I don't regret not going to college, even though it's a prerequisite for some "echelon" postions. I jumped right into the world and don't ever intend to look back on it, diploma or not.
High school student always wants to get out of high school and jump into college asap.....funny thing is though, once they get to college, most of them want to go back to high school for various reasons.
"Man, I gotta disagree. I'm in grade 10 now and the new grade 9s are far more immature than we were. We weren't the most mature but we certainly weren't THAT bad. "
Now that is one funny statement. It's funny how you can judge someone else's maturity by being a grade higher.
Im a senior and i cant wait to get the fu<k out. I'm sick of of alot of people and cant wait to graduate and never have to see some for the rest of my life. nuff said...
Its funny Steven, I can bet you that this time next year, you will look back and say to yourself, I wish I were back in HS. I said the exact same thing your saying right now a year ago. And right now, I'd give my left nut to go back and re-do all of HS.
lol yanks. I probobly will but some of what i said is really true. I can see myself looking back and wishing I was there because in all of high school I never studied and pretty much slacked off and got by with ok grades. Next year I wont be able to do that so I will miss that. As far as everything else....fu<k it all I just wanna get out.
I miss High School so much. I wasn't popular, par say, but I played drums, basketball, skated and was a class clown so I got along with everyone. Everyone (for the most part) knew me and if I needed help, I got it and vise versa. I got along with all my teachers and I still go over and hang out with one of my Bio teachers and my drafting teacher. High School is a time where 95% of people try to fit in with a group of people, be the best at something and make sure everyone knows, have the best looking guy or girl and be able to do nothing but get everything in return. When you become a senior, in my case anyway, you realize that life, as you know it is almost gone. No more set schedule, no more seeing your friends everyday, no more getting by without putting in the work.
High schoolers are assh0les for the most part! Their spare time involves going home in buses and making me wait in a huge line behind their assh0le bus, the ones that drive tail gait me while I'm already going 10 over when I leave early to miss the buses, they completely close off the movies/Wendy's/Chick-Fil-a/Starbucks on Friday and Saturday night.
Plus the last two years of highschool are a useless countdown to graduation and better things.