Pet Peeves


Gold Member
Username: Shortysetnies

Rock Vegas, NC US

Post Number: 2101
Registered: Mar-06
Name some of your pet peeves

My three big ones are
1. Putting the toilet paper on the roll backward. I hate when the TP rolls off on the wall side instead of toward me.
2.Getting tooth paste all over the cap. my sister does that sh!t and she cant even close it so I have my own
3.Riding in the left hand lane when you are going the speed limit or close to it. When Im doing 10 over (which is VERY RARE) I wanna pass you...

Anyway, what about everyone else?

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 15067
Registered: Dec-03
People who say "Valentimes Day" instead of Valentine's with an "n

People who's principles only come up when money is involved and still have the balls to say "It's not the money, it's the principle"

Gold Member
Username: Thumpinwith8s

2 RE8s,PG Xenon 400.1, 135.5dbs!!!!

Post Number: 1065
Registered: Jun-07
People who drive while talking on cellphones

People who, when I am in the lefthand lane going fast...and they STILL speed up behind me and get right on my bumper.....i usually slow down then.

People who do not turn right on red....even though its OK and the road is open.

Gold Member
Username: Jtown

Team RD, Texas

Post Number: 2253
Registered: Mar-07
when my roommate uses the microwave and opens the door before the time has run out, and doesn't clear the time off.

stupid drivers(trying to be very braud here)

people that take everything they have for granted, especially the ones I see driving into our junior college parking lot in vehicles that cost at least 50 large. some of those being charger srts, porsches, and pontiac solstices.

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 13709
Registered: Jun-06
EVERYBODY who drives while chatting on the cell. Sometimes myself included.

Anyone who likes to have the tv on in the house for "background noise".

Coming home from a long day and hearing the toilet running.

When my cat cries that she's hungry soooo #@$! bad that it forces me to feed her. She walks over to the food bowl, sniffs, then goes and takes a nap.

Both my kids crying that they're full and can't eat another bite of dinner, then 10 minutes later crying for snack.

Anyone who drives 10mph below the limit.

Missing yellow lights by shear seconds.

Buying anything and being told by another consumer that is was on sale last week.

Trolls here on E.

Any AOL product.

People who are always late.

When it rains the day after I wash my truck. (It never fails)

Telemarketers who swear it's my lucky day.

Annoying emails stating that I NEED to pass it on to 10 ppl or I'll have bad luck.

Buying seedless grapes and finding out later that they have seeds.

Going to a store for something and then going home without that one item you went for.

The last few hours of life left in fluorescent light bulbs when they flicker and buzz.

There's many more but I have to go feed my cat..........

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 15073
Registered: Dec-03
the fat dude in the TV show "LOST" Upload WTF?

Gold Member
Username: Shortysetnies

Rock Vegas, NC US

Post Number: 2106
Registered: Mar-06
now the stupid commercials about text "love" to 21222 and see if you and your other are ment to be! I see at least 2 on every commercial break!

Gold Member
Username: Nyyfan13


Post Number: 8471
Registered: Jul-06
Lets see, I hate:

Stupid questions (and yes, there are such things)
Stupid people (people who are actually smart but choose to be dumb)
People who drive slow in the fast lane (if you aren't doing 10 over in the fastlane, get out of my way)
People who pace the person next to them allowing no one to go around them
Dump trucks/big trucks who go slow in the fast lane and make it impossible to get around them
People who talk on the cell phone and completely forget how to drive
People who are ignorant
People who can't take criticism
People who think they know everything
People who think they are better than you at something but really are no where close to your level
People who think just because they own it, its the best
People who argue sports and don't know enough to argue

Many many more I'm sure

Platinum Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 13947
Registered: Jan-06
hmmmmm..I dislike people who don't appreciate LIFE, and have nothing better to do than complain about others...and the insignifacant acts of others...

Gold Member
Username: Nyyfan13


Post Number: 8474
Registered: Jul-06
Is that a shot at me LK?

Gold Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 3422
Registered: Mar-06
My biggest pet peeve,
Pet peeves Lists.

Platinum Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 13949
Registered: Jan-06
No Yanks..quit being paranoid..I'm just replying here like everybody else..

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

The poster formerly kn...

Post Number: 2814
Registered: Oct-06
"when my roommate uses the microwave and opens the door before the time has run out, and doesn't clear the time off."

I know man. I hate when someone does that and then i look to check the time and i'm like ITS NINETEEN SECONDS O-CLOCK WHAT THE SH!T!?!?

"Anyone who likes to have the tv on in the house for "background noise". "

Pauly Wallnuts i do that all the time, it feels awkward and lonely when it's quiet

"People who are always late."

OMFG. I work with a girl who is late for the exact same shift literally every day. Anywhere from 5-15 minutes. Every time she comes in with bullsh!t laughing like "oh my silly cat barfed and i had to clean it up" and i say "oh what a coincidence it's your 47th consecutive late day ya stupid b!tch!!!!!!". "Ever think you could just set your fu<king alarm like 10 minutes earlier to cancel out the stupid bullsh!t you always get caught up in?" Then i stab her with a box cutter.

"the fat dude in the TV show "LOST" Upload WTF?"

i know right, you're trying to tell me his fata$s has been "lost" for like 3 years and he hasn't lost a few pounds scrounging for seeds and berries and sh!t?

"My biggest pet peeve,
Pet peeves Lists."

I don't know if that was serious or not, but if it was, i totally agree. That's why i only commented on others listed and didn't add any of my own. Sometimes somebody will make one at work about the little, insignificant things that bug them and i'm just like "what makes you think anyone has the time to give a flying fu<k about this sh!t?" I mean if it's something substantial and negatively affects your co-workers or business or w/e, fine. But it's always the littl sh!t that just "bugs" them.

Gold Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, Wisconsin MY SUBS GET ...

Post Number: 1476
Registered: Mar-07
we already had a thread like this lol.

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 15079
Registered: Dec-03
Yeah, but that's Chad's list

Gold Member
Username: Big_edge_head

Milwaukee, Wisconsin MY SUBS GET ...

Post Number: 1478
Registered: Mar-07
ahhhh i see. lol

Gold Member
Username: Shortysetnies

Rock Vegas, NC US

Post Number: 2109
Registered: Mar-06
"My biggest pet peeve,
Pet peeves Lists"

Sorry to offend anyone. If you dont like the thread, you dont have to post in it...

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

4 10 Pioneer...

Post Number: 13145
Registered: Jul-05
hates when my neighbours gets on like a d1ck because of me testing a new sub box i built for some1 yets he too does sh1t to disturb me - (well today i told him off for that ...)

stupid popular song which the world loves but i hate

^^^same goes for movies \ trends & some celebs

y da $@$%! does ecoustics keep breaking down often these days

forum spammers

crime & criminals

#1 on mine (& prolly other ppl's list) is NASTY POLITICIANS !!!!! & us idiots who knowingly put them there ......

Gold Member
Username: Bnd_rulez

Phoenix, AZ USA

Post Number: 1509
Registered: Mar-05
Bad grammar, like people saying "Lemme get uh.." instead of "May I have.."

Or the word broughtin. It's Brought! Not BROUGHTIN.

How about bums? We have hobos that will stand at the corners of off ramps and hold signs. Tattered piece of cardboard with black permanent market saying something to the effect of "HOMELESS, PLEASE HELP" and at the bottom it's always got the "GOD BLESS". I loathe bums.

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 15089
Registered: Dec-03
Idiots who keep insisting on converting car audio to home audio and honestly think it's a badass set-up!

Gold Member
Username: Bnd_rulez

Phoenix, AZ USA

Post Number: 1513
Registered: Mar-05
Haha, I just referred someone to the home audio section for that. my bad.

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 13742
Registered: Jun-06
I hate those little 8oz cans of beer. Who buys these???

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 15091
Registered: Dec-03
The airlines :-)

Silver Member
Username: Bonhamd

Northern, Michigan USA

Post Number: 324
Registered: Nov-07
people who do not know when to shut their mouth / a "know it all"

Gold Member
Username: Bnd_rulez

Phoenix, AZ USA

Post Number: 1520
Registered: Mar-05
Paul, I am totally with you. We sell Coronitas by the boat load. Why the h3ll you want to waste your time with 7 oz? Thats just foolish.

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 13804
Registered: Jun-06
I'll tell you what I do love tho. Those variety packs of cereal boxes. I've loved them since I was a kid. Yes they are more expensive in the long run but fun as hell lol.

Somone should start a "What I love thread".

Gold Member
Username: •cam•

BC Canada

Post Number: 1946
Registered: Nov-06
"stupid popular song which the world loves but i hate
^^^same goes for movies \ trends & some celebs"

And everything Yanks said.

People. They never cease to piss me off. For every person that I meet that is chill and grounded, I meet 25 people that are complete losers.
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