that kid deserved it. the youth today has no respect for the law. the cop did go overboard a bit but still that kid had no respect. the cop really shut him up. hahahaha.
now the cop should not have grabbed him and forced him to the ground.
Chad you are so wrong on this one, sorry bud. That cop was completely out of line.
His job is to ENFORCE THE LAW. NOT to go around trying to parent 14 year old kids and badger them about respect and backtalk.
If the kids were skateboarding in a place where it's illegal, fine. Take away their boards, ticket them, arrest them, or do w/e the proper procedure is for that offense (i haven't skateboarded in half a decade so i don't know).
Seriously that guy should be fired AT LEAST, if not charged with assault on a minor, i'm not even joking. Unless someone is resisting arrest, assaulting someone else, or fleeing the scene or something, a cop has no right or reason to headlock someone and toss them to the ground.
Disrespectful are you kidding me? The kid took off his headphones and the "cop" was immediately threatening him. The kid said "Okay, I couldn't hear you", in a scared and apologetic tone of voice. "Dude" is not disrespectful or degrading in any way shape or form, it is how people talk these days, including adults.
The cop was on a complete power trip. His life most likely sucks because he isn't a real cop, can't please his fat ugly wife sexually, and no one likes him.
I agree. The cop needs to have his badge taken from him.
He is the type of officer I hate. We all know he only became a cop because he was a fat azz and was picked on as a kid so he became a cop to have people respect him.
That kid probably shouldnt have been calling him dude but that is NO reason to flip out and throw him to the ground.
He shouldnt have taken the board like that. If the kid didnt want to give it up, he should have told him he was going to write him a ticket. If he needed it bad enough, he should have just grabbed his arms and put him in cuffs and taken it. Throwing him to the ground was uncalled for.
Also, why did it matter if the camera was on or not? A officer should be able to carry a camera with him at all times and be able to show it to any judge or head officer and not get in trouble. The only reason he was worried about it was the fact that he knew he was wrong and didnt want it to get out...
I like how he told him to stop talking back and sit down, the kid did just that, and then the cop looks at him and walks over to him and begins yelling at him more, as if he is trying to get a rise out of the kid, so that he can pick him up and throw him to the ground, again. run on sentence, sorry.
yeah exactly if he shouldnt have been skating their give him a ticket and thats it. and then the kids like let me call my mom and hes like no or whatever then hes like call your mom.
just an all around priick, its cops like that, that give them a bad name.
i thought the part at the end that camera better not be on...haha
jus sum piggy who think he is god, with his tight @ss shorts up his @ss ridin around in a fukin golf cart, he has all the reason to be mad...hahaha, way out of hand, the kid didnt even thing anything phyiscally for him to shove him down like that...i wonder y no by standers stopped....
Oh yeah this wacko is certainly on an ego trip. There was assault on a minor for what? Skateboarding?? Then he has the balls to demand respect for his badge??!! It's actions like this from bloated over paid meter maids that kill any respect they "should" get. He probably gets the same abuse from his fat wife at home and takes it out on the kids on the streets.
I'm actually suprised he didn't taze or mace them.
"I'm actually suprised he didn't taze or mace them."
x2 I was expecting it to go from bad to worse. Thank god it didn't. The video ended when he noticed the camera for a reason. He knew what he was doing was wrong, and realized he could be in deep sh!t.
Well that's one less azzhole cop in the world He will be fired and mostly likely sued and/or charged with assualt. Picking on a bunch of 14 year olds that together way about half of you is not a good idea. Especially when there is a camera on haha
Alot of these vids are surfacing. Cops are just outta control sometimes. They're used to having the film on their side. Now with technology it's changing hands.
He needed to get back in his buggy and move along.
I wonder how many times this happens and isnt caught on camera..
MOST cops around here are cool. We used to hang out at a park after hours and the guys (and one lady) that patroled the area, would come by and talk to us, one guy would always get out and smoke a cigarette or two and they even noticed when one guy put a lowering kit on his car.
I did an alcohol sting around here, riding around with 2 cops and buying beer to help with sales to minors and the cops I rode with were cool as he!!. If you get to know cops, most are cool as sh!t.
There are only a few of the dirty ones out there. There is just so much publicity when they do stupid crap that you start to think that they are all like that.
Cops are just like that here in Pittsburgh. They're a dime a dozen around here. Over 15 plus cases of police MURDER on Blacks and Whites since the early 1990's and NOT ONE officer has been convicted.
So seeing that pig bully on that kid is just commonplace.
Yeah I wouldn't dog ALL cops but the ones that have been taped and broad casted are just asinine. Maybe ppl should be wearing shirts that say: "You are being filmed". That way it makes the cop think twice b4 he acts.
The vid already has over 300,000 hits. He's been singled out for sure by now. Real smart screaming his own name also.
good, hopefully they'll come to the right conclusion. This cop should AT LEAST have to face charges for the crimes he's committed. Assault on the skateboard kid, destruction of property on the kids skateboard and the other guys remote control car.
no i havnt seen anything about it on the news, it would be very interesting to know what has happend though. if anything its probably going to be a long drawn out law suit