It is a person's way of dealing with the harshness of reality.
When everything else seems so desperate and hopeless, you cling to some glimmer of good in your situation. It keeps you grounded and it keeps you from going over the edge.
It speaks of balance between good and evil. One cannot necessarily exist without the other. How can you know it is good when you do not know what evil is?
The assignment is due Wednesday, February 6th, but don't sweat it, it's not a major assignment. he just wants us to do like a 1.5 page write up on the flick and how it relates to what i mentioned above.
HOWEVER, you should most definitely rent the movie anyway dude, it's pretty fu<king good. I always thought it was a kids movie, cause the main character is a little girl, and there's like fairies and pixies and sh!t.
NOT THE CASE. It is rated R, it is violent, gorey, a little scary at times. If you're into fantasy/sci-fi type sh!t it's up your alley.
it's in spanish so you gotta read subtitles, but for w/e reason i actually think it works better that way in certain movies, this being one of them.
Question though. You said it's a persons way of dealing with the harshness of reality. I assume you mean Ophelia is imagining her adventures. But there are scenes in the film that indicate it is more than JUST imagination.
I mean she goes out in the woods and crawls inside a muddy azz tree and has a confrontation with a giant slimy toad. It's not like the next scene just has her wake up like it was all a dream...
instead she is found by Mercedes (the maid), covered in mud, missing her pretty new dress. So she didn't imagine the whole thing, i mean she really went out in the woods and did SOMETHING, and it's not like she's on an acid trip.
i think the message is more that reality is all about perception.
example, if you're on a camping trip in the woods and you see a rattlesnake so you freak out and run away, only to find later that it was just a rope or something you mistook for a snake, does that make the experience any less real? No, the fear, danger, and panic to you were real as can be.
BTW we still have like 15 minutes left to watch on wednesday but he wanted us to write about it anyway, so i haven't seen the ending yet. dont give it away pls
I'm a philsophy minor.. but i've never seen the movie.
Sounds like a must watch, from what you're saying about it.
I prolly won't get around to watching it by wednesday, but you ever need any other help definatley hit me up. I helped Yanks get an A on a paper.. he can be a reference for me lol.
Waking Life, that's a movie to watch, especially for someone interested in Philosophy. Prob top 3 out of my fav movies of all time. The film was done by the same guy that did Dazed and Confused, and A Scanner Darkly; Richard Linklater.
Ehren, No I did not say that Ophelia is imagining anything. Her mind is giving her a different reality. She is going through a lot and to her everything is real.
It was a very good movie. I had rented it but I'm probably going to buy it. What I got from the movie was that karma comes back to bite you in the a ss in the end. I'll just leave it at that lol. There's a lot more to that movie than just that though.