New addition to the family....


Silver Member
Username: Gavbo211

JL Audio 10w3v2, IL US

Post Number: 793
Registered: Jan-05
Well we just got a new addition to the family the other day. 2004 Pontiac GTO. It's a 6 speed and has approximatley 11,500 miles on it. If you can't tell it's silver with red leather seats on the inside, the rest of the interior is black. I was kind of upset that he didn't get an 05 or 06, because they come stock with the ram air hood and dual exhaust, but the local dealer cut him a good deal on this one. After driving it the other day i must say i'm thoroughly impressed with it's power. From the factory it has 350hp and i believe 365ft lb, and you can definatley feel all the power as you shift gears. it's a blast do drive. the only flaw is some curb rash on the front passenger side wheel, but he just order some gloss black wheels for it the other day. unfortunatley i'm not at home so i don't get to play around in it or work on it, but it's his midlife crisis so he prolly wouldn't let me anyway.. lol.


also, just threw some eibach lowering springs on the mustang for anyone interested.


Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind

RD 1000.1D with SI MAG...

Post Number: 17550
Registered: Oct-05
rich azz. lol.

awesome collection you got going there gavin. mad props.

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

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Post Number: 12860
Registered: Jun-06
Nice rides.

Silver Member
Username: Gavbo211

JL Audio 10w3v2, IL US

Post Number: 794
Registered: Jan-05
haha.. i'm not that rich. we are all about cars in my family. my daily driver isn't as nice as those.. and dad only bought that cause he's having a midlife crisis.. lol

plus i'm at school where i don't get to have a car

Gold Member
Username: Nyyfan13


Post Number: 8146
Registered: Jul-06
Both looks great Gavin. I love those GTO's

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

4 10 Pioneer...

Post Number: 12949
Registered: Jul-05
IMO the potiac actually looks alot better than that mustang....

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Username: Project6

Post Number: 14615
Registered: Dec-03

Silver Member
Username: Gavbo211

JL Audio 10w3v2, IL US

Post Number: 795
Registered: Jan-05
Rovin.. i agree actually.. lol. but i didn't have as big of budget to work with. but still.. the mustang is my baby.

also, what do you think would look better for the mustang.. should i:

1. go carbon fiber trunk to match the hood

2. paint the hood to match the car (original plan, leaving only the hood scoop carbon fiber)

3. leave it the way it is

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

Do Work Fi Audio

Post Number: 2181
Registered: Jan-06
do something with the grille

Silver Member
Username: Gavbo211

JL Audio 10w3v2, IL US

Post Number: 796
Registered: Jan-05
I took the chrome mustang plastic piece off the grill over christmas break. The all black grill looks much better than having the silver stang on there IMO. I'm going to leave it the way it is cause i don't think chrome or billet would look that good.

Gold Member
Username: Bernymac


Post Number: 3652
Registered: Sep-04
Very nice man. Sweet rides. mad props.

Gold Member
Username: Bnd_rulez

Phoenix, AZ USA

Post Number: 1334
Registered: Mar-05
Nice, though I would have waited for Challenger.

Mid life crisis? The reason men buy expensive toys at that age is generally based on the fact that it's more affordable now as opposed to back then when they wanted one but couldn't afford it.

Silver Member
Username: Gavbo211

JL Audio 10w3v2, IL US

Post Number: 797
Registered: Jan-05
well like i said.. we aren't exactly rich, so the Challenger will be way out of our price range. although it looks like an amazing car and i've always wanted a mopar.

and my dad had some nice cars back when he was younger, which is why i think he still appriciates them so much now. he just moved for his job though, so i figure the stress of moving led him to buy something nice for himself. either that, or to pick up chicks.. lol.

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

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Post Number: 12903
Registered: Jun-06
Gavin, weren't you the one with the Camaro rs?

I had the 88' Iroc. Don't know why but I peg you with it.

Silver Member
Username: Gavbo211

JL Audio 10w3v2, IL US

Post Number: 798
Registered: Jan-05
yep.. that's my daily driver. i almost neeever drive the mustang except for on nice weekends and to shows.

my daily:

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

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Post Number: 12911
Registered: Jun-06
I love it.

I'm sure you've seen mine. I loved it too.


Silver Member
Username: Gavbo211

JL Audio 10w3v2, IL US

Post Number: 801
Registered: Jan-05
Niiice Paul. I would have loved to get an iroc, but for the milage mine had on it the price was too good to pass up. mines the 305V8 too, so it still does alright. the standard 305 (not the H.O. that came in the IROCS) are kind of sluggish though.

I'm thinking about getting some hood louvers for the camaro. not like the vent style ones on the iroc, but the raised ones that came on the 91, 92 Z28s. but right now i'm dumping all my cash into the mustang

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

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Post Number: 12912
Registered: Jun-06
I hear ya. If I could get my car back I'd be in heaven lol.

Silver Member
Username: Mrskullz1

Brooklyn, New York

Post Number: 804
Registered: Feb-07
can u send pic of bak of mustang?

Silver Member
Username: Gavbo211

JL Audio 10w3v2, IL US

Post Number: 802
Registered: Jan-05
Skullz, this is the only pic i have of the back. it was back when there wasn't much done to it, but the back still basically looks the same. I will get some more pics of the inside, sound system, etc when i go home for spring break.


Gold Member
Username: Cblaze

Rock island, Tenesssee Us

Post Number: 1658
Registered: Sep-07
gto is like my fav much cheese for one tho

Gold Member
Username: Denali_on_22s

The kids like my rhyme...

Post Number: 3819
Registered: Feb-06
my mom had a brand new '87 Z28 camaro when she lived in florida. she still talks about it. white with gold stock bbs looking wheels on it

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

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Post Number: 12990
Registered: Jun-06
I keep telling myself that I need to get my camaro back. (Most ppl who part with their cars eventually do).

It's getting to the point now though that it would start becoming too expensive. My camaro is now 20 years old. To find it in good shape means top $$. To restore one back to good condition means more $$.

I'm better off getting something new and load it to the hills with performance lol.

But then again....with that we're back to tons of $$$.

Gold Member
Username: Shortysetnies

Rock Vegas, NC US

Post Number: 1873
Registered: Mar-06
sh1t, paul, we know you're loaded...

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

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Post Number: 13038
Registered: Jun-06
Loaded? Yeah right lol.

I'm a single parent of two. I get by but I'm not loaded. Mortgage, utilities, insurance, truck payments, taxes, ect............

Paul is left with........

I have fun tho where I can.........

I just hate when some azzhole claims I'm jacking up the price on something I'm selling that I'm not making any money on. I do it because I like this place and I want ppl to get the best possible price on stuff. I want to give back.

I have two great kids who I love very much, a job that supports them both, a family that will always be behind me, and passions for many things, including this place.

So yeah, I guess you can say Paul is loaded.

Gold Member
Username: Shortysetnies

Rock Vegas, NC US

Post Number: 1875
Registered: Mar-06
your are the man paul. that al guy is a retard. everyone up here that matters, knows you're the man.

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

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Post Number: 13068
Registered: Jun-06
Then that means even more....

Gold Member
Username: Adddisorder

Palm Beach, Florida

Post Number: 5879
Registered: Jan-06
yeah paul you are the man.

Silver Member
Username: Gavbo211

JL Audio 10w3v2, IL US

Post Number: 809
Registered: Jan-05
paul is for sure the man.

now he just has to get his IROC back so he can get the ladays... haha.

Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 7753
Registered: Jun-04
my dad had the first year iroc an 85 with the ho 305 in it...I think it was 215 hp stock and did 5.8 0-60 stock...later on my dad added performance parts raising it up to 300 hp i think...that car was quick and handled very with black tint was that car sweet...but some guy in a truck hit my dads car and it was totaled

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

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Post Number: 13085
Registered: Jun-06
Yeah I miss that car. My ex wife(girlfriend at the time) used to scream at me for chirping my wheels every so often. I kept telling her: "Hey, it's a 5.7L v-8, every once in a while I use it."

I caught her several times lead footing it when she would drive it lol. It's just addicting.


Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 7764
Registered: Jun-04
yeah even stock that thing would put you back in your seat when you smashed the gas...LOL

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 14672
Registered: Dec-03
Yeah no doubt...isn't that the point of getting a fast car?

Aside from tricking out the sound system :-)

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Username: Project6

Post Number: 14678
Registered: Dec-03
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Username: Wingmanalive

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Post Number: 13118
Registered: Jun-06

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

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Post Number: 13119
Registered: Jun-06
I loved my car. But I would drive it differently today. I would appreciate the power and have fun Would a 17 year old do the same lol???

My son scares the crap out of me lol.

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 14679
Registered: Dec-03
Yup, it is so different now. Who would have thought that I will be responsible...LOL!

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

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Post Number: 13120
Registered: Jun-06

Silver Member
Username: Gavbo211

JL Audio 10w3v2, IL US

Post Number: 814
Registered: Jan-05
if you want talk about being responsible.. my thread is the wrong place to do it.. haha.

so far i have gotten 8 tickets and had my licsense suspended once.

oh, and if it gives you any idea of how i like to drive my car.. i've never ever gotten a speeding ticket

Silver Member
Username: Mrskullz1

Brooklyn, New York

Post Number: 807
Registered: Feb-07
dude i dun care wht ppl say but dayuuuum man tht stang is lookin for one myself or if not tht then an explorer or somethin big

lucky basturd lol

Platinum Member
Username: Chaunb3400

Huntsville, Alabama U.S.

Post Number: 13741
Registered: Jul-05
I like both of them :-)
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