OT-Another little girl.


Gold Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 6815
Registered: Nov-04
More examples of bad parenting.
Doesn't matter if it's careless/accident, things like this should NEVER happen period.

Police are hunting a six-fingered man who they're calling a "potential sex offender."
The suspect is sought after an 8-year-old girl was approached by an unknown man and grabbed by the arm around 4:30 p.m. Monday, said Toronto police.

She was standing in front of her home, in the area of Crow Trail and Tapscott Rd., but managed to break free and run, although she was chased for a short distance.

"She's a little girl, she was grabbed, he's a man, we put two and two together," said Det. Emerson Finn, describing why the suspect was designated a potential sex offender.

Upon reaching a neighbour's home unhurt, the girl called her mother; the suspect fled in an unknown direction.

Police describe the suspect as a black man in his 20s, 5-foot-8 to 5-foot-10, medium build with a sixth finger between the thumb and index finger on one or both hands.

Gold Member
Username: Drivingreckless

DD 9515f, 148.2 db Mov...

Post Number: 4936
Registered: Apr-06
Isaac PLEASE stop posting threads of girls getting raped man..its more saddening(sp) then anything else. Every time you make one of these post i question humanity more and more:-(

Gold Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 6817
Registered: Nov-04
Sorry dude, just trying to spread the news so that real parents will be more careful. Stuff like this happens too often.

Gold Member
Username: Nd4spd18

Northwest PA

Post Number: 4621
Registered: Jul-06
At least put it in the OT section please

Gold Member
Username: Tatonka

-[Team Audib...

Post Number: 1138
Registered: Mar-07
Stuff like this happens everyday Isaac. If you made a post about it every time it happened, every thread would be full of it. Is this what it takes for people to realize reality? You just have to accept that parents make mistakes, they shouldn't, but they do. But you cant blame it on them, it is a flaw of all us humans.

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Ascendant Audio Arsenals, Chicago

Post Number: 2399
Registered: Oct-06
Issac unless you know more information about this case than what's in this thread, it's completely ridiculous for you to call that bad parenting.

Silver Member
Username: Demon_pride

Crowder, Oklahoma USA

Post Number: 225
Registered: Oct-05
Uhm... I'm not even joking, but at college here in OK, there was a black man in his mid 20s, 5'8 or so, and medium to heavy build who was sliding g4y pron under male students doors, and then looking in their windows at them. Last heard of in the Kansas City area. He drives a Grand Am with the front hubcaps missing.

Gold Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 6821
Registered: Nov-04
Pit Bull, allowing a child to be alone outside without supervision is "good" parenting to you then? If parents don't protect little kids, then who will?
There was another article where a 6 year old girl died when the tunnel she made in the snow bank fell on her. Her dad wasn't watch her. So would you still consider that "good" parenting? All I'm saying is, too many kids get injured/killed cause parents are either careless or take things for granted. If everyone ignores/lets it slide, then it'll just continue on. That's not acceptable.

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Ascendant Audio Arsenals, Chicago

Post Number: 2400
Registered: Oct-06
"Pit Bull, allowing a child to be alone outside without supervision is "good" parenting to you then?"

Well since you're putting words in my mouth, i'll return the favor. So to YOU Isaac, a parent should keep their children constantly supervised, every second of every day no matter what untill they're 18. If they don't, it's bad parenting....yeah that's totally realistic.

"too many kids get injured/killed cause parents are either careless or take things for granted."

No sh!t. One is too many.

The point is you're taking cases where you know VERY little about what happened and attributing them to "bad parenting". You're essentially implying that things like this can't happen to kids who have good, responsible parents. That IMHO is a slap in the face to tons of parents who have been struck by tragedy despite doing everything within their power to keep their kids safe. That is the world we live in, didn't your mother ever tell you "life isn't fair"?...well it's true, sh!t happens to ppl who don't deserve it all the time.

The parents in the cases you've posted could be 100% to blame or not at all, the point is we don't know. I haven't said once that I believe they are not to blame, only that it is certainly possible, and unfair to accuse them like you are.

Gold Member
Username: Jtown

Team Revolution, Texas

Post Number: 1298
Registered: Mar-07
Pit's making very good points.
Someone very dear to me, as a child was forced into something very very inappropriate while at their friend's uncle's house.
Regardless of what the parents do, there are always people out there that can beat the safeguards and commit such disgusting acts against children.

Gold Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 6836
Registered: Nov-04
Pits since you'd rather turn a blind eye and make excuses for these incompetent people, maybe you might want to do some more research before defending them.
You say I know "VERY" little about things, well it so happens that the girl had to run to her neighbour, cause that's where her mother was, to call the cops after the incident. Surely, even YOU can see something's wrong with that picture, or are you just too blind to care? To say I'm slapping all the "good" parent's faces is absurd. How do you stretch something that far? Had I said all parents are idiots, then yes, but I clearly gave examples of the ones that are just lousy. You turn around and manipulate it into insulting ALL parents. Just plainly unreasonable.
Instead of being biased, why don't you open your eyes and read the articles for what it's worth. Stop assuming and making things up.
Where did I say you had to supervise a child till they're 18? Isn't that exaggerating a bit too far. I said a kid that's very young, shouldn't be left alone to play outside UNSUPERVISED/MONITORED cause that's ILLEGAL. Do you even know remember when you were 6? Did you know what was right and wrong?

I don't expect everyone to agree, but how in the hell do you make excuses for them? You say I'm assuming, what about you? When an adult lets a small child to wander around by themselves, is wrong, no matter how you look at it, make excuses, or turn a blind eye.

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Ascendant Audio Arsenals, Chicago

Post Number: 2401
Registered: Oct-06
Isaac please, show me where i made excuses for the parents in these cases. Show me where i assumed things. Show me where I made things up.

"Where did I say you had to supervise a child till they're 18? Isn't that exaggerating a bit too far."

I specifically said i was going to put words in your mouth because you did it to me. It was blatantly obvious that I wasn't saying that's how you really felt. And that i was intentionally exaggerating.

Isaac you can get mad or hate me or w/e, but to this point, you've completely failed to understand the point i'm trying to make. I'm glad i'm not alone though, Thieves read this thread and understood perfectly the point i'm making.

Gold Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 6837
Registered: Nov-04
Hey, don't get me wrong, I'm not mad. As long as people read this article and understand that some "accidents" SHOULD NOT and CAN NOT be allowed to happen. No excuses period.

I get what you're trying to say, it's just that watching these so called "good" parents are frustrating. When stupid accidents happen, NO ONE points out the mistakes, instead all they say is, it was "no one's fault" and move on. How can you let a 6 year old play in a snow bank that's 6' high alone? What in the hell could be worth more than the child's life? It's sad to say, the little girl died when the tunnel she was making fell on her. The stupid dad got to her too late. And yes, he won't get charged, cause it was an "accident."
Pits, you may not agree with me, but at least point out mistakes when you see one. We don't need any more kids dying cause some parents refuse to care/see the danger.
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