I hate Yahoo. Im not feeling this yahoo juke box. It makes my virus scan, scan like every song when it starts, It claimed a seamless tranfer of music files from Musicmatch to yahoo, Yet about half of my files became un-named, forceing me to rename em. I got like 300 songs called; Artist - track 1 - 21547555489565. Artist - Track 2 - 24885484845854. I cant just find id tags like i used to for free, now they want me to pay to get my song ids back. And they lost a bunch on me too. Every time I try to play some, File not found, I can see the file, point it to it, but it just doesnt care. I hate yahoo. If I had know it was a pos app, i would have gone with something else. Plus I hate how it wants you to sign up/log in to listen to radio, or do anything else. I dont want to sign up or log into yahoo I just want to play MY MUSIC. I hate Yahoo.