Ecoustics Fantasy Basketball League


Gold Member
Username: Denali_on_22s

You can call me Scroog...

Post Number: 3176
Registered: Feb-06
I just wanted to start a thread one, askingh who everyone in the league is, and two, brag about how I'm owning everyone. That is all.

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Ascendant Audio Arsenals, Chicago

Post Number: 2258
Registered: Oct-06
I am Solipsists Unite, i have no idea how fantasy basketball works and i can't find any explanation of the rules and sh!t so now i haven't even logged in in like 2 weeks.

What i don't understand is like, in fantasy football you set your roster for each weeks games, and then once the deadline passes, the roster is set. I don't understand when and why you make roster changes in teh basketball. That's the best way I can explain my confusion.

Gold Member
Username: Nyyfan13


Post Number: 7157
Registered: Jul-06
i am yanks fan

and pit, go to your roster and just set your roster for about a month in advance so you dont have to go everyday to change it....thats what i do

Gold Member
Username: Denali_on_22s

You can call me Scroog...

Post Number: 3181
Registered: Feb-06
haha yeah.. basically... you set your roster daily bro... like the points you get go into the points category, same with assists and the assists category... and whoever has the most of said category whens the point.. i'm that's what she said by the way

Gold Member
Username: Denali_on_22s

You can call me Scroog...

Post Number: 3263
Registered: Feb-06
no one wants to talk about NBA... wtf, mate?

Gold Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Ascendant Audio Arsenals, Chicago

Post Number: 2333
Registered: Oct-06
I like the NBA, but not nearly as much as the NFL. I'm wayyy too NFL obsessed right now to talk about basketball.

And i haven't done ANYTHING in our ecoustics league, i don't get it, i don't like it, fu<k it.

Gold Member
Username: Denali_on_22s

You can call me Scroog...

Post Number: 3265
Registered: Feb-06
haha dude... what's not to get? your players stats accumulate throughout the week and you get a point for the stat catgories that your players accumulated more of then the other team... it adds up all the plays on your teams numbers and gives you a point for every stat you have more than them or higher than them...

Gold Member
Username: Denali_on_22s

You can call me Scroog...

Post Number: 3390
Registered: Feb-06

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind


Post Number: 16150
Registered: Oct-05
reece's team is weaksauce.
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