Thanks for all the help! Maybe I can help now!


New member
Username: Jenn11803

New York USA

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-07
I have been perusing your site for awhile and just became a member myself. Thanks for all the great info I get to read on a daily basis. Being new and enjoying your site, I wanted to give info on a cool site I found-especially with the holidays coming. It is called Expotv and it is a site where people make video reviews for different products they have purchased. I have researched on that site and chosen a cell phone, dvd player and pet food based on reviews that I saw. What is even better is that if you make reviews, they pay you for them (which is what I am going to start doing for Christmas).
It looks like they are gearing their site for the holidays, I saw 2 new links
Both of these seem to give insight on newer gadgets. It seems they are running a holiday sweepstakes too (not sure how often they do this though) and the prize is an HP Blackbird. I just figured I would let you all know so if you are looking for some gifts, it is a good place to go to get actual user reviews.
Have a great night!!

Gold Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 3029
Registered: Mar-06
Wow Jenn, That is just great news. Its Just what Ive been looking for. You Have just pointed me towards the "Killer App" of all web surfing. I dont know how I ever shopped with out that. I suggest you spead the word to as manny ppl as possible by posting in as many Non shopping related websites as possible. Im sure theres plenty of Harley Davidson sites that are dying to know this golden delight. Go Get Em Jenn...

New member
Username: Jenn11803

New York USA

Post Number: 2
Registered: Nov-07
I detect a hint of sarcasm. I only posted bc I have gotten a great deal of info from THIS site and thought that since this was the Off topic board, it would be ok to post about a good deal that I found.

Platinum Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 posts!!

Post Number: 10915
Registered: Jun-06
Jenn, or John, or Jack, or ....whatever.....


Sorry if this hurts your feelings.....

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