Bronze Member Username: DirtystinkindemocratPost Number: 59 Registered: Feb-07 | Democrats to burn in Hell. This can be avoided by inviting Jesus into your life, turning from your support of abortion/homosexualityy etc and stop bearing false witness on The President of the USA and the troops. Just say....Jesus I believe you died on the cross for my sins, come into my heart Lord Jesus, thank you Jesus for saving me. Tell another person after you have done this and you will be born again.It`s that simple You should no longer support candidates that support killing Gods unborn children. You will no longer be able to support homosexualityy, as God says it is a abomination before him.You need to stop bearing false witness against your GW Bush etc. You will no longer want to support the terrorists over the troops and you will no longer(if your prayer was sincere) be able or want to ever vote democrat again. Likewise you will not vote for Rudy Guliana Jason Borne Silver Member Username: Hardrockstriker Post Number: 889 Registered: Apr-06 Posted on Saturday, June 16, 2007 - 11:48 am: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What the hell does this have to do with satellite??? You're entitled to your own opinions/views, but please use the correct forum to express them. Dirty Democrat Bronze Member Username: Dirtystinkindemocrat Post Number: 53 Registered: Feb-07 Posted on Saturday, June 16, 2007 - 12:54 pm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I want to reach the satellite crowd for Christ.Who needs him more? zulu Silver Member Username: Runnerguy Pluto Post Number: 306 Registered: Sep-06 Posted on Saturday, June 16, 2007 - 02:18 pm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ten Commandments of FTA 1. The keys are the same no matter what receiver you have. 2. If autoroll quits working, turn off auto roll and enter the keys manually until the next fix. Do not panic!! 3. If you only receive the free channels, then most likely the keys are wrong. 4. If you have two receivers and only one works you have antenna settings incorrect. 5. If epg guide does not work, check your time, date and time zone. 6. When loading bins, make sure you have unzipped the bin, are using the correct loader and are loading the correct bin for the receiver 7. Signal strength is only important when you are aligning the dish. Quality strength is what is important. If quality is low then you need to align the dish. 8. When setting up a dish 500, adjust elevation and azimuth for one sat. To receive the second sat should only require a skew adjustment. 9. Fta receivers cannot be damaged from the satellite or the bin. The bin can be erased or corrupted so the receiver looks dead, but it can be fixed with a new load or a jtag of the bin. 10. There is no best receiver or best company. They all work at one time or the other. All companies are not interested in you, they are only interested in the almighty dollar. LK Gold Member Username: Lklives Post Number: 9978 Registered: Jan-06 Posted on Saturday, June 16, 2007 - 04:14 pm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dirty...u are as high as any satellite in space...and your polarities are crossed which short circuited and fried your brain!...u are worse than the door knocking jehovah's.. Dirty Democrat Bronze Member Username: Dirtystinkindemocrat Post Number: 54 Registered: Feb-07 Posted on Saturday, June 16, 2007 - 08:26 pm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dirty...u are as high as any satellite in space...and your polarities are crossed which short circuited and fried your brain!...u are worse than the door knocking jehovah's.. SO ARE YOU SAYING THAT THE DEMOCRAT PLATFORM IS NOT PRO ABORTION/PRO HOMOSEXUALLLLL/ETC ETC Jason Borne Silver Member Username: Hardrockstriker Post Number: 895 Registered: Apr-06 Posted on Saturday, June 16, 2007 - 08:34 pm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why don't you go and proselytize elsewhere. psychmonster Bronze Member Username: Psychmonster chi town , il USA Post Number: 66 Registered: Jul-06 Posted on Saturday, June 16, 2007 - 10:08 pm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Bush wrote that his commander in chief power allows him to do anything he thinks is necessary, including torture, notwithstanding the amendment passed by Congress. . Bush, according to Ratner, has declared that George Bush is the law. Ritter noted that Rumsfeld knew Iraq had disarmed and had no ongoing weapons program. By 1998, the weapons inspectors had accounted for 95 to 98 percent of Iraq's WMDs, Ritter said. "No nation had hard factual data that Iraq retained or was reconstituting WMDs," Ritter added. "No nation had those facts." The Bush administration willfully misled the American people about Iraq's weapons programs, Ritter charged. When Dick Cheney said that Iraq was constituting its nuclear program, he "was lying," Ritter said. From 1991 to 2003, the United States policy in Iraq was regime change, according to Ritter. "Intelligence" in the George W. Bush administration "was being fixed around the policy of regime change," Ritter maintained. "What passes for intelligence is nothing more than politically motivated propaganda." He said, "There was no intelligence failure because the policy wasn't disarmament; it was regime change." TESTIMONY UNDER OATH FROM INSPECTORS ON THE GROUND IN IRAQ BEFORE THE WAR...DIRTY DEMOCRAT, HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THE UNNECESSARY BLOOD OF ALL OUR BOYS AND THE INNOCENT IRAQ CITIZENS...WHERE IS HE GOING IN AFTERLIFE UP OR DOWN..GOOD MAN MY BUTT..WORST EVER..THIS IS JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG FOR BUSH..HE WILL BE "NIXONIZED" AS A PRESIDENT IN POSTERITY..EVEN TEXAS COLLEGES WILL NOT BUILD HIM A LIBRARY IN HIS HONOR... Dirty Democrat Bronze Member Username: Dirtystinkindemocrat Post Number: 57 Registered: Feb-07 Posted on Sunday, June 17, 2007 - 09:03 am: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RITTER Weapons inspector Ritter...he took money from Saddam to make a propaganda film...The guy turned out to be a traitor to his country.. Scott Ritter has since been charged with meeting underage girls for sex on the internet. What a joke BTW THE YOUNG PRIEST FROM THE VATICAN WAS ON FOX NEWS THIS AM.HE WAS LIVE FROM ROME AND HIS NAME IS FATHER JONATHAN MORRIS. HE IS A SPOKESPERSON FOR THE POPE AND SAYS CATHOLIC AMERICANS NEED TO VOTE FOR PRO LIFE CANDIDATES. RIGHT FROM THE HORSES MOUTH. He can be reached at or its one or the other. Funny that the catholic church/vatican/rome/pope sees nothing wrong with the Popes spokesperson beeing a fox news consultant.He also likes GW BUSH last Sunday he said that GW Bush was a man of God, and that currently the front runners for 2008 did not have his moral compass. That must be hard for liberal catholic democrats to hear but it is true, he did say that. LK Gold Member Username: Lklives Post Number: 9991 Registered: Jan-06 Posted on Sunday, June 17, 2007 - 11:36 am: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have to admit that you have given me a lot to think about.I may have to re think my faith and reasoning. |
Gold Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 9995 Registered: Jan-06 | I did NOT post that LIE!...I am NOT rethinking anything...U are a MORON hiding behind religion to push your political bliefs! whats hard to hear is your ignorant rantings and TWISTED beliefs!...U are NOT a TRUE Christian, but a weasel manipulating words while hiding behind your alleged faith for politcal purposes! dude U are either high, or NEED to get high, cause your brain is FU*CKED UP now! |
New member Username: Lk_ryersonToledo, Ohio US of A Post Number: 2 Registered: Jun-07 | LK this guy is a bit over the top, goes without saying. Seems your biggest beef with DD is that he believes homosexualaty and abortion are unacceptable to God. Say what you want about DD, but my Bible says the same thing. Does that make me a moron also? Is everyone that holds this view a crazy person? Just wondering |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 10001 Registered: Jan-06 | how the FU*CK did U conclude that I agree with abortion or h0mo's...I have no beef with h0mo's as long as they keep it private , just like a heter person should...but I do have an anti abortion stance...I have no clue where u get your presumptions from, nor do I really care!...and NEITHER have ANYTHING with politics or being a Democrat! |
New member Username: Lk_ryersonToledo, Ohio US of A Post Number: 3 Registered: Jun-07 | After a nation wide debate even? People have taken sides,did you not know? If abortion rights and gayy rights are a persons issues they dont vote Republican. If a person strongly holds the view that abortion is a sin against God, they vote Republican, its that simple. Now if a person really does not lose sleep over the issue then that`s another story, If a person truly feels that abortion is murder, how in the heck could one vote for the party that openly will appoint judges that will continue to allow it?? It`s not a difficult issue at all. |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 10024 Registered: Jan-06 | I'm from a VERY Catholic state that is predominately Democrat, who happen to love Ted Kennedy and many other democrats for many many years!...Massachusetts...I have attended the pro life rally with thousands of others with my Knights of Columbus DEMOCRAT brothers... There are more issues in politics, other than ONLY abortion...such as the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people in this Republican led war in Iraq!...and the death of over 3000 US military soldiers and THOUSANDS of US private military and security personnel in Iraq, led and ordered by this REPUBLICAN administration! Are U that blind and ignorant to think that 1 issue or the position of ONLY some people actually defines an entire political party!...U are a very biased misled judgemental person.. |
New member Username: Lk_ryersonToledo, Ohio US of A Post Number: 4 Registered: Jun-07 | I hear where you are coming from LK, I understand a lot of people feel the way you do. 100`s of thousands dead in the war in Iraq? I disagree, I dont think even the UN has figures in that range. You are not suggesting that our US soldiers have killed 100`s of thousands I hope. Anyway, thank you for being honest about the pro life thing. You finally agreed I believe, that if a persons lone issues are abortion etc, and all they are interested in is over turning Roe V Wade and things along the line of prayer in schools etc, the only way they can get that is to vote Republican. That`s all I was trying to say. You made it quite clear you look at things in a bigger picture. If a persons lone interest is abortion etc, then judges like Roberts, Alito,Scalia etc are needed on the court (thats if a person is only interested in abortion etc) The democrat appointees are not going to vote that way(baring a mistake like Republican presidents made with Seuter and Sandra day) Hillary or Obama are not going to appoint judges unless their abortion stance is clear in the record.There will not be a mistake made by a democrat president. Finally, to say abortion is only a lone issue is incorrect. There are many things that the pro life judges will over turn, not just Roe. Prayer at a football game would be allowed,Allowing Gods word back in the classroom etc, and yes gaay marriage would not be recognised. Children in public schools would not be banned from reading scripture from Gods word. These judges will stop the teaching of hhomosexuality to kids as a lifestyle choice for them. The ACLU has done much damage. Probably just 1 more judge would make the difference in over turning many of their victories. They sewed a veterans group to have them remove a cross from a ww2 memorial, that had been there for years. Removal of the ten commandments,pledge of allegience, the lords prayer etc etc The list is long of wrongs this liberal court has done.I am talking liberal in regards to Christian issues, normally 5-4 in favor of the ACLU etc. 4000 abortions a day in the USA. I think what Dirty was saying is a vote for a democrat is a vote for abortion and a vote against Christian issues. That is undisputable. He should not have mentioned hell fire, that was not helpfull. |
Bronze Member Username: DirtystinkindemocratPost Number: 61 Registered: Feb-07 | I think what Dirty was saying is a vote for a democrat is a vote for abortion and a vote against Christian issues. That is undisputable. He should not have mentioned hell fire, that was not helpfull. LAWRENCE KYLE RYERSON III, I don`t need anyone to apologise for me! I know what I said! That`s a couple times now you have apologised for me, I do not need you to apologise for me. |
Silver Member Username: StefanomVienna, VA United States Post Number: 731 Registered: Apr-06 | "100`s of thousands dead in the war in Iraq? I disagree, I dont think even the UN has figures in that range. You are not suggesting that our US soldiers have killed 100`s of thousands I hope. " Nobody will ever really know, much like they have no real idea of how many died in the first Gulf War, due to lack of records. Civilian death estimates I've seen are in the 60-70 thousand range though, and are a direct result of our presence there. And as LKR says, there is much more to my life than whether people get abortions or not. Things like the SSA are just as important if not more so to me. And yes, I'm personally against abortion. Unfortunately, there is no party that represents my views and interests 100% (or even 75%). |
New member Username: Lk_ryersonToledo, Ohio US of A Post Number: 5 Registered: Jun-07 | And as LKR says, there is much more to my life than whether people get abortions or not. Stephen M I never said that at all, better re read my post. As for Dirty....get a grip guy, I was in agreement with you, I just questioned your tact is all. |
Silver Member Username: StefanomVienna, VA United States Post Number: 733 Registered: Apr-06 | Well then, I'll say it. Abortion is one issue out of many to choose from. |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 10054 Registered: Jan-06 | I said it...that abortion issues are NOT the ONLY things important in my life...I look at the "big picture"...and yes social security, the war, the economy, global warming , the future of this planet and my grandchildren are just as important to me as abortion... BTW...maybe my Iraqi death numbers are off but I'm in the ball park...its NOT ONLY 3000 US troops dead...and yes its the DIRECT result of this REPUBLICAN waged war for oil and bragging rights...we need to quit fexing and mind our own business,and use our diplomatic and economic powers instead of threating and intimidating every country with military force...and I'm a guy who spent 30 years in the military who is against military force ALWAYS as a solution to any problems in the world... Big brother has gotten too big already, under this Republican administration...its been a failure in ALL ways since the first day!...hopefully things will change in the next election..and the democrats will step up to the plate now and not let George W and his ignorance try and intimidate people.. |
Silver Member Username: StefanomVienna, VA United States Post Number: 734 Registered: Apr-06 | Heck, the Republicans would let the kids starve to death anyways, even if they were born. |
Silver Member Username: StefanomVienna, VA United States Post Number: 735 Registered: Apr-06 | Ohh and... "This can be avoided by inviting Jesus into your life" He already is. "turning from your support of abortion/homosexualityy" I don't support it. However, it isn't my place to burn these people at the stake either. "stop bearing false witness on The President of the USA" I'm not. I let the news speak for itself. "and the troops. " I have not, nor will I ever, say anything negative about the troops that defend our country. "You should no longer support candidates that support killing Gods unborn children." But I can support candidates that support starving God's born children to death either. Should I not vote then? "You will no longer be able to support homosexualityy, as God says it is a abomination before him." I ain't exactly marching in pride parades. However, I'm not going to hunt them down and kill them in their sleep either. If God wishes to judge them later, thats his business, not mine. "You need to stop bearing false witness against your GW Bush etc. " I don't. However, it has been definitively shown that he is incompetent. He has been directly attacked by fellow Republicans. He is not a man that I trust to run this nation. "You will no longer want to support the terrorists over the troops and you will no longer(" I never did. "be able or want to ever vote democrat again. Likewise you will not vote for Rudy Guliana " But I can't vote Republican either. They don't support and nurture God's children. They aren't very charitable. They wish to strip the elderly of the rights they had EARNED (SSA) and let them fend for themselves. When a nation says "work hard, and we will take care of you when you can no longer work" and then turns around after you've given fifty years of service and says "whoops, we can't actually take care of you", thats unacceptable. When we give our troops poor wages for the work they are doing, that is unacceptable. When we send our troops into harms way under false pretenses, that is unacceptable. When we don't plan for an invasion and occupation, but send our troops anyways, that is unacceptable. When we give our injured troops poor medical care in facilities that aren't suitable for dogs, that is unacceptable. |
New member Username: Lk_ryersonToledo, Ohio US of A Post Number: 6 Registered: Jun-07 | Nobody has changed any minds here we can agree on that much. The old saying, we can agree to disagree I guess. It seems we agreed on one thing, that being a vote for a Republican is a vote for a conservative judge like Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, Alito. A vote for Democrat is a vote for more liberal judges on the bench. This is a undisputable fact and I think we agreed on that. The next President could get as many as 4 appointments to the high court, I mean they are getting old. Its quite likely that President Bush will have 1 more pick. There is a lot riding. A Republican victory most certainly will over turn Roe,allow prayer and God`s Word back in public schools and the public square, and many many other ACLU type victories. A Democrat victory will mean the opposite. This is not a matter of opinion, it`s just a fact. Ask yourselves who do you suppose Jesus is rooting for. Do you dare say Jesus wants anti abortion judges that rule against God /Christ HIMSELF. We will all stand before the Judgement seat of Christ. Will anybody say to Jesus...I would have voted for the things that our close to your heart Lord, but I love Ted Kennedy, and oh ya, I am from a democrat state, you know how it is Lord. Will he/JESUS say....I never knew you??? |
Silver Member Username: StefanomVienna, VA United States Post Number: 736 Registered: Apr-06 | Do you suppose Jesus wants us to elect scumbag Republicans who start unprovoked wars, line their pockets with money at the expense of the poor, and destroy the rights of our citizens one piece at a time? Certainly there must be another choice beyond the incompetence and in some cases, outright corruption, of the current Republicans? Where is Ross Perot when you need him... |
New member Username: Lk_ryersonToledo, Ohio US of A Post Number: 8 Registered: Jun-07 | I ask you again, do you think the Lord Jesus Christ, who told us he formed us each in the womb, would support abortion? Do you really think he would support abortion, he has already told us it is a abomination. As for your other stuff corruption, there are many corrupt.How bout Jefferson with 90 grand in his freezer etc. 40-60 % plus of elected Republicans are god fearing men. I dont know iof its 0-2 % of Dems that can say that. Abortion = corruption of the highest level. |
Gold Member Username: WingmanaliveA pic is worth 1000 posts!! Post Number: 7758 Registered: Jun-06 | Aren't you supposed to separate church and state? |
Silver Member Username: StefanomVienna, VA United States Post Number: 737 Registered: Apr-06 | "I ask you again, do you think the Lord Jesus Christ, who told us he formed us each in the womb, would support abortion?" Nope; nor do I support it. Unfortunately for your argument, I doubt Jesus would support the current Republican administration, either. If you think he would overlook their other sins just because they are against abortion, you're kidding yourself. Thus we are left in a void. Of course if a Republican came along that was semi-competent, didn't feel the need to make the rich richer and the poor poorer, didn't feel the need to antagonize the rest of the world, etc, then I'd probably vote for him/her. "As for your other stuff corruption, there are many corrupt.How bout Jefferson with 90 grand in his freezer etc. " Sure, but the current Republican administration is especially corrupt. And then of course, there is the complete incompetence... "40-60 % plus of elected Republicans are god fearing men." According to who? I'm still amused at Newt Gingrich's affairs, after the spectacle he helped cause with Clinton. Beyond that, Tom DeLay's mug shot says all I need it to. "Abortion = corruption of the highest level." Actually its corruption at the lowest and most basic level, corruption of natural law. However, the people who have abortions aren't procreating too much, so perhaps it is only a temporary issue. "Aren't you supposed to separate church and state?" Thats a somewhat loaded question. You aren't supposed to support one religion over another. But government is supposed to enforce morality to some degree. The primary moral code the West lives by is that provided by Christianity. |
Gold Member Username: WingmanaliveA pic is worth 1000 posts!! Post Number: 7765 Registered: Jun-06 | "Thats a somewhat loaded question. You aren't supposed to support one religion over another. But government is supposed to enforce morality to some degree. The primary moral code the West lives by is that provided by Christianity." With freedom of choice. To worship and live as you see fit. And who said government and morality should be in the same sentence lol??? |
Silver Member Username: StefanomVienna, VA United States Post Number: 738 Registered: Apr-06 | Lots of people, ranging from the hard line Muslims to some of the great thinkers like Aristotle. |
Silver Member Username: StefanomVienna, VA United States Post Number: 739 Registered: Apr-06 | "With freedom of choice. To worship and live as you see fit. " Within limits. We can't kill. We can't steal. In some states adultery is illegal (in spite of how it is enforced). Thats the "morality" part. |
Gold Member Username: WingmanaliveA pic is worth 1000 posts!! Post Number: 7766 Registered: Jun-06 | Even christianity has taken a blow lately and is a huge business itself. The church has its' hand out as much as a politician does these days. When I was young going to church was a staple in my life. Today, I can't afford to go lol. In order for my child to become baptize I need to show proof of a consistant financial support of a predetermined amount of time before my child becomes "eligible". As long as I send in my tithing envelopes with my name and address on them I'm considered an "active" member. Gee, I thought actually going to church was considered active. Church has become as corrupt as politics and it has driven me away. Two of the most taboo topics are being discussed here and maybe they shouldn't. Maybe the moral fabric of this country is in despair, maybe ppl's lost interest in their religion is a contributing factor, maybe I should've left this thread alone, maybe my pint is half full and maybe it's half empty. |
Gold Member Username: WingmanaliveA pic is worth 1000 posts!! Post Number: 7767 Registered: Jun-06 | Cheers. |
Silver Member Username: StefanomVienna, VA United States Post Number: 740 Registered: Apr-06 | "Church has become as corrupt as politics and it has driven me away. " True, but it is run by man, so what do you expect. "Two of the most taboo topics are being discussed here and maybe they shouldn't." True enough. Its not like anybody will care either way. My opinions won't change, and I certainly won't change Dirty Democrats'. I'm out. Cheers Paul. |