Gold Member Username: SplmonsterC-Town, OH USA Post Number: 1066 Registered: May-06 | i just wanted to know what you guys thought about this, with the whole pacman, the mike vick, and now the tank williams stuff just wondered what you guys thought, my 2 cents u can take the thug out the ghetto but u cant take the ghetto out the thug.... |
Gold Member Username: Basshead86FTW Post Number: 9965 Registered: Aug-05 | i think they think they can do w/e they want, and the fact is that they are PROFESSIONALS, or at least they are in a professional sport, so they should act like it. they get paid millions of dollars and are looked up upon by many younger kids, they should set the example. |
Gold Member Username: SplmonsterC-Town, OH USA Post Number: 1068 Registered: May-06 | dang muddy wtasup man havent heard from ya in a while get on aim every once in a while lol u still have the same s/n??? |
Gold Member Username: Basshead86FTW Post Number: 9981 Registered: Aug-05 | yeah, i will try to get on aim. i haven't been on there in so long i am afraid it won't work. lol |
Platinum Member Username: James1115Use a simple... Post Number: 10092 Registered: Dec-04 | "my 2 cents u can take the thug out the ghetto but u cant take the ghetto out the thug...." I couldn't agree more! |
Gold Member Username: The_image_dynamicSan Diego Post Number: 1393 Registered: Dec-06 | Mike Vick aka Ron Mexico is a piece of shit, I lost what little respect for I had for the douchebag. When cops found more than 30 scarred and/or dying dogs in a house that he owns, along with all kinds of dog-fighting equipment, Vick the Prick's response was "I don't know anything about this". ![]() |
Gold Member Username: SplmonsterC-Town, OH USA Post Number: 1076 Registered: May-06 | did they really find scarred dogs n stuff? i thought they just found a dog fighting pit, i didnt know they actually found hurt dogs |
Gold Member Username: The_image_dynamicSan Diego Post Number: 1418 Registered: Dec-06 | Make that 66 dogs. This asshole needs to go to jail for 5 years like the law in Virginia states for such a crime. But he won't, because he is famous. There is also some video tapes showing Vick at the dogfights, investigators are searching for them now. The Virginia Animal Fighting Task Force (VAFTF) responded to assist Virginia State Police and Drug Task Force officers upon the execution of a search warrant on April 25, 2007 at the Smithfield, Virginia property of Michael Vick. Evidence seized included: a number of injured American Pit Bull Terrier dogs animal fighting paraphernalia animal training and breeding equipment including a "rape stand," a device in which a female dog who is too aggressive to submit to males for breeding is strapped down to an elevated stand while her head is held in place by a restraint a "break" or "parting" stick used to pry open fighting dogs' mouths during fights treadmills and "slat mills" used to condition dogs out of public view assorted paperwork documenting involvement in animal fighting ventures performance enhancing pharmaceuticals commonly used to increase the fighting potential in dogs trained for fighting, and to keep injured dogs fighting longer The State Police relayed what they found Wednesday to county Animal Control Officer James Smith, who listed the evidence for a magistrate to issue a search warrant for evidence of dog fighting, including: * At least four treadmills or slat mills for conditioning. * A scale with a hook on it to weigh dogs, which are often fought at an agreed-upon weight. * Vitamins, dietary and red blood cell supplements to enhance the dogs' condition. * A diuretic to stimulate urination after a fight. * Drugs and antibiotics to treat wounds. Smith wrote that the State Police found about 30 "pit bull type" dogs tied to heavy chains attached to car axles buried in the ground. The setup allowed the animals to come close to one another without touching. Some dogs were heavily scarred to the face, head, ears, chest and front legs, he added. 66 pit bulls were found at the home, said State Police 1st Sgt. Steven D. Tate. A locked gate kept visitors far from the front door. |
Gold Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 9585 Registered: Jan-06 | I believe I read also that Vick stated he rented out the property (he owns much more than this 1 parcel) to a cousin or relative, and wasn't aware of what was going on...what the media reports is not always true, so we may never know what the truth really was..either way, I'm no fan of Vick's character, but do respect his athleticism.. |
Gold Member Username: WingmanaliveA pic is worth 1000 posts!! Post Number: 6636 Registered: Jun-06 | He's a selfish player who many times never gave his receivers a chance. Can he scramble? Absolutely. Should he every third play? Every player wants the spotlight, but as a quarterback he shouldn't ignore his receivers and put himself in harm's way as often as he does, it's just not responsible play. I call him the TO of QB's. Can ya tell I don't like him?![]() And you see it all the time with athletes and celebrities dodging the law and its' consequences. I don't need to bring up Paris. It's what drives our youth to envy them. That untouchable status that mimicks royalty is all they see. Deep inside they are average ppl with a popular talent. Without makeup, surgery, personal trainers, lawyers, writers, ect...they're only average. Every American teenage male wants to shag Britney, mostly after her b00b job, yet she has the mentality of a 9 year old. Too many athletes avoid interviews because they speak like illiterate fools, and Paris.....well, I said I wouldn't bring her up...... |
Gold Member Username: PitbullguyAscendant Audio Arsenals, Chicago What the phu... Post Number: 1391 Registered: Oct-06 | i think all of you can guess how i feel about this subject...makes me sick to my phucking stomach. I find cruelty to animals sickening in any case but with dogs, specifically pit bulls, i take it most personally ![]() |
Gold Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 9592 Registered: Jan-06 | "Every American teenage male wants to shag Britney"...hell, I'm no teenager, and I'd shag it! maybe I'm like a dog (lets say a pit bull or my shepherd) WHAT MALE DOG DOESN'T WANT TO "SHAG" ONE IN HEAT... lol as far as animal cruelty by anyone, it is simply not right, but one must "define" cruelty"...I don't agree with animal rights activists definition, but do agree with pit bull's attitude regarding profesional dog fights. neighbor has a pit bull named "bentley", who is the dumbest dog I have ever seen (but the owners aren't too bright either), but this dog is very friendly, but "scattered" too, and I never turn my back on him, even though I've know him since he was a pup (3 years)..something about pit bulls and rotsweillers eyes that are very eeerie and unpredictable...with my shepherd, he telegraphs easily and more predictable. meanwhile back on the subjext at hand "NFL suspensions"...naturally, all players (regardles of which sport) should be held to a higher standard of conduct due to their celebrity status, and impact on our youth (the future of our country)... IMO, Curt Schilling was 100% correct what he originally stated about Bonds...and Mark Mcguire is a 2 faced weasel, that is more of a disgrace than Jose Conseco.. |
Gold Member Username: The_image_dynamicSan Diego Post Number: 1423 Registered: Dec-06 | "I believe I read also that Vick stated he rented out the property (he owns much more than this 1 parcel) to a cousin or relative, and wasn't aware of what was going on...what the media reports is not always true, so we may never know what the truth really was..either way, I'm no fan of Vick's character, but do respect his athleticism.." That's all well and fine LK except for the facts: A local (very near the dogfight house) veterinarian supply store owner has testified to police investigators that he has sold Michael Vick syringes, medicine, and other supplies "many times recently". Also, there are people reporting that there are several known videotapes that show Mike not only AT the house, but watching dogfights in the backyard of the property. |
Gold Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 9605 Registered: Jan-06 | I haven't been following the story closely...if what is reported, is actually the TRUTH in this case...then obviously Vick is a dirtball, and we should pump up him and others, like McGuire, full of 'roids" and re-enact "the Gladiator", and turn it into a "reality" TV show and watch as "they fight to the death" weekly, for entertainment purposes, while calling the local bookie, to make up from losses during the sports seasons, or double up our winnings.. |
Gold Member Username: PitbullguyAscendant Audio Arsenals, Chicago What the phu... Post Number: 1393 Registered: Oct-06 | " neighbor has a pit bull named "bentley", who is the dumbest dog I have ever seen (but the owners aren't too bright either), but this dog is very friendly, but "scattered" too, and I never turn my back on him, even though I've know him since he was a pup (3 years).." ROFL believe me LK i know some pit bulls EXACTLY like what you described. Glad he's friendly but it sounds like he's got some less than stellar owners. Pit Bulls are considered very high intelligence dogs, they are also considered EXTREMELY high energy dogs. So when you take a dog that craves a lot of stimulation and purpose, and the owners don't train him and socialize him enough, they can go a little whacko. "something about pit bulls and rotsweillers eyes that are very eeerie and unpredictable...with my shepherd, he telegraphs easily and more predictable." Again it's actually a sign of their intelligence, but also of them being somewhat confrontational. Similar to a shepard or other intelligent dogs, pit bulls have an above average ability to connect/communicate with people. Looking them right in the eye can be great for a well socialized/trained pitty, when i really want my Bogart to do something i'll look him dead in the eye and he knows it's business. The fact that they never back down is seen as a bad thing, when they should be "never backing down" from a task or a job, rather than a challenge or confrontation. If you don't feel completely safe around your neighbors pit bull and therefore wanna keep tabs on him, just don't look him in the eyes because it sounds like he's a little scatter-brained and i wouldn't want him to interpret it as a challenge. Just look in his general direction so you can see him but not right at his eyes. |
Gold Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 9614 Registered: Jan-06 | LMAO...yeah I know about dogs...and the "eye" contact thing...many dogs will take that as a sign of agression and "react" unfavorable to it...I had a bud's basset hound want to "eat my face" cause of my stupidity many years ago, when I was a ...I go run every day and encounter some loose dogs sometimes that I try and ignore and not DIRECTLY ever look at..and they sense/smell the fear as people, u have to try and learn their "personalities" real quick..cause I can't run that fast or far...LOL |
Gold Member Username: Basshead86FTW Post Number: 9995 Registered: Aug-05 | in my humble opinion there should be a no Zero-tolerance policy when it comes to crimes committed in the NFL. you should be expelled from the league. you are a professional and get paid millions of dollars to be one. the responsibility is laid on there shoulders and they still can't make grown man decisions. |
Gold Member Username: Basshead86FTW Post Number: 9996 Registered: Aug-05 | a Zero-tolerance. not a no zero tolerance. lol |
Silver Member Username: Donnie1973Tennessee Post Number: 557 Registered: May-06 | I agree. I am SOOO glad at Pacmans suspension. I think Vick will see probation and suspension from the league when this all comes out. Too bad that will be way after the upcomming NFL season. I think this new NFL commish is going in the right direction. Here is a quote from the Chappelle Show... " They should have never give those nigg3rs money" LOL!! Sorry about the word, it was a quote from a black man. As far as the Pitbulls go, I dont trust them. I do believe the owners play a big part in their bad name, but still, they are always the dogs you hear about. |
Gold Member Username: PitbullguyAscendant Audio Arsenals, Chicago What the phu... Post Number: 1414 Registered: Oct-06 | ugh...i'm truly bothered by your final comment above^^ of course they're the ones you hear about, because they're the ones people most commonly choose to mistreat/fight/and teach to be just plain mean. lemme guess you probly think all black people are violent thugs? middle easterns all have bombs strapped to their chests? I'm being sarcastic of course, i'm sure you don't think those things, but what you said is ignorant in my opinion. doesn't make you a bad person, we're all ignorant on some thing or another, just gotta do our best to stay WELL informed and not just believe what the general perception "they are always the dogs you hear about." |
Gold Member Username: WingmanaliveA pic is worth 1000 posts!! Post Number: 6911 Registered: Jun-06 | My ex's sister who was a correctional officer had a rottweiler named buddy. Friendliest dog you'd ever meet. My ex had a pug. Ugliest dog you'd ever want to meet. Guess which dog was the most aggressive? Yup, the pug. Buddy would let that pug jump, bite, pounce and mug all over him because of his nature. When buddy's owner gave the attack call, all bets are off. He would rip your leg off if you were attacking his owner. It's not all about instinct. Just like being prejudiced. It's about what you're taught. I love dogs. I however have cats due to a divorce. Cats are cool and worthless. That about sums them up. I can't run with a cat, a cat won't protect me or my family, won't warn of intruders, or be taught to perform any tricks whatsoever. However, a cat cares about its' own cleanliness, can sh1t and pizz in a box, keep your house mouse free, and are generally quite pets. They can also amuse themselves for hours over a dead cricket. Like I said, cool and worthless. ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Gavbo211JL Audio 10w3v2, IL US Post Number: 514 Registered: Jan-05 | We actually adopted a dog that had come from an abused home. the owners left her in her cage for days at a time and beat not only her but each other too. this was all when she was very young. and then one day the owners moved and they just left her there. left her to starve, get ran over, die.. they just totally abandonned her. my aunt finally found her one day, knowing what they did to her, and brought her to us to keep. what i'm trying to say is, the way dogs are is all in the way they are brought up. when we first got her, she was terrified of her cage. she would start shaking and just throwing a fit when we triend to put her in. and i can almost garuntee it's because she thought we were just going to leave her in there. also, whenever my girlfriend and i would just like wrestle on the couch and mess around she would bark like crazy because she thought we were hitting each other like her old owners used to. even sometimes when my dad wakes me up in the morning she will nip at him because she thinks he is hurting me. now days we've got her to go in the cage, but she still freaks out when she thinks people are hurting each other. it just go's to show that it's not about the type of dog (mini wiener compared to a pit bull) it's all about how the owner treats it. |
Gold Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 9688 Registered: Jan-06 | Take a close look at any dog and u will notice its a mirror of its owners and master due to their teachings and environment (just like children)...BUT genetics does also come into play, which is why certain dog breeds have certain characteristics...dogs were bred and cross bred to perform specific tasks for people....for example a pointer points, labs love water, some tend to the flocks and herds, etc.. I myself love all dogs, and have shepherds..but I also am more "cautious" of some specific breeds due to their genetics and their biting/jaw power... its not fair to generalize about pit bulls, but its not unreasonable to be "aware" of their "general" character and powerful abilities...just like people, U have to try and learn "how to read each individually, and be prepared for the unexpected"... |
Gold Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 9689 Registered: Jan-06 | here's some info on pit bulls.. |
Silver Member Username: Donnie1973Tennessee Post Number: 561 Registered: May-06 | C/P from LK's link. Fact: Pit Bulls are genetically predisposed to aggression towards other animals. The Pit Bull has been breed over the course of many generations of selective breeding for heightened fight and prey drives. This means they are born with the aggression necessary for fighting in the pit, and they fight because of a genetic impusle to do so, not because they have been "trained" to be aggressive. Tradtionally, the only "training" a Pit Bull goes through in preperation for the pit has to do with physical conditionting, namely running. Environmental factors can contribute to a dog's aggression towards other animals: for instance lack of socialization and training, placing the dog in situations in which he is allowed to fight or engage in aggressive behavior towards other dogs, and so on. However, the actual willingness and ability to fight is genetic, and is not "trained" into the animal. All pit owners/lovers have the same argument, till they attack. There are other animals like this too. Im not bashing, just stating. I have read on them. I recently bought a house next door to 3 of them. I know they were bred for fighting. Thats what they do. Like turtles born on the shore... as soon as they can, they go to the water. Instinct. I do believe that a very good owner can hinder this instinct, however it is born in them and will always be there. |
Gold Member Username: PitbullguyAscendant Audio Arsenals, Chicago What the phu... Post Number: 1420 Registered: Oct-06 | Pit Bulls were bred for a long time to be aggressive towards animals yes. However they have NEVER been bred to be aggressive or vicious towards people. And for quite some time in more recent history they've been bred for social skills with animals as well except in unfortunate cases(see paragraph 5). All breeds of dog are capable of being aggressive towards other animals or even people. Whether they were bred for it or not they are animals, and when they feel the need to defend themselves, they will react like animals. I heard somewhere that wolves and dogs are 2 of the most genetically similar species on the planet (interesting i think). There is no evidence showing pit bulls to be more likely than other breeds to react in the ways mentioned above. In fact, compared to other breeds they've scored above average on tests gauging eratic behavior and sudden aggression towards animals and people. If and when a pit bull does act aggressively towards a person or animal, yes they are physically equipped to do real damage, as are many other breeds such as great danes, mastifs and rottweilers just to name a few. So WHY then are pit bulls the breed that you always hear about attacking people and fighting dogs? Because they are the breed of choice to the worthless cvnts that participate in dog fighting or are just irresponsible dog owners. There are cases with all other breeds as well where the dog isn't raised/treated properly and ends up attacking a person or animal. But guess what!!! The news doesn't just report the facts regardless, they report all things controversial, and that's what pit bulls have come to be. So if pit bulls are no different from other breeds, WHY are they the breed of choice to people who wanna fight dogs? Because they ARE different from other breeds, all breeds have unique personality traits and qualities. Pit Bulls are known for their physical prowess, tremendous courage and determination, as well as their ABSOLUTE UNCONDITIONAL DETERMINATION to please their pack leader. The low lifes who use them to fight are using the very things that make them such an extraordinary breed against them!! ---I in no way say these things to prove anyone wrong or to start any arguments, only to help a cause i feel very passionate about. If you don't believe me to be a credible source, i implore you to click the links below and do some worthwhile reading. If short on time, the 3rd link is concise with the facts and elaborates on the behavior tests i referred to in paragraph 3. |
Gold Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 9772 Registered: Jan-06 | hey pit ex mother in law has a ho*rny 3 pound little chihuaha...can I send him to female shepherd is sick of her dog's humping BTW...this below is not my dog..but U get the message ![]() My ![]() |
Gold Member Username: PitbullguyAscendant Audio Arsenals, Chicago What the phu... Post Number: 1421 Registered: Oct-06 | those pictures are both hilarious![]() dogs are weird about humping, especially fixed dogs. My dogs are both fixed and Bogart humps Amy all the time. But he doesn't have any idea how to do it properly!!! He'll hump her face, or mount her from the side sometimes and basically hump her stomach. Occasionally he'll get lucky and actually grab her from the back but he still doesn't get anywhere near penetration. |