Just brought France stick bread Tuna and Mayo! During my small shopping spree in the Co-Op I noticed four b i t c h e s that where knocking food and cans off the shelves on purpose! One kept say "forget it" and while I was walking behind them approaching the tills I moved right in front of them and said "forget it" one goes "what?" I saw what you did back there? "What?"
I swear these young s l u t s looked like they where all on drugs! "The cans of food I saw what you where doing!" "Maybe you should go back and pick them up!"
I told the person who was working behind the till what the b!tches where doing and that I have no time for w h o r e s!
You're lucky they didn't kick your azz...LOL... women today are dangerous, more so then men...cause they're sneaky and u never know what they're going to do next....men have King Kong balls and do the talk first before the walk...LMAO
hell I have a bunch of wanabee tough guys/girls in my gated community who hang at the park directly acroos the stre from me...these rich kids (15-22)all think they're bad and can do whatever they want...even the cops don't mes with them...but the first week I moved here a few years back, I beat the hell out of 2 of them, and then their fathers the next day, .....had to do it again a couple weeks ago...so they don't mess with me, in fact they all call me "sir" now..plus my german shepherd, my Harley, and riding buds tend to intimidate them and some of the neighbors ....along with my publically yelling at the police chief to remove the picnic tables in the park, so these wannabee gangsters couldn't have a place to sit and congregate while yelling drunken loud obscenities til 1am and being intimidating to the young mothers and their tots during the day on the playground....I don't play, I react!...yeah I'm the ornery OB (old bast*ard) who maintains the peace, but parties myself, but not to intrude on others..and I see the young girls as more of a problem and dangerous and wild, more so than the guys...and all their parents think their daughters are so sweet and model kids...glad I had 2 sons who I raised , that I could beat the hell out of when they got their tetosterone" going and mouthy with me...good kids now (27-29)...LMAO
I would pour tar on the picnic tables,it never dries,or hardens,rendering them useless.U can do it early morning,when its still dark,and makes no noise as draw attention to yourself.
The chief removed the picnic tables that day I blasted him in front of all the neighbors and kids... the wannabees punks/gangsters now think I'm crazy and stay away from the park...the neighbors and young couples with little tots are grateful...and the chief is still scratchin his head, but I probably will pay the price from him someday...screw it!...I accomplished what I wanted for myself and the couples with tots...and established myself as a lunatic like "Johnny" (jack nicholson)....LOL
the guys I can handle, but the girls/young women are much more difficult for me to deal with..I can't hit a female!...lol