was workin on this for my dads second cousin(not sure what to call him) anyway he owns his own buisness that my dad helped him start about 20-25years ago and wanted to update his logo and some other stuff that I'm still working on at the moment its just 1st choice <-- and thats exactly how his current logo is. anyway i was brain storming at work coming up with all kinds of ideas then i took my favorite ones and showed them around to see what was liked the best. then adam(friend at work) drew up a final draft-hes hella good at that stuff- then i scanned it in the computer and worked on it in photoshop cs1 and came up with this is a final
its an automotive buisness, foreign imports mostly, but he also does racing for a living,or fun-whats the difference lol- Hes got thousands of trophies though.