Had to put bown my baby tonight.14 yrs old


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Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 2186
Registered: Mar-06
May She Chase the foxes in Ireland, till shes bored chasing the rabbits..

She was a good dog.Upload

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Username: James1115

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Post Number: 9524
Registered: Dec-04
sorry to hear that bud, I lost my dog a few weeks ago after 19 years:-(

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Username: 54danny54

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Post Number: 3651
Registered: Nov-04
this reminds me of my aunts dog that she had for 12 years named Murray. She was one of the big dogs(forget the breed) it was so playful. had to put it down.
it was on a thursday the night b4 a big game against our rivals and we was up till 2 friday night b4 i got home.
it was sad man and i could feel for ya. i was close to that dog.

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Username: Arande2

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Post Number: 1865
Registered: Dec-06
What scares me is that there are dogs older than me..

Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

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Post Number: 4448
Registered: Jun-06
Sorry man. Dogs are great. If I didn't have the cats I have from my previous marriage, I would have a husky. I feel for ya.

Gold Member
Username: James1115

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Post Number: 9542
Registered: Dec-04
animials are great:-) I am looking into a new member of the family very soon. I am thinking a rotty pup:-)

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Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 2191
Registered: Mar-06
Thanks Guys.

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Username: Nyyfan13


Post Number: 4265
Registered: Jul-06
sorry to hear that marc...we had to put our cat down 2 years ago and it was tough...

Gold Member
Username: James1115

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Post Number: 9545
Registered: Dec-04
yeah its never fun:-(

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Username: Wingmanalive

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Post Number: 4455
Registered: Jun-06
I had to carry our first pet out of the house on a sheet of plywood. My dad looked me in my eyes and asked if I could pull the trigger. (He loved her). I couldn't. I was 14.

Gold Member
Username: James1115

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Post Number: 9548
Registered: Dec-04
man thats sad:-(

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Username: Wingmanalive

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Post Number: 4457
Registered: Jun-06
It was. Now I have pets I can't stand.

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Username: James1115

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Post Number: 9550
Registered: Dec-04
I hate cats personally, I am sorry but I am so allergic to them.

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Username: Wingmanalive

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Post Number: 4459
Registered: Jun-06
I'm not allergic, and I do like cats. They're just such azzholes. They will spend 20 seconds spitting up a hairball, then smell it, then bolt like a bat out of h3ll. WTF????

Gold Member
Username: James1115

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Post Number: 9553
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Gold Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 2193
Registered: Mar-06
Yea, It suxed. I had no problem putting a sholvel to a possumm, and then drowning it in a trash barrel last fall, but tonight was sad. She was sick. She had Cushing diesies, blatter stones, was going deaf.... So she is at peace now. But thanks for the well wishes.


Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

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Post Number: 4460
Registered: Jun-06
^^^Kinda like marriage.

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Username: James1115

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Post Number: 9554
Registered: Dec-04
any time bud.

Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

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Post Number: 4461
Registered: Jun-06
^^To Longo's post.

Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

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Post Number: 4462
Registered: Jun-06
Marc, do you plan on getting another?


Gold Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 2194
Registered: Mar-06
Cats are ok.

Baked to 350 for an hour or so, served with chilled wine...

Gold Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 2195
Registered: Mar-06
No. Still have another one Poco. Hes good for another 7 years or so.


Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

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Post Number: 4464
Registered: Jun-06

Gold Member
Username: James1115

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Post Number: 9557
Registered: Dec-04
lol Marc:-)

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Username: Rovin

1 12 Atomic ...

Post Number: 10921
Registered: Jul-05
well we all lost or had to lose a pet sometimes in each of our lives .....

Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 words

Post Number: 4468
Registered: Jun-06
This is the dog my dad asked me to "shoot".Upload

Gold Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 2196
Registered: Mar-06
Thats a tough spot to put anyone in. Ecspeacialy a 14 yo.

Silver Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Chicago, Illinois I Eats Beats...

Post Number: 999
Registered: Oct-06
I feel for ya Marc :-( last time i had a dog pass away, it was a year and a half before we felt okay about adopting a new one. Don't let yourself feel guilty, you gave the dog a warm loving home, i'm sure she lived a very happy life. Do exactly what she would want you to do; when you're ready, go out and SAVE A LIFE by adopting a new dog or puppy. There are millions of great dogs who need homes :-)

Gold Member
Username: Wolfman1966


Post Number: 2017
Registered: Jan-06
guess I've been kinda lucky, never actually had to put down a pet myself. My parents and I had a cat that lived to be 18. In the end, he was blind, and eventually got where he couldn't find his way to the litter box..and so would go wherever he was. I DID have to take him to the vet to be put to sleep though...it was kinda hard, but I knew it was better for him.
Then my parents got another cat, he was a couple of years old, and got in a fight that cut his arm up pretty good. We took him to the vet to get his arm worked on,and get him nuetered...he had an allergic reaction to the anasthetic and died on the table.
Then, my parents got another cat, he lived for about 13 years...then it got to where he wasn't getting around too good, and then one day my dad came home and found him dead in the hallway.
As for dogs, most of them got given to other people when we moved, because they were big dogs (usually labrador retrievers), and sometimes because the new place we moved to didn't allow pets. The only one that died was a lab that we had in a kennel in the back yard. She had a choke collar on one day, and figured out somehow how to get over the fence. Don't ask me how, the doghouse was under a piece of plywood that covered that part of the kennel, maybe she pushed the doghouse to the open part of the kennel and then got up on it. Anyway, my dad went out to feed her and evidently when she jumped the fence, her choke collar got caught on the top of it and so it choked her to death.

thats all the animals that I remember either dying or having to be put to sleep. anyway, Marc, sorry to hear about your baby having to be put down.
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