Looks like the Van Halen tour is off


Silver Member
Username: The_image_dynamic

San Diego

Post Number: 373
Registered: Dec-06
From WMMS 100.7 FM in Cleveland:

"According to Management, the Van Halen Tour with David Lee Roth has been indefinitely postponed. When Van Halen's management announced the tour on February 2nd, there still was no contract signed. Van Halen's management is now Eddie's girlfriend. Apparently Eddie and Alex had been rehearsing with Eddie's son, Wolfgang. The New "Best of" CD highlighting the David Lee Roth years has also been scrapped by Rhino".

VH-1 is denying this as of a couple hours ago, but what do those f!gs know anyway.

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind

Www.15inchwangers.comFI Audio BTL

Post Number: 10481
Registered: Oct-05
thanks for the heads up i guess brad. lol. jp man.

first of all, i thought eddie van halen has cancer.
second, i thought sammy haggar was the lead singer.

Silver Member
Username: The_image_dynamic

San Diego

Post Number: 374
Registered: Dec-06
Yeah lol, most of you are too young to appreciate this band. I figured I would post it because it is breaking news and some of the older guys here might appreciate it.

Eddie did have cancer but they cured him. It helps to be a multi-millionaire when sh!t like that happens lol. And Sammy has been out of the band since the end of the 2004/2005 tour.

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind

Www.15inchwangers.comFI Audio BTL

Post Number: 10484
Registered: Oct-05
brad since you know many the old bands let me see if you know some of these bands.

stryper, y & t, ratt, winger, cinderella, great white, and krokus.

everyone knows motley crue, poison, scorpions, etc....

one day i was at my uncle's house and he had a huge cassette collection of those bands. so i decided to download alot of that music and i like them.

Silver Member
Username: The_image_dynamic

San Diego

Post Number: 383
Registered: Dec-06
Yep I know all those bands very well and I also personally know some guys in most of those bands. I just talked to Oz Fox from Stryper a couple months ago and my buddy was the original bass player in Ratt. I haven't talked to anyone in Great White since the fire but I know Jack pretty well. Dave Meniketti of Y&T is my buddies best friend, and I nearly toured with them but I decided to tour with another band instead. I actually just talked to Stephen Pearcy from Ratt the other night because my friend Tim is the tour manager of his solo band and Steve was there when I came over. Reb Beach from Winger is another friend from way back. I could go on but that is enough.

The reason I never mention what band I am in and what bands I have been with is because I want to be anonymous here and it is fun for me to escape all that sh!t and come here and be one of the guys.

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

18 of Love Fi Audio

Post Number: 1144
Registered: Jan-06
^^^ i really want to know lol. pm me or somethin. i won't tell, promise :-)

Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 words

Post Number: 3868
Registered: Jun-06
I liked Quiet Riot, Van Halen, Def leppard, Cinderella and all the hair bands in between. To me the 80's were my playground. Trixter had an awesome vocalist, and I still listen to Kix now and again. Slaughter was popular with me too. I just can't name every album I had/have or liked. Kiss was awesome in concert. Good ole days.

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind

Www.15inchwangers.comFI Audio BTL

Post Number: 10509
Registered: Oct-05
brad pm me the name of the band you were in. i promise i won't say anything. lol.

i really won't say anything. but if you still decide not to tell me i totally understand.

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind

Www.15inchwangers.comFI Audio BTL

Post Number: 10510
Registered: Oct-05
btw brad styper was one of my favorite band when i was in jr high school.

Gold Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 2023
Registered: Mar-06
I was looking foward to seeing them this summer. I liked Roth on the radio during sterns leaving. He was quite funny to listen to. Althought the last few weeks were nothing but him bashing clear channel. And he kept promoting some country banjo remakes of classic VH songs. Kinda disterbing. Sorta like Acopalyptica covering Metallica with Cellos. lol But I like Acopalyptica.

Platinum Member
Username: Rovin

1 12 Atomic ...

Post Number: 10764
Registered: Jul-05
Van Halen was soooooo COOL back in their time

man i just love the cover they did of PRETTY WOMAN - guitar work @ the beginning of that song is 1 of the gr8test EVER ! ........

Silver Member
Username: The_image_dynamic

San Diego

Post Number: 401
Registered: Dec-06
Chad you got mail

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

18 of Love Fi Audio

Post Number: 1157
Registered: Jan-06
oh, so tell chad and not me. i see how it is... lol. i thought we could share something drummer to drummer, but i guess not

Silver Member
Username: The_image_dynamic

San Diego

Post Number: 407
Registered: Dec-06
Eric you have mail

Gold Member
Username: Livin_loud

18 of Love Fi Audio

Post Number: 1164
Registered: Jan-06
hmm... i didn't get anything. i was just messin anyways, it wasn't a big deal, but it'd be cool to know :-)

Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 words

Post Number: 3912
Registered: Jun-06
Don't be shy Brad. Let me in on it.
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