Has anyone been shot by a


Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind

Www.15inchwangers.comFI Audio BTL

Post Number: 10302
Registered: Oct-05
tazer gun? if so how did it feel?

my friend has one and he keeps on asking me if he can try it out on me.

Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 words

Post Number: 3571
Registered: Jun-06
Chad, are you kidding me? Don't. Sounds like a Jackazz stunt. You're not that crazy.

Gold Member
Username: Cenus

Hicksville, Ohio

Post Number: 2925
Registered: Jan-05
well i've never been tazered, but i have been shocked by a dog fence before, idk if its the same but it fvckkin hurt, its really hard to explain, it kinda feels like when your foot falls asleep and it feels like some1 is pokin you with pins, it felt like that just A LOT more intense.

Gold Member
Username: Southernrebel

Monroe, Louisiana DD 9515d~~]...

Post Number: 4409
Registered: Mar-04
Pacemaker FTL?


Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 12954
Registered: Dec-03
Go for it and tell us...FTW!

This is not the girl you are trying to the horizontal tango with right????? LOL!

Gold Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 1979
Registered: Mar-06
Do it, If it doesnt kill you it will make you stronger. And after that you will never be afraid of a taser again. Some hood tries to jack you with one, and you will be like, yea what ever.

Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 words

Post Number: 3575
Registered: Jun-06
Nope. You will be like "Why on earth did I do this?". Upload

Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 words

Post Number: 3576
Registered: Jun-06
I'll say please cuz nobody else will.Upload

Gold Member
Username: Nyyfan13


Post Number: 3547
Registered: Jul-06
dont be a p-ussy chad...grow some balls...

lol jk chad...i wouldnt do it...but thats casue i am a p-ssy

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind

Www.15inchwangers.comFI Audio BTL

Post Number: 10306
Registered: Oct-05
i don't know man. damn it is kinda tempting. lol.

is it worse than the wall socket? i've been shocked by the wall socket before. real quick though.

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind

Www.15inchwangers.comFI Audio BTL

Post Number: 10307
Registered: Oct-05
oh and berny it has nothing to do with a girl. come on man. rofl. lol.

Gold Member
Username: Nyyfan13


Post Number: 3550
Registered: Jul-06
ive been shocked by a wall socket many times and it didnt feel bad or hurt at all...just kinda 'shocked' me...lol how abuot that pun...

Gold Member
Username: Shortysetnies

Rock Vegas, NC US

Post Number: 1034
Registered: Mar-06
do it!! If I knew anyone that had one, I would do it

Silver Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Chicago, Illinois I Eats Beats...

Post Number: 782
Registered: Oct-06
if it was ur ticket to doin the no-pants dance then i'd say go for it but nevermind.

Gold Member
Username: Denali_on_22s

SSX, Tenneki US of A

Post Number: 1385
Registered: Feb-06
It's 50000 volts of electricty compared to 200 volts of a wall socket. It's not comparable in the least.

"It's the most intense agony you can ever feel without actualy dying." That was said by an officer I know. He said he would rather be shot by a bullet than tazered again, but you have to get tazered in order to carry one. Reason being you have to know the kind of pain you inflict every time you use it. He said he feels sorry for criminals who get tazered just because he knows.

Silver Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Chicago, Illinois I Eats Beats...

Post Number: 786
Registered: Oct-06
hmmm, maybe it's different for everyone cuz i've seen jack@ss wannabes palying tazer tag and they look like they're in pain, but they pretty much laugh it off and keep playing.

Silver Member
Username: Gavbo211

JL Audio 10w3v2, IL US

Post Number: 341
Registered: Jan-05
It depends on what kind of tazers you are using. the ones the jackass guys are much weaker than police force tazers. those are little hand held tazers you can buy to fend of criminals. police carry tazer guns that are way more powerful than those things. if it's a police force tazer.. i say fu*ck no don't do it. just so you know those things can do a lot more damage then just shock you such as inducing siezers and stuff like that. not to mention those tazer guns have little sharp "arrows" in the end so they stick to you when you get shot with one. yeah it's cool to say you've been tazered, but man use ur head. no way it's worth it. however, if it's a hand held little tazer.. those don't hurt that much. enough to make you jump back in pain (which is what they are made for) but not enough to cause serious injury.

verdict: police issue tazer gun = fu*ck no, hand held pu*ssy tazer: why not.. haha.

Gold Member
Username: Denali_on_22s

SSX, Tenneki US of A

Post Number: 1389
Registered: Feb-06
^^^ x2.. post vids

Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 words

Post Number: 3587
Registered: Jun-06
Wear a diaper Chad.

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind

Www.15inchwangers.comFI Audio BTL

Post Number: 10315
Registered: Oct-05
lol. you guys are scaring me now. damn i don't know what to do.

i told my friend wait til after this weekend cause i am buying new batteries for my car and i don't want nothing affecting me when i install them.

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 12963
Registered: Dec-03
Dude, you gain nothing by being tazed, other than the experience. You never know how it is going to affect you.

Google "tazer deaths" and you may change your mind.

Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 words

Post Number: 3590
Registered: Jun-06
Look at it this way, at least you wouldn't have the threat of fathering any children for awhile.

Gold Member
Username: Adddisorder

West palm, Florida

Post Number: 3208
Registered: Jan-06
just do it chad

iv been tazered several times. just buy one we stole out of someones car back in the day. we still play with it though. it doesnt hurt too bad. and its nothing like the police ones so it wont kill you

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind

Www.15inchwangers.comFI Audio BTL

Post Number: 10322
Registered: Oct-05
rofl reece. post vids. hahahahaha.

yeah mat doesn't seem so bad.

Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 words

Post Number: 3599
Registered: Jun-06
My bad. I thought you were going to zap yourself with one of those police issued guns. May the force be with you.Upload

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind

Www.15inchwangers.comFI Audio BTL

Post Number: 10324
Registered: Oct-05
its this one. its says 100,000 volts on it though.


Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

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Post Number: 3600
Registered: Jun-06
Can you buy it leagally without a permit? Then I say the risk would be minimal. I'd like to hear what Muddy would have to say. A "Muddy one liner" would sure hit the spot.

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind

Www.15inchwangers.comFI Audio BTL

Post Number: 10325
Registered: Oct-05
that one in the picture is from ebay. 20 bux.

Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 words

Post Number: 3601
Registered: Jun-06
Ok. Want a good laugh? Check the thread in the sub section under pics of blowthrough. I feel bad for what's going to come down on him.

I almost don't want to post a pic.

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 12972
Registered: Dec-03
Are there pics that might get me in trouble if I view them at work? I gotta watch out for big brother you know.

Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 words

Post Number: 3606
Registered: Jun-06
Nah. Livinloud posted pics of a blowthrough sub setup in his truck. Funny thing was he showed a box in FRONT of the hole cut for a blowthrough design. Ppl thought (including me) that he cut a hole for no apparent reason. It could've gotten ugly.

Silver Member
Username: Gavbo211

JL Audio 10w3v2, IL US

Post Number: 344
Registered: Jan-05
Chad: there is no way that little hand held taser is 100,000 volts.. lol. 100,000 volts would kill you on the spot. the police issue tasers are only something like 50,000 volts i believe. that thing prolly wouldn't do much more than give you one helluva shock and make you jump, thats all. however, i take no liability if you get killed.. lol

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind

Www.15inchwangers.comFI Audio BTL

Post Number: 10331
Registered: Oct-05
lol gavin. well thats what it says on the ebay listing. i guess its overrated. could be the sony of the tazers.

Gold Member
Username: 54danny54

KY More Wang Th...

Post Number: 3480
Registered: Nov-04
lol reece...the voltage really has nothing to do with it.
you can be struck with a million volts and not die if it dont have enough amperage.
my friend has this thing called Bass Ackwards which is exactly like jackass and he got shocked 3 times from it
he says it hurts like hell and he had burn marks and bruises from the pins of it.

Silver Member
Username: Ars88

P.I.M.P , Pakistani/In... United States

Post Number: 533
Registered: Nov-06
woah-dats the same exact one ima get tazed wit

some reason i wanna try it soo bad (as long as i kno i will live)
just to know how it feels

u c i wanna try everything once in life before i die -- das jus me tho

Silver Member
Username: Ars88

P.I.M.P , Pakistani/In... United States

Post Number: 534
Registered: Nov-06
and their are tazers that say 100,000 volts..my manager got one where i work with and we kill rats with it lol but ya dats what is says
maybe its like 50,000 volts rms lmao

Silver Member
Username: Tanmanfosho

Fi SSD15 Wangers

Post Number: 848
Registered: Nov-06
ive been tazered by a 50,000 volts. and it is the worst pain ive evewr felt in my life. i was tazered during a fight and the police came. it feels soooo bad. But afterwrods it doesnt hurt. So do it and after its only a memory. But only if u get to tazer ur friend after

Gold Member
Username: Denali_on_22s

SSX, Tenneki US of A

Post Number: 1404
Registered: Feb-06
Wreak, of course the volts matter, dumbass. You don't think a police tazer has enough amperage to supply the right amount of volts?? I'm not even sure that applies here at all.

Anyways, there's no way in hell that thing is 100,000 volts. I'm serious though. If you do it post vids, because that would be funny.

It shouldn't hurt that bad

No really... It won't.

Gold Member
Username: Denali_on_22s

SSX, Tenneki US of A

Post Number: 1405
Registered: Feb-06
BTW, to carry a tazer that would inflict any serious pain, you have to be shocked by it first. If dude just bought his then it really won't be bad at all, but videos would still be funny.

Gold Member
Username: Rvlacos

DD 3512 , VR1000D 15= overcomp...

Post Number: 1694
Registered: Sep-06
i have been tazed a few different times all by friends. 1 baught this taser and we would get drunk as hell and the 1st person to pass out would get zapped! not fun to be passed out and u awaken to gettin electricuted!

Platinum Member
Username: Bestmankind

Www.15inchwangers.comFI Audio BTL

Post Number: 10380
Registered: Oct-05
i ain't getting tazed now guys. my friend tazed another friend on the right calve (spelling) and he just fell to the ground like nothing. damn it was funny as hell but look painful. i don't think i can do it.

sorry didn't have a camera on me to take vids. it wasn't planned or anything. he just decided to do it that moment.

Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 words

Post Number: 3729
Registered: Jun-06
Wise man.

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 13010
Registered: Dec-03

Gold Member
Username: Thx_3417

Bournemouth ...

Post Number: 2941
Registered: May-05
You can modify a (camera flash) to ZAP people!

Gold Member
Username: Thx_3417

Bournemouth ...

Post Number: 2942
Registered: May-05
Build your own stun gun

How to Make a Taser from a Disposable Camera

Disposable Camera Taser

How To Turn Camera Into A Taser

Gold Member
Username: Thx_3417

Bournemouth ...

Post Number: 2943
Registered: May-05

Gold Member
Username: Arande2

400dB could probably d..., SouthWest Mi... Too Many DBs...

Post Number: 1175
Registered: Dec-06
Strap 150 200v 1000f capacitors in series and then get 4 more sets of 150 in series and wire that in parallel. MUAHAHAHAHA. You could blow a lot of stuff up with 5000f of 30,000v...Just don't use it as a taser.

Gold Member
Username: Arande2

400dB could probably d..., SouthWest Mi... Too Many DBs...

Post Number: 1176
Registered: Dec-06
Or just put enough in series and modify them for 1mf of 200 nonillion (real #) volts. Don't blame me if you fry the national electrical grid.

Gold Member
Username: Thx_3417

Bournemouth ...

Post Number: 2945
Registered: May-05
Precisely I've been zapped buy an industrial sized capacitor when working for a security company in my home town back in 1986. It was about half charged I'd say but it still discharged a ZAP to the trouser leg.

The pr>i<ck then blaster me with a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher and then continued to zap me with the capacitor little bugger.

Gold Member
Username: Thx_3417

Bournemouth ...

Post Number: 2946
Registered: May-05
You can use on wankers with pc! Cut the sheaf back on the wire apply two crocodile clips cut the internet line both ends and then discharge 20,000 volts into there pc! Heehehehehehehehe.

Gold Member
Username: Arande2

400dB could probably d..., SouthWest Mi... Too Many DBs...

Post Number: 1177
Registered: Dec-06
Lol you'd fry something that's for sure.

Gold Member
Username: Thx_3417

Bournemouth ...

Post Number: 2947
Registered: May-05
It's called sabotage!

Gold Member
Username: Thx_3417

Bournemouth ...

Post Number: 2948
Registered: May-05
I'd say the modem possible the pc will be f&ucked up!

Gold Member
Username: Arande2

400dB could probably d..., SouthWest Mi... Too Many DBs...

Post Number: 1179
Registered: Dec-06
Muahahaha. My dad was once working in an electrical panel in like 1970 and it turns out the pipes were charged as a ground from the electrical line. POW 400v right through the groin. It's a wonder I exist I guess. He also said he saw some experiment where they tried to catch lightning with 2 20ft tall capacitors behind 8ft thick glass or something like that. When the lightning struck it blew up the capacitors. Crazy.

Gold Member
Username: Thx_3417

Bournemouth ...

Post Number: 2949
Registered: May-05
I bet they where blackened and melting hisssss!

That's just cut a power line from a street light, be careful mind you and stick the ends of it onto someone's Internet connection that well f&uck there week up entirely!

Gold Member
Username: Arande2

400dB could probably d..., SouthWest Mi... Too Many DBs...

Post Number: 1180
Registered: Dec-06
I read up on lightning just now and it says lightning averages ~ 1 nonillion watts in .2 seconds. Try powering your 4645 with that! Watch the driver fly out and break a hole in the wall.

Gold Member
Username: Thx_3417

Bournemouth ...

Post Number: 2950
Registered: May-05
The voice coil will be fryed in milliseconds!

Gold Member
Username: Arande2

400dB could probably d..., SouthWest Mi... Too Many DBs...

Post Number: 1182
Registered: Dec-06
Remember the beginning of Back to the Future?

Gold Member
Username: Thx_3417

Bournemouth ...

Post Number: 2951
Registered: May-05
I know the scene very well.


Gold Member
Username: Arande2

400dB could probably d..., SouthWest Mi... Too Many DBs...

Post Number: 1186
Registered: Dec-06
I wish I had the Dvd set.

Gold Member
Username: Thx_3417

Bournemouth ...

Post Number: 2954
Registered: May-05
Well you need a sub bass array and matching cinema PA loudspeakers to really KICK you back into the seat!

I'll play that scene once I've taken The Departed back to Flicks its got an interesting Dolby mix you might think the sub bass really punches it out on that scene, its mostly covered by the front channels.

Anyway I'm off to9 "Flicks" now.

Gold Member
Username: Arande2

400dB could probably d..., SouthWest Mi... Too Many DBs...

Post Number: 1189
Registered: Dec-06

You should get some of those 5674 cinema speakers and shake your house to pieces. Lots of sensitivity! It's sensitivity is higher than some speakers' max volume!

Gold Member
Username: Thx_3417

Bournemouth ...

Post Number: 2955
Registered: May-05
No the JBL custom array that the Empire uses would suffice, the screen array goes down to 22Hz that's more than enough at high SPL.

Gold Member
Username: Arande2

400dB could probably d..., SouthWest Mi... Too Many DBs...

Post Number: 1193
Registered: Dec-06
Are those 2241Hs or 2242Hs? I'm considering the 4645c with a Behringer EP2500 because those cinema subs look like just the ticket for seeing how loud of bass I can stand.
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