OK What's the big deal?


Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 words

Post Number: 3553
Registered: Jun-06
I live in the Philly area. We are expecting several inches of snow in the next few days. Why, in the name of God, is everyone preparing for a snow emergency, over a couple of inches???!!! Jersey sucks. I grew up in western PA. A very hilly and snowy area. Anything less than a foot was considered a dusting. Those in Canada know what I mean. I have to take off work because the locals can't drive in 3/4" of snow. Pathetic.

Gold Member
Username: Nyyfan13


Post Number: 3500
Registered: Jul-06
my whole are shuts down if we have an inch or more...NoVA drivers suck balls at driving in the snow...ina strech of 6 miles on the main road in m arrea, there were 6 accidents 2 of which involved flipped cars last time it snowed...we didnt even get half an inch
tonite tho is supposed to be a big ice storm for my area extending into tomorrow and wednesday...we are looking at either a bunch of ice, 2 inches of snow, or a foot of snow...depneds on a lot

Gold Member
Username: Van_man

Boston South, MA

Post Number: 1951
Registered: Mar-06
I lived in London for a while, and 3 inches shut the whole city down for 3 days. The markets were bare, it was bizzare. In MA, 3 inches is a dusting.

Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 words

Post Number: 3556
Registered: Jun-06
Jersey drivers are all puzzys, IMO. I have a FWD truck and didn't even have to use the FWD during our last snow, yet evryone was "scared" and driving like they were on ice. I hate it.

Silver Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Chicago, Illinois I Eats Beats...

Post Number: 764
Registered: Oct-06
FWD FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE my new jeep sooo much...i've been punching the gas in the snow when theres no one around to feel things out...can't peel out even if i try:-)

gas is a b!tch tho :-(

Gold Member
Username: Denali_on_22s

SSX, Tenneki US of A

Post Number: 1368
Registered: Feb-06
Yeah my car is AWD and i can't slide anywhere without taking my entire car with me haha

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 12940
Registered: Dec-03
You've done a Dayton sub and BASH amp set-up from parts express, haven't you?

Could you help this guy out?


Silver Member
Username: Luisdelbronx

Bronx, NY USA

Post Number: 135
Registered: Jan-06
lol do you guys mean 4WD? FWD stands for front wheel drive which is decent in the snow

Gold Member
Username: Shortysetnies

Rock Vegas, NC US

Post Number: 1031
Registered: Mar-06
I was like, "how do you turn fwd on and off?" haha
I live in NC and here people flip a sh!t with 1"!!! I lie not. Schools were canceled a couple weeks ago and it DIDN'T EVEN STICK ON THE ROADS! Thats how we do around here

Platinum Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 12949
Registered: Dec-03
4WD is awesome!

Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 words

Post Number: 3562
Registered: Jun-06
^^Yeah, 4WD is what I meant.

Gold Member
Username: Southernrebel

Monroe, Louisiana DD 9515d~~]...

Post Number: 4406
Registered: Mar-04
If we just get a hard freeze around here...school/college/fukineverything shuts down :-)



Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 words

Post Number: 3570
Registered: Jun-06
Lol. Everyone is sooooo scared of the "unknown".

Silver Member
Username: Pitbullguy

Chicago, Illinois I Eats Beats...

Post Number: 783
Registered: Oct-06
i meant 4wd if that's what you prefer...although i said FWD, and the word four does start with an 'F'. SO EAT ME

Gold Member
Username: Wingmanalive

A pic is worth 1000 words

Post Number: 3588
Registered: Jun-06
In the middle of an ice storm in Jersey. Son had off of school so here I am. Went to get the paper and my front door was "Ice locked" up. My trash cans were frozen solid to the street. Power has been flickering all morning.

4wd doesn't do diddly in this.
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