damnit chad, i was trying to see what people would say..anyway here's my spin on it....what difference does it make what race he is, anyone can get shot on the way to the gas station. I'm not saying its racist, its just that she is throwing in the race card for no reason whatsoever.
Audioque SD2.5-ville,
VP of 15 Wan...
Post Number: 1065 Registered: Feb-06
Posted on
I don't like the "race card" either. Being black, I hear this a lot around my job and a very slight few of my friends. I'm not naive to the fact that racism is still an issue in today's society, but I'm also aware that things have changed and are continuing changing for all races. I hate to hear people I know saying stupid sh!t about how black people can't make it in the world. Trust me, I do know that their are some difficulties for being black in America, but I ALSO know that I have just about every opportunity as the next White man, Asian man, Middle Eastern, etc... this sh!t has to end some time!
another thing that really gets my goat...."hyphenated" Americans....Everyone is African-American, Mexican-American, etc...Why can't we all just be AMERICANS? The only people that could be considered whatever-americans are people that came from that country to here and became citizens ie...African-American would be someone who emigrated here from Africa, and became a citizen...even then I think its rediculous...Everyone should be an American. and while Im on a rant...another thing that gets me is the "African-Americans" that are still wanting to get paid for what happened to their Great great grandfather during slavery. That happened way before they were born, they need to get over it. Some idiot on TV said that would be like saying "Get over cancer or get over aids" . NO it would not, cancer and aids are diseases that are around right now, the USA has not had slavery for a very long time... ok , enough for my rants....and if you don't agree with me, thats fine, everyone has their opinon, and if yours doesn't match mine, oh well, I will still be friends with you,no matter what your race or nationality. whew...the end