Thou I may not be a meteorgeolgest I have noticed one thing down here in the south coastal region of the United Kingdom rain and more rain yet this has to be the warmest December since 2005 where it was quite bitter, with temperatures dropping to freezing.
The heater was practically on for three months straight!
So far I have no completes. If it continues to rain which is a good thing for sure the reservoirs won't have a shortage of water next year 2007.
So I couldn't care less if it snowed this Christmas, it never really does until on bitter month like February and it only lasts for a week or so and then it starts to get milder and then next thing you know where in Spring! Yippee!
Mid Dec. MA temp for 12-15-06 57 degrees. This Sunday may hit 60's. Yea, more bike time.... And when I lived in London for a year, it only snowed once. About 2" and the whole city shut down for like 2 days cause they aint got no snow plows, salt trucks or snow tires. lol. Spent 2 days at the lions head pub in Hendon.