just curious if anyone did. specifcally texas hold 'em anyone? anyone got any bad beat stories or anything along that line? anyone play online poker, if so where at?
Ok i will be man enough and admit that i played poker the last 3 years at one point i was playing it for a soucrce of income which was working very well. I played on pokerstars which is the worst site to play on, tehy have the worst bad beats on that site in the world. Ive been through so many bad beats i hate to tell people i ever played poker because all i talk about is the bad beats.
My bad beats are different then others people ive been beat with quads to straight flushes but that doesnt get me bad. A bad beat for me is when i have a few hundred in the pot and i bet like 200 going into the river and a guy calls with a gutshot then like a donkey pushes all in and i have to call because im pot commited, thats a bad beat for me. The person holding onto that gutshot and calling me for all that money going into the river is what i call a bad beat.
I cant stand pokerstars its made me dislike the game.
yea i played on pokerstars as well, and it was prety bad, never liked it. i dont play much online, usually just play at friends houses and whatnot in a $20 buy-in. pot gets up to about $300 each night, so when you win, its decent money to get. we do winner takes 200, 2nd gets 70, 3rd gets 30; or along those lines. that was my main source of income and still is a good source for me being that i dont have a job...