nice. I got a cheap pool table right now its a walmart one. non-slate of course but eventualy I wanna get a full 8ft(mines a 7ft) slate table. but it was hard talking my wife into this one. I can't imagine doing it again for a bigger table and more exspensive one but its worth a shot.
We got our table for stepdad is an OIM (tool-pusher, offshore) they moved the rig he was on to south america and they couldnt take the table w/ the rig. The company gave him the table, all he had to do was show up w/ a trailer to get it.
The felt and bumpers are only bout 2yrs old...table has a few spots on the trim, but the playing surface is in great shape.
There is nothing like messin w/ someones head and pulling a hard masse shot . I have had friends look at me a say, "you son of a bish".
8-ball in on break is kinda random usually...but when playing 9-ball, I can control it alil better. At least I can force the 9-ball near the back corner pockets. Combo on the 9 in a few shots.
once i actualy called the 8-ball on break. we were playing pool and i was ahead by a long shot so I got cocky and said "you know an 8-ball on break is an automatic win right?" and what do you know I actualy got an 8-ball on break I couldn't believe it,neither could them now they always think im holding back ,bet I'll never do that again.
I don't know what FTW is either, but I suck at pool. The terms aren't that complicated though. Try learning Rugby. Great sport, but tearms are weird. Scrum, ruck, maul, knock-on, line-out.
pool tabel$$350 real felt $55 pool cues, supplies,tips,chalk,talc, etc $215 white exstension cord and shop light$30 corona sign found in the shed when i moved in $0
being able to play pool on my own free time with the blinds up in my underware as the nieghbors walk by priceless