thats an unlucky dream. ive had some crazy a_s dreams. my most recent was me and donovan mcnabb were dressed in black trench coats and went out in the city and shot up the the two cops of gone in 60 seconds. i have no f_cking idea of why but thats what hapened. and i hadnt even seen the movie in a year. and then mcnabb took me as a hostage and then i woke up...kinda weird
i had a dream to nights ago that i had a weed pipe in my coat and the drugs came came to school and i barely got away with being arrested, lol its weird cuz i dont smoke weed so i dont no why i would have a pipe
i have some weird ones myself. usually they have no point to them lol. like last night, i was in a movie theater, and all i can remember is sitting down with people, not watching any movie, and getting up and sitting by myself... ???