

Silver Member
Username: Nyyfan13


Post Number: 876
Registered: Jul-06
as ive posted before, my car is kinda messed up and mite not be mine anymore cause i mite sell it.
question tho, anyone here have a jetta GLI? i really like them and can get one used with 40,000 miles for about $14000, which is less than what i can sell my car for ($15000). which means i got another $1000 to play with on top of another $1000 i get for christmas.
anyone own a jetta GLI or a jetta GLX?
and how do you like it?


Silver Member
Username: Nyyfan13


Post Number: 877
Registered: Jul-06
if your curious, these are the two jettas i was looking at:

GLX 2001&search_type=used&num_records=&keywordsfyc=&make=VOLKS&transmission=Manual&m odel=JET&distance=75&make2=&address=20112&default_sort=priceDESC&advanced=y&cert ified=&max_mileage=&max_price=17000&sort_type=priceDESC&min_price=&body_code=0&e nd_year=2007&keywordsrep=&color=BLACK&start_year=2000&drive=&color2=&engine=&fue l=&doors=&style_flag=2&cardist=25

GLI ar=2003&search_type=used&num_records=&keywordsfyc=&make=VOLKS&transmission=Manua l&model=JET&distance=75&make2=&address=20112&default_sort=priceDESC&advanced=y&c ertified=&max_mileage=&max_price=17000&sort_type=priceDESC&min_price=&body_code= 0&end_year=2007&keywordsrep=&color=BLACK&start_year=2000&drive=&color2=&engine=& fuel=&doors=&style_flag=2&cardist=16

and ill be putting black rims on it(dont know what size) with a chrome lip sometime IF i get one of them

Gold Member
Username: Adddisorder

West palm, Florida

Post Number: 1928
Registered: Jan-06
look like nice cars.

Silver Member
Username: Nyyfan13


Post Number: 885
Registered: Jul-06
come on...anyone got one?

Silver Member
Username: Nyyfan13


Post Number: 887
Registered: Jul-06
come on someone has got to drive one?

or anyone just have comments abuot either, heard horror stories abuot them or praise-worthy storeies about them?

Silver Member
Username: Tdawg30

Ohio USA

Post Number: 644
Registered: Jun-06
all I can say is make sure tha back seats fold down or u are crafty enough to make a port in them nice leather seats so air can get into the cabin. Ive got a malibu and the backseat doesnt come down so im tryin to be crafty and port the behotch. the GLI looks bad azzz

Silver Member
Username: Nyyfan13


Post Number: 897
Registered: Jul-06
yea thats the only problem with them that i have. im banking that the seats fold down cause if they dont then ill be pissed. i mite go with a cobalt SS coupe tho just cuase its a coupe and an open air path from the cabin to the trunk, i beleive. but i do like that GLI

Silver Member
Username: Nyyfan13


Post Number: 900
Registered: Jul-06
or this rsx: rt=priceDESC&dealer_id=58323706&model3=TC&end_year=2007&address=20112&make2=ACUR A&start_year=2000&fuel=&certified=&keywordsrep=&car_id=208103286&color2=&search_ type=both&max_mileage=&body_code=0&drive=&min_price=&distance=75&engine=&transmi ssion=&make=LEXUS&model2=RSX&keywordsfyc=&color3=&sort_type=priceDESC&num_record s=&car_year=2003&doors=&style_flag=1&cardist=75&max_price=16000&advanced=&make3= SCION&model=IS300&color=&ref=srl#vdptop

or a scion tc (which i have now, just a different one)?

Silver Member
Username: Delsole

Post Number: 998
Registered: Feb-05
perhaps you could get a subaru.

u could pick up a 03 wrx for around ur budget

Silver Member
Username: Nyyfan13


Post Number: 911
Registered: Jul-06
ive def been looking into that.

i hate looking at cars casue theres too many to choose from and when you get one yuo always look back and wonder how much would i have liked the ____ better. know what i mean?

Silver Member
Username: Nyyfan13


Post Number: 912
Registered: Jul-06
and this post is useless, just wanted to get off the 911 post count

912 now
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