OT: stop skipping!


Silver Member
Username: Rvlacos

DD 3512 United States

Post Number: 403
Registered: Sep-06
i just got in my new dd 3512 and now my bass constently makes my cd player skip! wtf? how can i stop this?

Gold Member
Username: Frkkevin

Resonant Engineering..., Fort Worth... Email

Post Number: 1651
Registered: Nov-05
get and mp3 player and run your h/u off aux

Silver Member
Username: Rvlacos

DD 3512 United States

Post Number: 404
Registered: Sep-06
i have a built in usb in my cd player but cd's have better quality....jvc kd-820. it doesnt skip when i use that obviously but is there n e way to stop the cds from skipping? dynamat inside the dash? bracing, brakets? i know others have had this same problem and im sure someone figured outta way to listnen to cds

Gold Member
Username: Frkkevin

Resonant Engineering..., Fort Worth... Email

Post Number: 1652
Registered: Nov-05
everyone who has had that problem here simply removed the h/u all together.. but they were serious into competing so that was no big deal.. try whatever you can.. you have nothing to lose. if your problem lies with the whole dash moving your kind of screwed but if the h/u is just jumping around try some brackets.. make sure the din it is in is secure

Silver Member
Username: Rvlacos

DD 3512 United States

Post Number: 408
Registered: Sep-06

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86

OG eCoustics Member

Post Number: 8647
Registered: Aug-05
iso-mount FTW....or something like that. hahahah

wrap that b1tch in dynamat?????? j/k...

Silver Member
Username: Rvlacos

DD 3512 United States

Post Number: 412
Registered: Sep-06
iso mount? what is that research > richard !

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86

OG eCoustics Member

Post Number: 8654
Registered: Aug-05
i believe it is what Kevin is talking about, where the radio is mounted to brackets instead of directly to the cars dash. helps with the vibration problems. also if you could wrap the brackets in dynamat, that would help. Dynamat FTMFW!!!!!

Silver Member
Username: Rvlacos

DD 3512 United States

Post Number: 413
Registered: Sep-06
where do i get these brackets?

Silver Member
Username: Rvlacos

DD 3512 United States

Post Number: 415
Registered: Sep-06

Gold Member
Username: Safe_cracker

Chicago, IL US

Post Number: 2050
Registered: Jan-06
Sh!ttt, I have a Pioneer 9800BT and have only used the CD player 3 times. 60 gig Ipod in the glove box now takes its place. there is nothing that is gonna help you. If you don't like the skipping, turn the volume down PLAIN AND SIMPLE! :-O Polo..

Gold Member
Username: B101


Post Number: 3879
Registered: Sep-05
yea, its gonna skip
but u wana make sure ur HU is mounted properly! like proper kit and not totally resting on dash body... try sponge at the bottom of the player or around it!

I know alpines have a really good antiskip feature...

but for some reason, it didnt matter what I did when I turned this up....


Gold Member
Username: Bestmankind

Fi AudioBTL

Post Number: 7131
Registered: Oct-05
mount it well and it will help. for me it only skips when i play mp3 cd's with a lot of bass. regular cd's seems to hold up well.

Silver Member
Username: Johammbass


Post Number: 629
Registered: May-06
Get a tape player and you are set, I don't see where the problem lies:-)

Platinum Member
Username: Chaunb3400

Huntsville, Alabama U.S.

Post Number: 10107
Registered: Jul-05
^^^LOL....funniest thing i have seen all day

Gold Member
Username: B101


Post Number: 3885
Registered: Sep-05
hey, how much is the IPOD start at? prices?
and the 60gb 1 like Polo got??

my HU 9857 can control the ipod with a direct cable... I just might get a IPOD!

Gold Member
Username: Adddisorder

West palm, Florida

Post Number: 1837
Registered: Jan-06
i think the ipod 30gig is 300 and the 60gig is 400 they might have some down on price some now though

Gold Member
Username: Frkkevin

Resonant Engineering..., Fort Worth... Email

Post Number: 1657
Registered: Nov-05
theres some 4gb floating around local pawn shops here for $60 .. lol .. as far as your brackets? go to home-depot and go look around the fencing area.. should be able to get 1/8" strip of metal with holes pre-drilled all down the piece.. if its not around there it should be where they carry the flat pieces of steel. just ask around in there they will find it for you :-)

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86

OG eCoustics Member

Post Number: 8675
Registered: Aug-05
my GF just got a Black 30GB for $250!!!!!!! BN at best buy.:-)

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86

OG eCoustics Member

Post Number: 8676
Registered: Aug-05
well, maybe i should have elaborated, considering the ghey 8GB NANO's are the same FACKIN price. Upload

Gold Member
Username: Sploosh56


Post Number: 1555
Registered: May-04
Buy some sponge pieces and cut them in 2" x 2" squares. Then wrap them in electrical tape. Then tape them around your reciever so that it allows the reciever to rest somewhat snuggly in the dash but it has enough cushion so that it does not skip. Make sure to leave some gaps in between the pieces of sponge so that it does not overheat the reciever and cause damage. This should work. It hasn't failed me yet. Just expirament for awhile until you have it all figured out.

Silver Member
Username: Shortysetnies

Rock Vegas, NC US

Post Number: 492
Registered: Mar-06
just buy some sony 10's and call it a day. doubt they will rattle it around too much

Silver Member
Username: Bump05

Hesperia, CA USA

Post Number: 247
Registered: Aug-06
muddy u got a gf ? :-)

Gold Member
Username: Troy81

Tavernier, Fl Us

Post Number: 1362
Registered: Mar-06
make sure your supplying your HU with enough power, it could be turning off for a short amount of time when it gets drained

Silver Member
Username: Rvlacos

DD 3512 United States

Post Number: 417
Registered: Sep-06
yea imma go with the sony pos 10's so it wont skip! lmmfao

Gold Member
Username: Basshead86

OG eCoustics Member

Post Number: 8714
Registered: Aug-05
who the hell is SPL Choice?

since when did i talk to you,and how would you know that anyway. lmao

Silver Member
Username: Rvlacos

DD 3512 United States

Post Number: 419
Registered: Sep-06
i think he wanted to be ur gf and now he is dissapointed...

Gold Member
Username: Ctmike


Post Number: 2407
Registered: Feb-06
i got a couple of extra pieces of brackets lying around if you want them. just like kevin described. let me know if you want me to send them.

Silver Member
Username: Rvlacos

DD 3512 United States

Post Number: 422
Registered: Sep-06
sure that would be great, id hate to have to switch to sonys so my cd player wouldnt skip. let me know wat ya want, and i apreciate it!

Gold Member
Username: Ctmike


Post Number: 2408
Registered: Feb-06
just give me your address and i'll send them monday. hopefully that works for ya.

Silver Member
Username: Rvlacos

DD 3512 United States

Post Number: 423
Registered: Sep-06
yea thats great thanx alot man i owe ya one.
richard vlacos
10535 montwood dr apt # 160
el paso tx, 79935

Gold Member
Username: B101


Post Number: 3892
Registered: Sep-05
i need to get a ipod then...

Gold Member
Username: Kd7nfr

Montpelier, ID United States

Post Number: 1729
Registered: Apr-05
I had the same problem. I'm almost deaf, so I really have to turn it up. With my Grand Am I just got an Eclipse 8445 and it seems fine (except when I really get on the volume).

In my Jeep, I had to go with an iPod. There was just WAY too much bass. Eclipse is probably the best out there for not skipping (at least from my personal experience).

Gold Member
Username: B101


Post Number: 3911
Registered: Sep-05
eclipse is good!

but after some years, of the constant shaking of its parts, it eventually starts to skip... its a common problem... but I guess that also depends on what models... this was explain by a eclipse dealer! b4 my friend switched to pioneer!
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