MP3's - FTP


Silver Member
Username: Sem

New York USA

Post Number: 176
Registered: Mar-04
I have a proposal, though I want to make sure it would be alright to do it first. I've setup one of my pc's as an FTP server and have the software to rip music to disc and convert to mp3 format. My proposal is to make 30 second clips available for download for my friends, (regulars) here to sample recommendations. I would encode at 96kpbs, (less than cd quality).
For the record, I am against music piracy on legal and moral grounds. My intent is not to mass-distribute free music but to provide *samples* which would expose people to, and who knows, possibly convince them to purchase music they might not of otherwise.

Gold Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 1070
Registered: Dec-03
post it at Admin.

Silver Member
Username: Sem

New York USA

Post Number: 180
Registered: Mar-04
Good idea Berny. I should have done that first. Thanks.

Gold Member
Username: John_a

Post Number: 1781
Registered: Dec-03

Do it.

I will be interested to hear clips of the music you have mentioned.

E-coustics cannot be held responsible for sites linked from it. If RIAA come around with baseball bats, it'll be between you and your ISP.

I've already done this, with a clip of Mahler, reviewing how iPod shapes up. I will find the address and post back.

I think we have a democratic duty to make life difficult for people who claim ownership of music, if they are not the composer or the performer. And the last two sorts of people would usually like as many people as possible to hear it. That's why they compose and perform.

Gold Member
Username: John_a

Post Number: 1785
Registered: Dec-03
In praise of iPod, but not MP3

Silver Member
Username: Sem

New York USA

Post Number: 189
Registered: Mar-04
Thanks for the link John, I'll check it out tonight when I get home.

I posted the request over on suggestions topic and received this from the admin:

"Posting copyrighted material to this board is forbidden. There is no fair use for 30 second clips, and it doesn't matter if music is sub cd quality or not.
If you own the copyright or have been granted a license, then you are welcome to post music.
Our terms and conditions has further information."

We can handle through PM's, perhaps that would be best for now. This weekend, if I have time, I'll see what I can make available for you. I'll PM you with details if that's ok.

Gold Member
Username: John_a

Post Number: 1795
Registered: Dec-03
Thanks, Sem.

My link is not great. Boring and about Mahler (which I don't love, but it was sonically a challenge). I did it sort of to prove it can be done.

It seems to me that no web site adminstrator can be held responsible for the content of pages linked on his site, they could be anywhere, and beyond his control; only for the site itself. If I plonk something illegal as a graphic, in this message, the admin has a problem, and should probably get it off the site, and block me access. But if I link to a site run by someone else, it is their problem, or mine, I should have thought......?

Gold Member
Username: John_a

Post Number: 1796
Registered: Dec-03
Sem has linked to here from Discoveries. I am warming up on Mahler. That CD was chosen because it was about the best recording I had in that medium, I thought.

Gold Member
Username: John_a

Post Number: 1810
Registered: Dec-03
Here is a direct link

Mahler 1, first movement in MP3 format; .mp3 file; 18.7 MB

Warning: it will take some time to download over a modem.

For credits see In praise of iPod, but not MP3

It is City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Simon Rattle, from and EMI CD which I warmly recommend anyone to buy. The recording is of a live performance in Symphony Hall in Birmingham, UK, in 1991.

Silver Member
Username: Ghiacabriolet


Post Number: 224
Registered: Apr-04

This is a cool idea! It would be great to be able to hear samples of the music that folks here recommend. Are you planning to go forward with this?

I'm confused about the comment that you have the software to rip and encode the songs. Are you saying you want us to send you the .aiff file and you will rip and encode? Or, should we do our own conversion to mp3 format and post the file to your server?

Silver Member
Username: Sem

New York USA

Post Number: 191
Registered: Mar-04

My original intent was just to make some of my recommendations available to others. However I do see value in opening this up for others to share samples. The problem is my ftp server knowledge is somewhat limited. Actually, all I've done so far is install some ftp server s/w on my personal use pc, so I would hesitate going too far with it as is. I might be able, however, to assemble a pc from some spare parts and dedicate it as an ftp server. I'll need to think this out a bit first.
Suggestions welcome.

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