Here's another one I have "Carlito's Way" on dts laserdisc and guess what it's got no LFE.1 encoded on the disc! Now this issue is getting stranger and stranger.
Now if that sounds fishy regarding the LFE.1 get this I have Always, nothing much wrong with it expect there does seem to be a lacking in the low end on the three-screen channels where Ted goes back to the flight school the John Williams score is lacking deepness on the timpani! Except the German language track which is only (Dolby stereo) 4:2:4 it varies from different other language tracks expect the English track. Even if I down mix it from Dolby 4.1 to Dolby 4:2:4 it's still the same deal.
Anyway the later edition of states that its, Dolby 5.0 what in the hell is going on with these frigging bunch of donkeys? Not only can't they author DVD titles with the correct encoding and monitoring but they can't frigging count as well!
The early edition cover, I can't seem to find a back cover for it at the moment.