Si tu captive work 600s o 600p esta experimentando el sindrome de la luz roja o luz muerta en el frente. o opaca aqui estan unas instrucciones en como tratar tu repararlo C/p 1. Remueve los 5 tornillos y abrelo. 2. Mide el voltage 3.3 volts, si el voltage es 2.8 volts o mas bajo, la power unidad necesita ser reparada. 3. Apaga el IRD i remueve la power unidad de la caja. 4. Visualmente inspecciona los capacitors C16 y C17 (Cw600S Premium), C11 y C12 (Cw600S Regular). si estos estan inflados de abajo o arriba ,necesitas cambiarlos, caps son 1000uf/10 voltios 5. hay muchas instrucciones de como removerlos, es igual que los pansats ,para removerlos. 6. Instala los nuevos capacitors con las propias polaridades para evitar mas dano a la power unidad circuito. 7. Suelda los capacitors, no aplicas mucha presion con el soldador o podras danar el circuito. 8. Instala la power unidad de regreso en el chasis y enciende tu reciverIf you are experiencing a Dead, Red Light Syndrome, Dim or no display on your Cw600S or Premium, here are some instrucctions on how to fix it. C/p 1. Remove top lid by removing all 5 screws. 2. Measure the 3.3 volts, If this voltage is 2.8 volts or lower, the power supply needs to be fixed. 3. Turn power OFF and Remove the power supply board from chassis. 4. Visually inspect the capacitors C16 and C17 (Cw600S Premium), C11 and C12 (Cw600S Regular). If these capacitors show signs of swelling and bulging on top or bottom, is time to replace them. Capacitor Values are 1000uF/10 volts 5. Desolder the capacitors using a solder sucker. Do not apply pressure to pads or lands. 6. Install the new capacitors with the proper polarities to avoid further damage to power supply board. 7. Solder the installed capacitors, becareful not to apply pressure with soldering iron as this will damage the pads or lands. 8. Install power supply back on the chassis and power STB back ON. Attached Thumbnails . Attached Thumbnails