Anonymous | Anyone have any comments on this TV -- good or bad? |
| I considered to buy this TV but decided to get the Sony 50" LCD instead. I really like the Hitachi. However, Circuit City had one on display and the picture had a pink shadow around the edges of objects on the picture. The sales people could not explain what it was. A week later, we noticed that they had removed that television from the floor. Then we went to Sears. Their Hitachi looked great. They also had the Sony there. Same price and size. However, our salesman told us that the hitachi had a (pink shadow)problem last week, and that it magically cleared up on it's own. Is this just a coincidence? Probably not. For this reason, we decided to get the Sony instead. |
Anonymous | I considered the Sony 50WE610 but was more impressed with the quality and clarity of the Hitachi vs the Sony. I have the Hitachi on lay-away. |
Anonymous | I have owned the Hitachi for over 2 weeks now. It is GREAT!! I compared the Hitachi with the Sony LCD and Samsung DLP, but came to the conclusion that the Hitachi is by far the better of the 2, especially after reading reviews and then seeing for myself. I got it on time for the baseball playoffs and football games, and am I glad I got it... |
Anonymous | I am so happy that I got Hitachi instead of the Sony or Panasonic LCD projector. This time Hitachi really did a good job for the look and the price for this product. I've done a lot of research on LCD projector. If you are looking for the best picture and high quality. Hitachi would be a great choice. Their stand for this tv are crazy. Very expensive. Get some other stand instead. |
Jack Tirak | I saw the Sony and Hitachi side by side at CC. It was interesting. Being in Television production for the last 30 years, I learned to judge the quality of a color monitor not by the color content but by the black and white content. That is were you see the flaws. The demo was showing some old B&W pics as part of a documentary. The Hitachi looked crisp, sharp and total clean B&W while the Sony 50 lcd had a pink cast accross the screen. that convinced me on the Hitachi. A great set but want to see the new Philips LCOS. I am in no hurry. Target for purchase is in the next 7 or 8 months. |
Anonymous | I just went through same dilemma but settled for the Hitachi but the stand is outrageous. Does any one know what other stand would fit this TV? Would the panasonic stand fit? thanks. |
| I too saw this one beside the Sony at Circuit City and the Toshiba picture looks a little better. I have had the TV for almost 2 weeks now and really like it. Though, I noticed last night that a pixel has gone on the blink and is now shinning a green color. I have a tech coming out next week to take a look, they seem to think it is just dust on the mirror (I hope this doesn't become a regular issue). I guess that could happen with any LCD. The only bad thing that sticks out other than that is the fan noise you hear at low volume levels. But other than that I really like it. Also, I didn't pay the $600 they wanted for the stand either. |
Paul Necessary | I purchased the 50V500 last night and only viewed it for about an hour, but what I did notice is a poor black level. The screens black level, especially in movies with black bars, simply does not appear dark enough to my taste. I was using S-video and not component hook-ups, however. Does anyone know if this makes a difference in black level? Also, one pixel is already burned out. I know Hitachi doesn't consider this a problem, but it still bothers me. |
wLw | hi All, cna anyone please comment on a comparison between the Hitachi LCD (50v500) vs. Samsung DLP (HLN507), for example ? thank you ! |
| I took a close look at Sony Grand Wega, Samsung DLPs, and Hitachi LCD this weekend. I was very surprised at what I found between the different manufacturers: 1. Sony 42 and 50-inch Grand Wega -- I wanted to like it soooo badly. A friend is a dealer and will give me a good deal on a set. He loves Sony... dislikes DLP a great deal due to reliability issues of 1st generation. Anyway... what I witnesses were poor blacks (lots of whitish in the black areas), screen dooring, unconvincing detail. I found the 42 and 50 inch models were exhibiting the same characteristics with HD signal, DVD progressive, or satellite dish. Graphics from Fox football were also fuzzy. Overall, Sony delivered the worst picture. 2. Hitachi LCD 50V500 -- I was impressesed. Side-by-side with the Sony the Hitachi ate it's lunch in every aspect. Blacks were better... but detail blew me away compared to Sony. I could see the screen door. but it was less detracting for some reason. Why is this TV not getting more press??? What I didn't like were the gray bars used for 4:3 viewing. Why did Hitachi do this? LCD does not burn in. 3. Samsung DLP 43 and 50-inch -- Hands down the best image of the bunch for any source. Period. Green hues were more evident in fleshtones than I would have preferred... I'm hoping these can be toned down. I stuck my ear by the base to hear the not-so-marevelous color wheel spinning away. That's not cool... I hate my PVR for making noise... now I may have two spinning tops in the living room. Again, the Hitachi blew me away considering it bested the Sony's by a wide margin. Granted, these sets are in the store and who knows what the settings are. But sitting there, it was undeniable the Sony's did not make the cut. And again, I soooo wanted to like then. I did not find my friendly sales person in Ultimate Electronics or CC to be in a wheeling and dealing mood. Posted price was it unless I showed up with a competitor ad. So... questions I have are... Who else has been checking out the Hitachi's, can the gray bars be elminated in 4:3 mode, and why is this TV not getting more play? Where can I buy a Samsung or Hitachi for a low price... mail order is perfectly fine at this stage as I am not into playing too many haggle games. I would be interested in hearing recommendations for buying through internet. |
aaron | I spent 3 months reviewing 50 inch LCD (and DLP) offerings from Panasonic, Sony, Hitachi and The DLP from Samsung and ultimatly, the Hitachi was the winner hands down! The picture blew away the cheaper Panasonic, and the more expensive Sony, particularily the definition. I used Monsters Inc. as my test and the only one that came close was the Samsung which did not look $1300 better. the blacks were a bit better, on the Samsung but nothing compared value wise. I got it at Video Only here in Seattle for $2650. |
MaSu | I visited a Video Only store today in Bellevue, and the 50 inch Hitachi was marked for $3000. Guess I will need to go back and negotiate a better price. The sales guy told me that because Hitachi does not use an Active Matrix LCD, there was no chance of pixels going blank. That seems to be contradicted by the experiences of some of the people here. |
| I just had the chance to buy my Hitachi LCD 50V500 TV at Sears,could just do a fast check side by side with a Sony, well, sony seems to have a better picture detail, and everithing else looks the same even price, but... my wife loved the design and the stand of the hitachi, what I definately agreed.You know the rest. The best was the price, at SEARS, they match the price of competitors, and gave me a 10% disc. Lowest price, nowhere. I end up paying $3,140 for TV and Stand, after tax and delivery.. ![]() |
Anonymous | I have heard good things about the 50v500. My question is, what is this new 50vx500? I saw an ad saying this was the Director's series. Should I buy the v or wait for the vx? |
Anonymous | My family and I viewed HDTV images on the Hitachi 50V500 and Sony 50WE610 side by side at our local Circuit City store the other day. In our view, the picture resolution and coloration were fairly impressive on both sets. The only real difference we observed was that blacks appeared darker on the Hitachi (although with less detail in dark areas of the picture) than they did on the Sony. Our overall sense was that the Hitachi might be somewhat better for watching standard broadcast television while the Sony might be a somewhat better choice for watching (sometimes darkly filmed) motion pictures. All in all, however, it was pretty much a coin flip between both sets. |
TECHGUY | Hitachi 50V500 and 50V500A there a difference??? Beware some places that carry low prices and typically older model video/audio equipment have an extra digit on the model "A" Can anyone one tell me what the difference is? Maybe they are reworked or don't meet Hitachi's normal quality or possibly an earlier version , problem set , ect...?????? |
| Just picked up a Hitachi 50V500 at Video Only here in Beaverton OR for around $2900, inluding a 3 year extended on-site warranty and delivery and set up. I've spent the last few months comparing the Sony and Samsung LCDs, and had pretty much decided on the Samsung, when I spotted this little beauty. To my untrained eye, it looked nearly as good as the Samsung, and much better than the Sony. Plus, I was very happy with it's remote and hookups, which I couldn't say about the Samsung. And to think, the 50" version of the Hitachi was the same price as the 42" version of the Samsung I was going to buy! I'm sure glad I stopped in to Video Only that day! The only downside I could find was that Hitachi's matching stand was selling for over $500, but I picked up a nice black and aluminum Bush stand that I think looked even better, and all is well. In my opinion, the Hitachi is not only the best bang for the buck, but also the best overall TV out of the three. I must say, I'm very happy. |
| OK here's the inside scoop from an owner of the Hitachi 60V500 LCD (60" model). Absolutely no comparison to the Panasonic and Sony LCD projection sets. Hitachi has better resolution and a brighter image than other 2 sets. The new non-glare screen makes a big difference, especially when there's an extraneous light source. Virtually no glare. Sound quality is outstanding as well. Hitachi Ultravision is the high-end for Hitachi whereas the Sony LCD is not the high-end division of SONY. Remote control is also far superior on the Hitachi with design and overall functions. I have one major issue with the set which has driven me to the point of returning it. The noise emitted by the cooling fan is a major distraction after an hour or so as the bulb heats up. The owners manual specifically states that bad pixels and cooling fan noise are NOT considered defects. They may not be, but are annoying enough when you are concious of their presence. |
sacarguy | i have the hitachi and it is great the picture is very clear... i also saw the sony but just liked the look of the hitachi looks so much like a flat screen.. |
| I have been looking at the 50V500 for the last couple of days and agree it beats the Sony hands down. Most noticable is the image luminance, much brighter picture. I want one - the kicker is here in Denver the cheapest I have seen is $3499, some have it for $3999 (gak!). On the plus side, the stand is $449 at CC. |
| We looked the Samsung DLP and the Sony and Hitachi LCDs all 50". They all seem to have similar picture quality, but unfortunately I could not see them side-by-side. The people at Best Buy were willing deal on Samsung, but the Sony LCD they would not deal on (they don't sell Hitachi). People seem to prefer the LCD models. There is concern about long-term reliability of the DLP models. We did not want to take a chance. We like the looks of the Hitachi and it seemed to have good reviews. We negotiated with the Sears sale person and they sold us the Hitachi with the outrageously expensive stand for $2936 (before sales tax). |
Anonymous | the wholesale cost of the stand for hitachi is 360 plus freight for 50 inch and 368 for 60 inch. |
| Does anyone know the dimensions of the Hitachi 50V500 (particularly the depth)? Also, we do not want a metal stand (prefer wood). Has anyone tried just using a wood coffee table with shelve for components? It would seem to work... I was told that Panasonic does NOT have in home service?? (finding that hard to believe). |
Anonymous | panasonic's repair center's will have in home service...for a price of course. i don't think any manufacture will give you free in home service, only warranty that does that is the "extended warranty" or "performance service plans"'s |
Terry Cedar | Hitachi 50V500 dimensions are: 35 7/16" (H); 55" (W); 163/8" (D). Weight is 148#s. This does not include the stand. |
Anonymous | I have been searching for the 50V500 or 60V500 in Canada for about 2months and the only dealers who have them(Sears doesnt sell them here) are sticking to the suggested retail of $4999($3850US). or $5999($4600.US) resp.The MSRP and selling prices in the US are enormously lower for the same TVs. The problem is that the US warranty is void up here so buying in the US is out. Anybody out there know the reason for the pricing discrepancy as both TVs are foreign mfg to our countries? |
Anonymous | Height of the stand made for the Hitachi is about 14 1/2". I have seen other stands that claim to be for that model at about 18" or so. I think it also it deoends on your viewing or seating height. The nice thing about the LCD projection TV's is that you would have to get at a pretty large angle to loose the brightness. |
Anonymous | I am a major retailer. Few things to know: - You run the risk of a failed television on delivery. - If your retailer includes light-bulbs in an extended warranty, purchase the extended warranty. - The Hitachi is a million marks ahead of the Sony in all regards posted above. - LCD will burn in. Do not leave static images on for several hours. The recovery process from a burn in will remove 10-15% of the tv's quality. ONCE AGAIN: LCD WILL BURN IN IF NOT USED CORRECTLY. That's why the analogy (4:3) has the GREY bars instead of BLACK BARS...the grey bars are easier to recover from a burn in than solid black bars. Buy the Hitachi over all others. You're getting an Ultravision at Sony's middle-of-the-road product's price. |
Anonymous | Did any body has any comments on how the regular TV shows looks like in the 50V500 or any other HDTV for that matter. What is the quality of the regular TV. Also, what is the quality of the DVD movies in this TV. If I have a regular progressive scan DVD player, will that suffice to get a good picture quality. Please provide your valuable feedback as I am eagerly looking for buying soon. Does any body have any idea about any store where I can get a good price in the California Bay area. |
Anonymous | I am ready to buy a 60v500. Sears will match CC's price of $3599 and will take another 10% off that. After reading the above, I am very concerned about the fan noise. This will drive me crazy. Does anyone else have an opinion on this? |
| I work at a very high end Stereo Store in Ottawa Canada and know for certain that there are absolutely no burn-in issues with LCD TVs. You have no idea what you are talking about! The Hitachi uses 3 LCD panels to display the image. NOT a phosphor screen like traditional rear-projection CRT sets. Another real nice thing about the Hitachi 50V500 (all big screen Hitachis actually) is that it is one of the very few TVs that can stretch an HD 4:3 signal, which is common on many digital cable providers. Toshiba removed this feature this year for some reason and Sony's can't either. I'm pretty sure only Hitachis and Pioneer Elite TV's have this nice feature now. |
Frank Wells | I have the same question as an earlier posting. What are the differences between a 50V500 and the 50VX500? |
Anonymous | I bought a 50V500 with its matching stand at a local Sears for $2628 before tax and delivery last Saturday. So for those who are seeking for a better price, talk to Sears people. They deal. My questions: 1. How long is the life of its light-bulb? 2. How much is a replacment bulb and where can I get it? 3. It is worthwhile to buy extended warranty for $399 for 3 years at Sears? If the bulb will burn out in 3 years, it is but what if it burns in its 4th years? Thanks |
| Regarding the bulb, I've talked with some sales reps and they indicated it should last 4 - 5 years. And the bulb runs roughly $250. For those that have negotiated a lower price on the TV and stand, what was your criteria by which you negotiated? Did you find the wholesale cost of the TV and used that for leverage? Just curious. :-) |
Anonymous | Hi Luke, Thanks for the info on the life of the bulb. Do you happend to know the part # and where to purchase these bulbs? It seems that purchasing a 3 year warranty is not a good option if we cannot take advantage of replacing the bulb in warranty then. Regarding prices, it is almost impossible to negotiate too much on the stand. I guess stand is what gives them markups. I paid about $450 for my stand at Sears (off 10% holiday saving). Yep, my TV costed me only $2178 before tax and delivery. Most of our local stores can match a $2500 for 50v50. Then Sears with 10% on listing difference ($listed at $3299) is $80 and 10% off for holiday that they run almost every Saturday morning from now till Xmas, you should get a good deal. |
| Unfortunately I don't have that information. I would talk with a sales rep at Circuit City or possibly contact Hitachi directly and see if they have any advice. Here's a copy of their product support website, just in case: I agree with you on the warrenty. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the warrenties because 9 times out of 10 the warrenty expiers prior to any defects impacting the appliance, television, automobile, etc. Thanks for the info on prices. I've heard of Sears price match policy (having worked there before). Good strategy. Overall, have you been pleased with your purchase? |
Anonymous | Luke, I won't get my TV till after Xmas --- waiting for moving into our new home by then. So can't answer your question. |
| Hi guys, Thanks for some great informations on this TV! Can you tell me what part of the country that you got your 50v500 from? I was at my local Sears store in Chicago area and they would not go lower than $3100 for the set! CC willing to sell this TV for $2800 before tax and shipping! Thanks, Twan |
MM | I've had my 60V500 for a little over a month now and can recommend it highly. I had my set ISF calibrated, and the tech was impressed with how well it was configured out of the box. He kept the picture temp at its highest setting (the lower settings were too brown), backed the contrast down to about 75%, leaving almost everything else at 50% except Red on the component inputs adjusted down to 30%. Also, if you like to watch in total darkness, check out - they sell a light meant to be mounted BEHIND the TV that DRAMATICALLY improves the black levels - I SWEAR BY THIS! I have heard that CRT is still the best picture quality in terms of contrast etc. but I wouldn't trade the 60V500 for anything! |
Anonymous | I was at my local Sears store in Chicago area and they would not go lower than $3100 for the set! CC willing to sell this TV for $2800 before tax and shipping! Thanks, Twan This cannot be true. Talk to a different sales guy or go to a different Sears store in Chicago. I bought it in Ohio but it should not matter. I bought mine last Saturday morning. I would not call '$2800 before tax and shipping! at CC' a good deal even for TV + stand. |
| Someone had asked what's the difference between the Director's version and the normal store brand version (i.e 50VX500 vs 50V500 respectively). There is a store in Denver that carries the director's version and the sales rep indicated that there is a more enhanced processing chip inside the TV and there is a greater ability to adjust the red, blue, and green settings. There's also a $1000 price descrpency as well. |
Anonymous | Twan, How did you get Circuit City down to $2800? It is on sale there this week for $3099. $2800 seems like a very good price to me. |
Twan Pham | CC will take 10% coupon from Bestbuy! Sears will be having a sales tomorrow every tv will be 10% off and $100 instant rebate. |
Anonymous | Can anyone share info on the 50v50 matching stand? I hear people say that the glass shelves can bow if two media boxes sit side by side on the same glass shelf. thanks. |
Twan Pham | Hi! "This cannot be true. Talk to a different sales guy or go to a different Sears store in Chicago. I bought it in Ohio but it should not matter. I bought mine last Saturday morning. I would not call '$2800 before tax and shipping! at CC' a good deal even for TV + stand." Which part of Ohio are you from? I would drive there and pick it up, if I can get it for the price that you got this TV ($2400) because I had to pay $3100 out the w/o the stand! |
Orange 23 | I got mine HIT 50v 500 three days ago and while I love the set design, features, etc... I can't match CC in-store DTV pic quality. I put monster, S-Video, even got CC's tech coming and yet, still not satisfied as pic is not as sharp and crisp as I saw it at CC. I'll return mine and try a new one perhaps it'll help as I love everything else about this TV. FYI, CC gave me $ 2,800 and free shipping. |
love_hdtv | I just bought the 50V500 from Video Only in the Bay area. I paid $3100 out the door. This includes 5 year warranty, taxes and shipping costs. No stand |
Jimbo | The stands are overpriced for the quality. The glass shelves will bow if too much is on 1 shelf, and the pillars are laminate particle board (I had to glue a leg back together). Stands are definitely NOT worth the money, but the wife wouldn't let me get the TV without a matching stand, so it all comes down to aesthetics. |
Anonymous | I got the Hitachi 50V500 with the following: Stand Included Tax and delivery/Set-up 5yr. Warranty 0% down 36 months free financing $3900 They had 3 in stock and no more coming in until mid-Jan. |
Anonymous | Twan Pham, I am in Central Ohio. 5-6 hours drive from Chicago. If you are serious about getting it here at my price. Send me an email and I will email you the Sears Store phone and my Sears sales rep name. You talk to him and get the price and he can ship or you can come and get it. |
| Hi! "If you are serious about getting it here at my price. Send me an email and I will email you the Sears Store phone and my Sears sales rep name. You talk to him and get the price and he can ship or you can come and get it." Yeah, I'm serious about buying this tv! I already placed an order at CC for this TV, but it won't be delivering until 12/9 and I had to pay $3110 w/o the stand or the warranty. I guess I can always cancel the CC's order before they ship it, if I can get this tv for >$500. My e-mail address is: Thanks |
Jason Pastor | I know that everyone may not be able to take advantage of this, but I was able to talk HHGregg down on the 60V500 to $3299 (before tax). The story: Circuit City had made a mistake and left an old rebate sign on the TV. The price was supposed to be $3599, but with the $300 rebate mistake, it brought the price to $3299. CC agreed to give the $300 in store credit, but they were out of stock and couldn't deliver for "about 6 weeks." Overall, the experience at CC was not pleasing me. So, I went to HHGregg and told them that I was ready to buy from CC for $3299 (I did not get into the details of the price), but they were out of stock on the item. If HHGregg would match the price and had the TV in stock, I would pick it up the same day. A couple of key points: * HHGregg is new to our area (Atlanta), so I think they are a very motivated seller * I agreed to purchase the 5-year warranty, in addition ($399), so I am sure they have some good margin/commission there. * If both CC and HHGregg were willing to sell 60" for $3299, there is definately room for haggling on the prices. * I think I am an HHGregg convert. I had never heard of them before, but my experience on this TV has been excellent. I hope that over time they don't lose the customer focus. |
Anonymous | Has anyone found a different stand for this tv to sit on? |
Anonymous | I just purchased mine from a local dealer in Charleston SC called Rex's. Out the door with tax, stand and a 2 year warranty was $3333.00. It will be ready for pickup on Thursday... The stand is not the Hitachi stand but one made by Tech-Craft. The model on it was a PTV58. It is a nice glass stand. I can't wait to see it all sitting in my Home Theater Room... |
Anonymous | We wanted to buy the Sony Wega 50" but found that there seems to be an issue with defective bulbs. The tv was delivered to our home and when we turned it on we did not get any red tones. The tv was packed back up and taken back. Come to find out Sony has at least 450 back ordered. We opted for the 60" and found that this tv also had the same bulb issue. Obviously, Sony is having some real issues with there Wega. We settled on the Hitachi, which will be delivered tomorrow. We bought ours at Ultimate Electronics after Circuit City gave us the run around. We were able to purchase the 50V500 and a 5 year warranty for $3200. |
Dave S | With a little searching I found the Hitachi datasheets online for both the 50v500 and 50VX500. The only differences I see are: 50VX model is Platimum in finish (whoppee) 50vx model has a second "simple" remote (just what I need) 50VX model has something called "deep black anti-reflective shield" (that must be the kicker) I'm stll on track for the plain old V model... (thanks for the posts too - I'm goin' to Sears! - letcha know how I do in Denver) |
Andy | I just purchased the 50v500 tonight at CC in Ct. for 2899 before tax. Picking it up tomorrow. Sears was about 30 bucks cheaper but had to wait till Sat for pickup or delivery (3299 - 10% - 100 instant rebate). After reading these posts I think I'll stop at sears on the way to CC tomorrow. If I can get them to do 10% better than the 2899 I'll wait till Sat !!!! Heck if they beat cc by $100 I'll buy it from them. If they stick to the price they gave me the first time I'll go down the road and pick up my new set at CC. |
Anonymous | Hi again: Sure wish I could buy in the US-pricing in Ontario Canada is $6000 ($4600US) for the 60v500-does anybody know who in Canada is giving any kind of deals on this TV-Sears doesnt sell them and we dont have Circuit City. |
| Hi Guys, I got my 50V500 and I'm pretty happy with the overall performance of the TV! I decided to give the tv a thoroughly inspection, after I heard about the crop circle, black spot, and smudges. What I've found on mine are: a) I didn't see any crop circle, but my tv does have 4 burn-ins 3 are on the upper left corner area and 1 is on the right center. 2 stay blue and 2 stay green all of the time. I can't see the 1 of the burn-ins until I got within 3' of the tv and the other 3 can't be seen until I'm standing closer than 1' of the tv and I have to look for them in order to see them! However, these might not be burn-ins because all 4 are difference in size, the lenses might be dirty!? b) I don't see any crop circle or black spots, but there were some smudges when viewing within 6', but I thought of them as bad signal, since I don't have HD satellite receiver and my old dvd player is not progressive! I'll buy a progressive dvd player by this weekend. c) I can get rid of the grey bars to black bars when watching 4:3 screen by going into the menu and turn the grey off. Other than that the tv is excellent. I might trade it for another one, if there are burn-outs! Can anyone tell me what is the best multi-disc progressive dvd player out there? Thanks |
Twan Pham | Hi! Regarding to the post that I wrote earlier, I have 4 stuck/dead pixels instead of burn-ins. Other annoying things that I've noticed about this TV are the fan notice and it takes the 50V500 1 minute to get to its normal brightness. |
Anonymous | The best buy out there now for a multi-disc progressive scan DVD is the Panasonic however the remote sucks. |
Anonymous | I just bought the 50V500 at CC in Central Florida for 3099, the sale price. I couldn't get them to budge on the price. I did get them to write off the 39.99 delivery charge and they gave me the screen cleaner (19.99) free. Also, I got the stand for 349.00 because it was out of the box, but new. CAN I DO BETTER ELSEWHERE?? ANYONE KNOW, I am supposed to have it delivered on the 11th. |
Anonymous | Just bought mine tonight. Got it for $27999.99+tax. No stand No extended warranty. Free delivery included though. This was form hhgreg in atlanta. is that good deal or what! |
Anonymous | For 27999.99 I will sell you mine and deliver it also.... I'll even throw in a nice stand and a warranty.... ![]() I think there is one 9 too many in that price... |
Anonymous | All the comments here seem very positive towards the 50V500. I have been looking at the Panasonic and Sony similar models, but after reading this forum, it seems like Hitachi is the HDTV of choice here. Did anyone else also compare this model side by side with the Panasonic PT50LC13 and the Sony KF50WE610? Thanks. |
Andy | Update: Sears did it for $2800+tax TV only, so I cancelled my CC order. $50.00 delivery but there is a mail in rebate, so it's free. Have to wait till Monday, but I can put the 100 I saved toward monster cables and a surge suppressor. I'm in CT. |
Andy | Hitachi: PQ is just as good if not better than the Sony. Some think the blacks are better than the sony but the sony color is better. The remote is by far the best of the 3. Inputs are good enough. Some think it does the best job when viewing cable or satellite. Most flexible for tweeking PQ settings. Can go direct to an inptu instead of cycling through like the other 2. Sony:PIP is cool cause you can make one feed bigger than the other. Tie with Hitachi for PQ. However, best color. Remote is lacking, recent quality problems. It's got the SONY marketing behind it. cabinet looks the best (my opinion) Panasonic: PQ and colors are washed out (as compared to the other 2) but may seem great to you if it was not sitting in between the other two. Lots of inputs with a native 15 pin for your PC. Has two memory slots to support sd and PCMCI. Many think the remote sucks. Heard it has the best tuner of the 3. About $300 cheaper than the others. At the end of the day, it's your choice. Also, check out the D52WLCD by Zenith. Extra 2" for the same price as the Hitach and Sony. SOme say the PQ is around closer to the Panny than the other 2. Nice remote and you can watch all 4 inputs on the screen. Nice looking cabinet (brushed aluminum) Has the PC input like the Panny but no memory card reader. |
Anonymous | Thanks Andy for the info! |
Anonymous | I have seen the Hitachi, Panasonic and Sony all side by side at a small dealer location for comparison shopping by the consumer-the owner, when I asked him which TV he would recommend, said he set the tvs up like this so customers could see them together-after watching them-he asked me which one I liked best and hands down, the Hitachi 50v500 ate the others up for breakfast-he told me that of every 20 of these LCG projectors he sells, 15 are Hitachi for that reason alone,4 are Sony due to their namebrand and 1 panasonic-He says Hitachi is be far the best of the 3 but the downfall, if any, is the cost of the replacement bulb is double that of the other 2 sets-all have same warranty. |
Bengal | I purchased the 50V500 at Ultimate Electronics in Minneapolis for $2750 including delivery. The stand is ugly, so I wouldn't consider it even if it didn't cost the outrageous price of $600 list. You don't have to buy a 480p DVD player. I have a 6 year old Pioneer Elite DVD/Laser Disk combo outputing 480i through S-video and it looks better (a lot better!) than the $300+ Sony 480p DVD player being used to demo it. This set converts it to 480p--no need to buy a new DVD player if your old one is good. This set, IMHO, has the best color balance, the sharpest picture. and the most user-friendly GUI I've seen on any set other than the very high end plasma sets, which aren't worth the premium in any case. My old 60" 3:4 Hitachi Ultravision rear projector still works as good as it did when new 6 years ago. Not one warranty problem, although I did have it professionally calibrated. But it is a barn of a piece of furniture and no matter what you do with it, it's still a huge box in even a large room. It's still in my media room in the basement--not looking forward to hauling its 365 pounds of glass and plastic up the stairway--it was bad enough going down! But I'm sold on Hitachi quality, which was the icing on the cake. |
Anonymous | i just bought the hitachi 50v500 lcd tv and i paid $2800 plus tax. No stand free delivery with mail-in rebate. The salesman at the store was trying to sell me an extended warranty for 399.99 for 3yrs in-home or 5yrs for 599.99 in-home. i said i would think about it. Is it worth spending the extra dough? |
New member Username: TwanphamPost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | Hi guys, With the help of a very helpful gentleman in this thread, I was able to make a deal with a Sears store in Columbus, OH. The very nice salesman was able to get them to ship the tv out of a local distribution center in Chicago for $800 less than what I paid for my at CC, Chicago. My final price is $2763 (include tax, shipping, & 3 yrs service plan), so there is an alternative for us not having to pay near retail when our area salesman/retailer do not want to deal! I'm going to return my TV to CC minus shipping charge when my new tv is delivered. I went out and bought a sony dvd 5 disc changer model # DVP-NC665P ($178) to upgrade my 4.5 yr. old non progressive player and the 480p is noticeably better when watching from a close distance! I almost bought a Panasonic for $50 cheaper, but I decided on the Sony because I never have any problem with Sony electronics. Can anyone tell me if 480p is the highest resolution that a dvd player is able to produce? Thanks |
New member Username: TwanphamPost Number: 2 Registered: 12-2003 | "i said i would think about it. Is it worth spending the extra dough?" I think the extend warranty is worth it because I have 4 dead/stuck pixels on my current tv and I also notice 2 dead pixels at one the the CC's store. Therefore, I just wanted to make sure my end is cover, but there is a good chance that my warranty expires before I got to use it! |
Anonymous | Twan Pham - how did you get that price of $2763 that includes tax, shipping and service plan. What did you have to do? Thanks for any help. |
New member Username: TwanphamPost Number: 3 Registered: 12-2003 | I used the price that "Anonymous, posted on 12/5 12:00pm" he was very helpful and he gave me his reciept #, salesman, and the Sears location where he bought his tv. He even asked the salesman to see if he's willing to sell the tv to me for that price! I called the store and talked to the salesman and I ended up buying the TV from the Columbus, OH Sears (located in Polaris Mall). The Great Indoors in the same mall also carry this tv, so you can also get this tv from them for the same price. Just read the 12/5 12:00pm post and you'll see how he's got the price. Doesn't matter where your local Sears store is located, Sears can have the warehouse in your area ship the tv to your house. You have to use the Sears's credit card to make purchases over the phone though! Good luck, Twan |
946815326917 Unregistered guest | if there is no vga input then how can you plug a pc into this and still get good quality image? |
pvbj Unregistered guest | Most of our local stores can match a $2500 for 50v50. Then Sears with 10% on listing difference ($listed at $3299) is $80 and 10% off for holiday that they run almost every Saturday morning from now till Xmas, you should get a good deal. I went into Sears (Southern California) and discussed the 50v50 with the sales guy he would match CC price of $3099 and knock off another $150 but that was it($2949 befor tax). How did you get them to match $2500?, what is listing difference?, and my Sunday paper is only offering no interest till 05? Could you please spell it out in a little more delail. Thanks |
Anonymous | Twan Pham or Anonymous - would you be willing to email me your reciept number, salesman's name, and the Sears location where you bought your tv's? I would love to get the price of $2178 before tax and delivery. Do either of you have a fax? It would be great if you could fax the receipt. My email address is . Thank you so much! |
New member Username: GaryPost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | Can anyone tell me what settings you ended up with on the 50v500 for: Contrast, Brightness, Color, Tint, Sharpness and Black Enhancment? Also if any adjustments were needed for Color Management or Color Decoding, or does Auto Color work ok? Thanks. |
New member Username: HdtvPost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | Can anyone tell me if 480p is the highest resolution that a dvd player is able to produce? TRY the SAMSUNG : Progressive-Scan DVD Player with 720p/1080i WITH DVI rock and is a bit pricy at 283.99 for single DVD. Model: DVD-HD931 |
New member Username: TwanphamPost Number: 4 Registered: 12-2003 | fahd lodi, Can you tell the difference in picture quality btw 480p and 720p/1080i from 10+ feet away? I might just keep my Sony DVD-NC665P 5 discs changer because I love all of its features and I can watch LOTR 1 and 2 w/o having to open up my DVD player and I can get rid of my 5 discs CD player! Regarding the price of the 50V500, it's all depends on your local Sears location. Some area such as my (Chicago) Sears and CC wouldn't even consider lowering the price down even to $2500, even when I had a copy of the sales receipt from another from OH! However, another person from this thread went to his local Sears and this is what he wrote to me: "Thanks for the info. Here is what I did - found online price of $2699 - $60.10 (Price Match) - $100 (Instant rebate projection screen) - $253.89 (10% Off Holiday) = $2285.01 plus taxes and delivery. Not bad for a $3300 kick butt HDTV. I will take a 30% discount on a brand new product any day, especially from a company that I know I can take it back if it messes up. You should try your local sears and see if you can work that out. You just have to make them think you know more than they do about the TV and pricing. My guy went back to the back to ask a manager and came back rather quickly and said yes to the $2699 add from cyber discount warehouse. So that leads me to believe that they would go even lower if I did harder research to find a lower price." His price is pretty close to what I got my tv for, but if your local Sears isn't in any dealing mood as my were, then you should try to by from another Sears that would. Any Sears in the US will be able to have this tv deliver from any local Sears' warehouse in the US. |
New member Username: GourldkPost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | I am very interested in purchasing the 50v500 from the Sears store in Columbus Ohio . I have checked in my location in Northern Oklahoma and found that I can only get 10% off. Please E-mail me the Information that you used to get the price matching at $2500 and if possible the salesman's name so tha I can get the same deal Dan |
New member Username: TwanphamPost Number: 5 Registered: 12-2003 | Gary Antolik, I set my similar to what "MM" (Posted on Friday, December 05, 2003 - 01:41 pm ![]() I made a few minor changes to fit my viewing taste! |
New member Username: HdtvPost Number: 2 Registered: 12-2003 | Can you tell the difference in picture quality btw 480p and 720p/1080i from 10+ feet away? I can tell the difference but it's basically a trade off between value and DVI. Also the Samsung has DCDi form faroudja. |
New member Username: DkloswaPost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | Twan Pham or Anonymous - would you be willing to email me your reciept number, salesman's name, and the Sears location/phone number where you bought your tv's? I would love to get the price of $2178 before tax and delivery. Do either of you have a fax? It would be great if you could fax the receipt. My email address is If you would have a fax and could fax a copy of the receipt, I will respond to your email with a fax number. I've tried to get Sears to price match off the net, but they don't always agree with it. Thank you so much |
Unregistered guest | What is the difference between the 50V500 and the 50VX500 Director Series? I have a price of $3900 for the 50VX500 (from a local A/V store) and $2980 (out the door from Sears). Is it worth the extra $900? I have just started my research so I am kind of going at this backwards. Thanks for any input! |
New member Username: DigitalbobPost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | Thanks to all for posted info. Got my 50v500 ordered today from Sears (would not match online prices, but got the local price match plus 10%, $100 off, then 10% off total = $2550). Questions: - What are the shipping box dimensions? - I need some component connects, recommendation on cables? - Recommendation on calibration methods (Digital Video Essentials, other?) - I have heard about issues with the 50v500 upgrading a Dish Network signal d=1681, advise on the best ways to compensate? Thanks, DigitalBob |
Anonymous | Hi, I got my 50v500 at Sears yesterday for a great price. (I SAVED OVER $1,000 ON THIS TV!!!! I AM SO HAPPY!!!) Many Thanks for others that told on this message board how they got their TV's. This is what I did: I found 3 different stores on the internet that are selling it for $2,699. The stores are: I printed out the price for each store, so Sears couldn't say much about that. I didn't print out the shipping cost and sort of acted like I didn't know that I should have had the shipping cost added on. At first my salesman tried to say that they don't match prices on the internet, but I told him (and it was the truth) that I bought all my new appliances recently and Sears price matched off the internet. I also told him that I had read on the internet of a few other people getting their 50v500's for this price (as I had found on this site). I was nice about it and asked him to go ask his management if they would match the price. They did. $3299.00 Sears Price $2699.00 Internet Price ($600 difference) $2699.00 -$60.00 (10% of the difference when price matching) -$100.00 Sears instant TV rebate (I don't know if this is still goint on) -10% Saturday morning extra savings (I don't know if they will have this again next weekend) Total cost of the TV $2285.10 + tax Then for the stand I found a price on the internet of $396.49 (I can't find the paper I had or the store that had this price), but Sears matched that price also. $499.99 Sears Price $396.49 Internet Price $396.49 -$10.35 (10% of the difference when price matching) -10% Saturday morning extra savings (I don't know if they will have this again next weekend) Total cost for the stand $347.53 + tax |
New member Username: GaryPost Number: 2 Registered: 12-2003 | I got my 50V500 over the weekend, and the display is great in well lit scenes, very bright and very detailed, however in dark scenes, the black levels are bad. Anyone else experience this? Thanks. |
pvbj Unregistered guest | Sears say it must a be a local dealer to price match not a dealer in NY and a Sears store in Calif. for example. Not sure how to handle this one, anybody have any ideas what I may do next. With all the haggling with sales guys at my local Sears about price matching and such, I missed the 10% off Sat. morning 7-11:00 sale . Does anyone know if Saturday morning the 22nd. will have 10% off again. I also am interested in the Panasonic #PT-50LC13 how does this set compare? Thanks |
New member Username: DongdongPost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | sears seem no longer able to match 2500 |
New member Username: LordsearsPost Number: 3 Registered: 12-2003 | Technically whoever price matched that price and then gave you the 10% off will most likely be terminated. :P Sears is usually what ever is lower, the price match, or the 10%. I know the $100 instant rebates are over with but there are SOME $200 and $100 rebates on some of the Hitachi sets. If you want I can work with you and get you setup for delivery the nice thing about Sears is that you can buy the T.V. anywhere in the US and we can deliver it anywhere else in the US. So if I am in Ohio here and you are in California I can sell you the TV with a phone order from my store and get your T.V. out to you from the local warehouse near you. Best I could do for you would be 3299.99 -330.00 2969.99 for TV - MAYBE a $100 to $200 mail in rebate The stand I can go: 475 -47.50 428.50 So: 2969.99 +428.50 3398.49 +tax after delivery rebate And yes the best thing to do is be nice. My manager would say no, but now throw in a 5 yr. Protection agreement and maybe we can work something out. The GREAT thing about Sears is that you can buy those Protections agreements with 0% financing for one full year right now and return them right before the 0% is over for a full refund. Also call and have the tech come and look it over before you cancel. I know people who have done this and though you get a little pressure when you cancel they do give you back a full refund. After working for other companies I would NEVER buy any big ticket items anywhere else but Sears. Even though they may fire me after the holidays are over... I still think they treat their customers with a great amount of respect compared to most other places. |
pvbj Unregistered guest | Thank You for the info, Is it possible to make arrangments to order it from a Sears in the NY area and use one of the three web sights referenced in the December 14, 2003 - 07:53 pm post (all in the NY area as well) as a price match, and deliver the set to the Orange Calif. store. This would get me in the $2600 range and if possible a $100 to $200 rebate as well. I'm not asking too much am I? |
New member Username: SeekerPost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | SOME $100 to $200 rebates...aren't we all talking about the same set? So, just what IS the rebate and why be so secretive? Wonder if this guy really works for Sears or is just blowing smoke...or maybe trying to drum up business at a price higher than needs to be paid. |
New member Username: LordsearsPost Number: 4 Registered: 12-2003 | Wel the rebate is really wierd, the only one I am sure is still active is the $100 one on the 51" Hitachi. There is also a $200 one on the 57" Hitachi with the tuner. Problem is the rebate is only on specific models, and certain sizes to those models. I mention the rebate because I am not sure if it is good on the LCD merely stating that if you went into your local Sears store you should ask about it. Though I'd like to sell ya one. Why wouln't I, after all I am on commishion. pvbj: I don't know how you'd ever get the price the person in the Dec. 14th post got. If I ever gave that type of deal away they'd boot me right out of the door. The price I listed is probably going to be one of the lowest you will find at Sears. I called into work and asked about the rebate which is only on the two projection TV's I mentioned above... not on the LCD ![]() Remember Sears has 0% going on right now till Jan 1, 2005 too. We do have some decent deals. If you ordered from me I'd give you my store number and you could verify it online before you talked to me. I understand if you have doubt about buying from some strange guy from a forum :P Just trying to help you out a bit. |
New member Username: LordsearsPost Number: 5 Registered: 12-2003 | "or maybe trying to drum up business at a price higher than needs to be paid." - *laughs* Any business I do is good buisness. I don't mark up the price to make more money. I'd just be happy to close a deal. At Sears the best I can do if offer you what I can legally and that's what I did. If you can find it cheaper from another store or another Sears get it there. I just offered what I can offer. On Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, I could offer you the TV at 3299.99 with the promise of a price adjustment for 10% off on Saturday morning. Again, not drumming up the price. Just staying within my given limitations. I do not own Sears, I just work for them untill I finish school, and untill I finish school I will try to sell as many of these as I can to pay for school and bills. True, you can probablly find it cheaper online, but will that retailer take it back after 90 days? And will they repair it after 6 months? Sears does some insane stuff for their customers. Especially those who buy appliances from us as well :P |
Anonymous | I am the anonymous poster on Sunday, December 14, 2003 - 07:53 pm that got a great price on my 50v500. The $100 instant rebate on all Plasma, LCD and Projection TVs over $999 is listed on the website. The 10% should be on again on Saturday morning. Since there have been a few people on this board that have got a great price from Sears with price matching off the internet and with the rebate and 10% off - it can be done!! It just depends on the salesman you are talking to - ask to talk to a manager if they won't deal - tell him and show him what you have found on the internet and that other people have been getting all these discounts. If the Sears store you are talking to won't meet the prices - go to another store! |
pvbj Unregistered guest | Here is the Sears price matching policy: If you find a lower price (including shipping, handling and delivery) on an identical branded item with the same features currently available for sale and delivery in your area from a local retail store's online site, Sears will match that total price Plus, give you 10% of the difference. Just print the ordering page, including shipping, handling and delivery, and bring it to your Sears store at the time of, or within 30 days after, your purchase. The reason I present this is because the three web sights that offer the set for $2699 are all in the NY area. Again....can I order the set from Sears in NY,use one of these price matches, (as they are local retail store's) and have the set delivered to the sears of choice?. Another question, is the interst free for a year, all due at the end of that year?. Or am I thinking of no payments for a year? I don't seem to be able to find any policy regarding you only get the lowest of the current deals going ie. 10%, price match or whatever (not both) but I could imagin a sales guy trying to pull this one, true or not. Guess I'm just looking for some clarification on what exactly Sears policies are. |
Anonymous | I opted to purchase the Hitachi 50V500 after comparison with Samsung 50" DLP and Sony 50" Grand Wega. I thought the Hitachi display at least as good as the Sony if not better, and almost as good as the Samsung but a better value. Got it for about $2800 at my local Circuit City in Kennesaw, Georgia. I bit the bullet and bought the stand; though expensive it is well made, sturdy, and integrates attractively with the TV. So far I'm as happy as a rational person can be who just dropped over 3 LARGE for a dadgum television!?. The HDTV output is amazing. DVD output is so-so. Fan noise? Can't hear it unless I listen to the TV with no audio. Also I eliminated 4 remotes with my Harmony remote which turns all devices on and off with the push of one button. There you have it. Good luck! |
Anonymous | Sears priced matched the internet prices for me for the above price of $2699 plus all the discounts mentioned above and I live in Washington State. |
New member Username: LordsearsPost Number: 6 Registered: 12-2003 | pvbj: Try that. Try getting ahold of a New York Sears. ![]() As for the 0% it is no intrest, no payments for one full year. With a Sears charge. Meaning it shows up on your statement but you have to pay nothing for one full year and at the end of that year if you do not have the amount paid off, you do not get charged back intrest. |
New member Username: GunitPost Number: 1 Registered: 12-2003 | I just purchased the hitachi 50v500 at sears in california with free shipping and 0% till 2005 for 2699.99. The salesman said i could not get the $100.00 instant rebate because the price was already mathced. Is this true? |
Anonymous | $2,730 before tax tonight at the Sears in Orange,CA. Free Delivery - on 1/18/04!!! If I can find it in stock somewhere else I'll price match and cancel. Anyone in So. Cal get a better delivery? FYI - I'm replacing a 56" Samsung DLP due to rainbows. Gorgeous picture but the rainbows were just too distracting. |
NA Unregistered guest | I just purchased the hitachi 50v500 at sears in california with free shipping and 0% till 2005 for 2699.99. The salesman said i could not get the $100.00 instant rebate because the price was already mathced. Is this true? Not true. I made the purchase in November and saw the rebate in last week. Went into my Sears store with my receipt and got the credit instantly. I got the lowest price on this entire thread for the original purchase. Go back and in 30 days, you should have price protection. |