just curious, do you guys buy into the expensive monster cables? like monster 3? ive got a friend that works at BB and he can get me about 50% off, so at that price, might as well. but does it really make a difference? my whole system is run of S-video (no component inputs, 36" tube). and he thinks i should upgrade all my cheapy s-vid's to monster 3, or at least monster 2.
i know cables is where they make there $$, but even at half off, its still kind of expensive.
AR cables will do the exact same thing, they just aren't as pretty. I won a bet once with my entire audio sales staff. They swore by Monster 11 gauge speaker cable having superior sound quality. We used a Yamaha amp, Sony cd player, JBL towers and music of their choice. I used recoton 16 gauge and they used the monster. We had it set up so they could swith back and forth quickly. They had to listen to 5 seperate tracks clicking back and forth between cables and say "A" is monster "B" is Recoton. Results were all over the place and no one matched all 5 tracks. Needless to say, they still push it because they're salesmen.