Best RPTV under 2 grand


Unregistered guest

I am looking for a RPTV anywhere from 45" to 52" and trying not to spend over 2 grand. Hdready, with good built in audio because i will not have a stereo for awhile so it must be pretty good compared to most sets. Ideally it will be able to be bought in a circuit city or sears, due to price matching and decent selection, so no internet! Thanks in advance
Roger Clemens

Unregistered guest
does anyone own rear projection anymore?
roger sends

Unregistered guest
I think evrybody got crazy with lcd now days.
I'm also looking for rptv
I can't decide between sony ws510 or hitachi 51f500

Unregistered guest
peter i saw that sony last night and it looked great! its mitsu or sony for me at this point

Unregistered guest
sony's have a brighter picture, mitsu's are nice cause you can adjust each one of the colors independantly. both have accurate convergances, sony's is a 63pt, mitsu 64pt. all in all, id go with the sony 51" at 1799, over the mitsu 48 at 1699. it also has flash focus, automatically realigns the light guns (not as accurate) They will ALWAYS go down on the price at best buy, trust me. tell them your just looking, youve made up your mind, but your waiting for a sale, (don't tell this to the new guy, try to find someone who's been there for a while) before you know it they'll offer it at 1619 (sale price).

Unregistered guest
do you know if ws550 is realy much beter then ws510

Unregistered guest
I just purchased the 65WS550 (getting it delivered Tuesday), but the main difference was 1) 550 has iLink and 2) built in HDTV tuner. I also bought a Terk HDTV antennae and will see if I can get a signal from the air. Those were the basic differences.

Unregistered guest
depends what your source is. the ws550 has the built in over the air tuner, right now it won't work for cable, when they switch to digital in 06/07 it will work, but by then the tuners will be dirt cheap. with the 550 you can hook up a antenna and pull HDTV right over the air for free. but if you have cable or satellite and plan to stay with them, you need there reciever anyways.

the 550 also has a memory stick input (who cares though) but it has firewire outputs, the only way to record HDTV is through the firewire outputs to a digital VCR, dvi is now dvi hdcp so you can't record off of it (copyright protected) id get the 550 for this feature, being able to record hdtv is nice. im sure there's a way to record it onto dvd disks too, since some dvd recorders have firewire inputs

Unregistered guest
I heard that 550 screen is less reflective

Unregistered guest
thats intresting, where did you hear that? ive never heard it, id like to know if its true though


Unregistered guest
if you go to CC you will see this info is on the price tag
but i compare those two and do not see any diference both are looking like a mirror

i can't decide sony or hitachi please help

I don't know if Saqdeez had gotten the RPTV yet. With the recent Christmas sales, many good 51" RPTVs have been discounted to below $2K. A particular one that I think has a good value is the Pioneer SD-533HD5. It is selling at for under $1.7K.

As for Sony/Mitsu/Hitachi pick, my opinion is that Sony and Mitsu both make very good regular CRT TV but Hitachi excels in RPTV especially its Ultravision line. The Magic Focus itself is worth your money. The anti-reflection screen on its Director's series is to dead for.

Unregistered guest
I also lokking for 51-57 tv
I can't decide hitachi f500 or sony ws510
I like more sony goodies but thr plastic silver front is big turnoff
Do you now when next year model be avelibe , mmaybe is going to be in black

Ginger P
Unregistered guest
I just bought the Sony 51WS510 tonight.. It was a toss up between the Sony and Hitachi and after reading all the reviews from many sites, I decided on the Sony. I bought it at 8 pm tonight 1/30/04 and Circuit City claims it will be delivered before Super Bowl. I paid $1619. It was more on all the online sites. I'll keep you posted on how much I hopefully love it when the time comes!

I bought Hitachi 51f500 becouse I didn't like big tall front plastic of Sony.
I also bought daewoo progresive scan dvd player and my first dvd movie Finding Nemo.
I am not impressed at all.
Nemos eye does not look sharp enough. It is not quite round but rather squared
I wonder if it is tv or chip dvdplayer?
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