Many sites now are reporting that Dexter,the creator of the Winexplorer program has been busted.Some peeps are reporting that they have also seen the court papers related to this.I personally have not,but thought I would pass on this info.Will keep you informed of any new News relative.
Unregistered guest
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I just gone done reading the 37 page court paper (DTV's request for summary judgment) against Dexter.If U don't know,he created Winexplorer and Basic U programs for Dss hackers.He's an icon in the Dss community.This is a Michigan case.
Unregistered guest
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Dave up until about 6 weeks ago was using a managed network with dedicated 56k and t-1 connections to locations such as their call centers and small providers so they can provide their csrs with access to their billing and authorization system. they have, over the last 6 weeks switched to an at&t distributed VPN environment where veryone connects via the internet. the way they do this is by installing a client on each of the pc's in their call centers. The VPN itself is extremely secure running diffie-Hellman Group 2 at 1024 bit cryto, the probles is with the client. teh client can be downloaded from at&t and the client database is an encrypted file system this is where the weakness is. The entire configuration and client db file system can be copied from machine to machine and it just works. So anyone who is working at one of these call centers and is computer savvy enough to zip (give you a hint remove the .zip extension and change it to a .doc extension and no one will be the wiser) and email files to themself at home could do this pretty easy the fs is located in the c:\documents and settings\<username>\local settings\application data\ in a folder named AGNS if they copy one of logon scripts they could logon from anywhere in the world( public libraries or hotspots, college campuses etc. That is how they are accessing the dbs bas. all because they didn't really evaluate AT&t's vpn software to the level I have. Their loss our gain.