Hi have a Direct TV receiver with Tivo, and it is hooked up to a VCR. I am just using the RV cables from TV to VCR to DVR as the manuals suggest. All three components have audio/video jacks, but the hookup diagrams dont utilize them. I would like to record to VCR from Tivo DVR so that we can free up hard drive space. RV cable now goes from DVR to VCR and then from VCR to TV, hope someone has some suggestions. If I should use Video 1 or 2 outputs, please describe if possible exactly how hook up cables(whether RV or audio video) and what Input to have set on each component. The manuals just specify their own component and then are very vague about what setting to use on the other components. Help and thanks!
You should use RCA jacks from the DVR out to the VCR in, if there is more than 1 it doesn't matter which one you use, just set the VCR on that input to record. The VCR should be hooked to the TV with RCA jacks too, once again it doesn't matter which input, just set the TV to whatever input the VCR is connected to. If you don't use RCA jacks the video won't be as good and the audio will be mono, not stereo.