Ok heres the deal im looking at buying a Mitsubishi WS-65713 Platinum serries which is the 03-04 model. What im wanting to acomplish is a nice home theater system, it dosnt have to be the best in the world. I can not find this tv at any local retailer so I cant see it for myself, but I can get it for 3240.00 shipped, and I cant seem to find any reviews on this specific model. Im not set on this piticular brand, but from all of the research that i have done this company seems to make some good products. Any one know of this tv or any problems that I might have with it. Also anyone have any suggestions on another brand and model# that I might look at. Any help is welcome.
Come on there has to be someone in here who knows something about this tv, or atleast seen one in a store. Im looking to order soon and i want to get the most for my money, is the new 05 mitsu worth the extra money? Thanks Jeff
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