I'm looking for a DVI DVD player and for what I'm looking to pay the HD841 and HD941 from Samsung seem to be the best.
Should I wait for the HD941 to be released or will the differences on the newer model not be worth it over being able to get a HD841 right now? This will go on my 46" Sony RPTV.
I can get a HD841 for 189 and the HD941 for 269 so cost isnt really a large issue.
I would get the HD841. The way current models and technologies are emerging there is no real benefit to waiting anymore. Next year the 941 will be replaced, and so on. Unfortunately, this is just part of the disposable, short term, latest feature society we now live in.
Both models support SACD/DVA, but these formats may fall by the wayside if Blueray or Dualdisc take hold.
will the addition of the Faroudja DCDi technology in the HD941 not be worth the wait though?? I'm not interested in buying something now where if I'd watied a bit I could have gotten something better. Especially since which ever I do buy wont be replaced till it dies and not because of some new technology.
I would wait for the 941. It has Faroudja and will have a better picture quality for any larger tv 43" and above. Since you have the 46", it would be a better fit with your set. Any set less than 43", can get away with using the 841.
Thats the way I'm leaning....anyone else want to weigh in their opinion?
Hawood Jablome
Unregistered guest
Posted on
the 841 will do in my opinion. plus you can save the extra money you will have if you don't buy the 941 and put that towards something else in the electronic world.
Hawood Jablome
Unregistered guest
Posted on
the 841 will do in my opinion. plus you can save the extra money you will have if you don't buy the 941 and put that towards something else in the electronic world.
Haywood Jablome
Unregistered guest
Posted on
the 841 will do in my opinion. plus you can save the extra money you will have if you don't buy the 941 and put that towards something else in the electronic world.
Many people I talk to say the DCDi technology is overrated, because of its very near obsolecense. But if the vision aspect is more important to you than the audio aspect you may want to wait. I believe the audio components for each player are nearly identical.
Also, the waiting game can become quite tedius. For example, Harman Kardon anounced a dvd22 player and dvd31 player in winter2003. The dvd22 came out right away, the dvd31 which supports DVD Audio was to be out in Feb, then March, then May. It is still not available (August04)
Just hooked up the 841 to my Fujitsu P50XHA30WS per instructions. DVI picture is green and distorted, component video is distorted, composite looks GREAT! Any thoughts before I toss this roach in the dumpster?
Posted on
I heard that if you already have an HLP series samsung DLP, you dont need the HD941 because the HLP itself has the Faroudja technology - thereby making the HD841 a better deal for HLP owners. Is this true?
Hunted Duck
Unregistered guest
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Keep in mind of the little-know fact that the DCDi technology is only relvant when viewing video material (30 frames/60 fields per second), and not activated when when the MPEG-2 material is film based (i.e., 24 FPS). If you tend to watch a bit of video-based material, such as the commentary or the extras that come with a DVD (most DVD features are encoded at 24 FPS), then DCDi may be relevant; otherwise it is not worth the extra money.
Scott Smetana
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Please help -
Do I need an upconverting DVD player if my DLP has the Faroudja upconversion (Samsung HLP series)??
I have a new Samsung DLP Hl-P4663W, and am looking for a DVD player that is the best match, I would prefer SACD and DVD compatibility. Cost is somewhat of a factor, would not want to go over $400. Any suggestions? I was seriously looking at the Faroudja DCDi technology in the HD941, but now am hearing that Samsung is having serious problems, and it has been delayed and sent back to their engineering department.