Official "Newbie needs to switch from DTV to Dish and what all do I need" thread
CK in NJ
Unregistered guest
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Hello and thank you in advance for taking the time read this.
I'm a newbie of sorts and can work a Mikobu which is the extent of my skill level. I've decided to make the switch to Dish as I'm giving up on DTV at this point.
What exactly do I need to purchase so that I an watch movies and sports pay per views with Dish the same way I did with my P3 and Mikobu?
Again, thank you in advance for any time & help you can provide. Maybe this thread can be used to help other Newbies who will in turn increase their skill level to pay it forward to others later on.
Thanks! CK in NJ
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ck listen all u have to do is go to and click on to the square that reads getting started and read. it will explain everything in one helped me and i am good to go.hope this works and good luck!
Thanks lonewolf. I'm new too. I have no knowledge whatsover on dish/direct, P3 stuff, hacking??, cards?.. I know we want to either go Dish or DirectTV, not cable anymore. I'm trying to search on learning more about this. I'll check out that link. =)
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aileen b listen dish is a lot better it takes just a little more effort but once ur on its really good. a nicer clear picture compared to u say ur new to all this so was i but i did do alot of reading and asked questions and i dont consider myself a pro but i have dish with all ppv hbos and everything. all u need is to get a 2700 model receiver with a jtag hole under it.then get a jtag reader from that same site,also get a magic card with programer and that is all. right now i have a legit subscription with dish with no contract and i can cancel at anytime the only thing is i have to return their equipment that now use no cards.i got my receiver from ebay for 85.00 and it works great from everything i have read it is the easiest to program it wasnt difficult at all.oh and aileen forget about the p3 it is dead. if u have any more questions just post a msg i am always around. hope this helps!!!!!!!
thanks lonewolf! I went to that site and there was ALOT of info. I kinda got overwhelmed and felt like giving up. I'm gonna go back and keep reading. I'll check out the 2700 model receiver you mentioned... how much do you think all this stuff will cost ball park? I'll definately check ebay too. So do i get the dish from that site as well? thanks again.. and i'll probably ask u more questions as I learn more. ~a
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aileen listen when i decided to switch over to dish i to was a little confused,but what i did was read and read. the reason i said to get a model 2700 cause it is very easy to get the info out of it by using the j-tag,there are many people that dont like the model but i tell u from expierence it is easy to work on. now for what it cost=reciever 85.00 jtag i dont remember but if u go to that site i mentioned it will tell u i got it from there,the mc with programer a little less than 100.00. u can get the reciever from e-bay they always have em for sale.hope this helps! and dont give up!!!!!u will do just fine! good luck and ask all the questions u want i will be around!
Unregistered guest
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aileen one last thing i would just subscribe to dish get the minimum it cost only 29.95 per mos.with no annual commitment and u can cancel anytime. and the equipment is free til u cancel cause u have to turn it all back in. it will save u money in the long run and u wont have to worry about charlie!